Twilight: Leah/Jasper

Jan 12, 2009 18:36

Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Leah Clearwater/Jasper Hale
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: G for the most part. PG13
Warnings: Slight talk of sex.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. At all. Really.


Normally the weight of everybody’s feelings overwhelms him, but the weight of hers makes him feel oddly comforted.


The first time their lips meet she’s shocked with cold and he’s shocked with heat and together they melt.


He knows that all her hardness is just to cover her soft skin underneath, so he tries to be as gentle as possible.


He sees the trust in Alice’s eyes and pain overwhelms him as he thinks of his betrayal.


He’s seen werewolves eat before and he was disgusted, but watching her stab her potatoes and lift them to her mouth, he could watch her eat all day.


She says she hates the rain, but brushing his soaking hair out of his eyes, she thinks maybe it’s not so bad.


Popping the chocolate into her mouth, Jasper feels a wave of pleasure roll off her body and he wonders what he’s missing.


When she’s with him, every other feeling is numbed except the intense feelings of being so happy she could fly.


He asks her if she loves him and she grips the phone so hard she crushes it to pieces.


His families hearing is so advanced he has to whisper in her ear so quietly he’s not sure she can even hear.


The first time she ever says his name she likes it so much she lies in bed that night and repeats it, over and over.


The first time they touch isn’t sexual at all, but in a way so sensual they both know it’s as guilty as sex.


When her mother dies she curls up into him and whimpers, too hurt to even cry, and for the first time her feelings are so strong he can’t even numb them.


She goes to bars and picks up boys and pretends that the stranger beneath her, on top of her, beside her, has skin like ice and eyes like topaz jewels.


The first time they touch, he’s filled with warmth, and when she pulls away Jasper is cold for the first time in over 150 years.


He’s a vampire, all hardness and strength and bravery, but one look from her and he’s reduced to a pile of ashes, without even a fire.


He hates seeing her cry, but he takes pride knowing he’s the only one she trusts enough to wipe her tears.


The first time they ever race he lets her win, and she pounces on him and growls and the next time, she still beats him.


A gust of wind blows and she crinkles her nose and tells him he smells but the truth is she doesn’t mind so much anymore.


He works hard to overpower her feelings for Sam, and for the first time in a while she feels truly free.


He reflects on his life over the past hundred and something years and he thinks he’s never felt as alive as when he is with her.


She watches as he touches his wife gently on the small of her back and a surge of jealousy takes her over.


The first time his hands touch her skin, she gasps loudly, and only half because of the cold.


He wants, so badly, to put his mouth to her skin, but for the first time its not the taste of her blood he’s after.


He promised Alice they would be together forever, but he gradually feels his devotion wavering and he knows there’s nothing he can do (will do?) to stop that.


Sometimes, the thought of forever scares him, but then he remembers she can live forever, too, and he’s not as scared any more.


He thirsts for blood, real, human blood, with every fibre of his being, but with her, the thirst is dulled, and he doesn’t feel like such a monster.


He hasn’t been sick in years, but whenever he’s away from her he feels as if he’s taken ill.


Edwards’ the musician, and she’s never had the patience for music, but their bodies together make a melody sweeter then any instrument ever could.


She catches him on a day when the sun is shining, and watching him, she thinks that he’s brighter then any star in the world.


They say that home is where your heart is, but Leah had learned the safest place for your heart was in your chest- so why had she given it to a vampire?


Leah walks into the room and he gets an overwhelming feeling of confusion, and she wonders if he knows he’s the reason for her confusion.


She’s not afraid of anything, but running her hands over his crescent shaped scars, she finds herself terrified of something long since past.


Thunder cracks and lightning rolls and Leah knows she could face any storm with Jasper by her side.


They lay together in her bed and Leah knows the bonds they’ve formed are stronger even then imprinting.


Going shopping with Alice takes forever, but he keeps Leah on his mind and it’s not so unbearable.


Jasper’s still living in the past, but he still smiles at every text he gets that says i luv u.


He has the money to buy her the world, but she tells him she’s happy with just him.


He smiles and strokes her face and wonders to himself how she could be happy with someone like him.


Sometimes she says things that make him so mad, but she looks at him with innocent eyes and he can’t remember why he was angry.


Jasper’s been alive for more then 150 years, and he’s never felt so complete.


Sometimes, Leah would get a look on her face, and Jasper would kill to know what she was thinking with her head in the clouds.


Leah doesn’t tell him that she’s thinking about him when she’s living in the sky.


Leah thinks that if there’s a heaven, it’s what she feels when Jasper touches her.


Leah presses her lips to his chest, and Jasper figures, why not- he’s going to hell anyway.


She coaxes him out into the sun because the truth is she’s never seen anything as beautiful as his sparkling skin.


He looks at the moon reflected in her eyes and realizes then even though she’s a werewolf, he loves her anyway.


He holds her hand as the waves splash at their feet and she tells him fiercely she doesn’t care what Sam says, he can be here if he wants.


Her hair falls into his face as she leans over him and for once the smell isn’t that bad.


When she meets his lips with hers, the world explodes into a supernova of feeling and suddenly forever isn’t long enough.

twilight, !set alpha

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