(no subject)

Jul 15, 2008 11:02

Title: Sake And Senbonzakura
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Matsumoto Rangiku x Kuchiki Byakuya
Theme Set: Delta
Rating: M


He tells himself she has no effect on him and pretends that his breath doesn’t catch in his throat as he watches her fight.


He was greatly amused by the fallibility of man the first time he heard the story; now, as Rangiku crunches absentmindedly into a rose-red apple, he feels he understands the temptation a little more.


Ask Rangiku when it all began and she’ll frown, saying it’s difficult to explain; ask Byakuya, and he’ll ignore you while thinking it was really quite easy.


When Rangiku shows up to the Shinigami Woman’s Association with pictures of a shirtless Byakuya, her friends all assume she bugged the Kuchiki Mansion; while Rangiku’s rather insulted that they think she'd need to sink so low, she realises it’s probably best for their mental health if they don’t know the truth just yet.


“It’s an aphrodisiac,” she murmurs, kissing the corner of his mouth; he glances briefly at the thermos before ignoring it, the message evident in the breathtaking kiss he returns to her (who needs it?).


When it comes to that woman, he can only ignore his feelings and keep himself in the dark for so long - which, when it boils down to it, isn’t very long at all.


“Byakuya! Where’d all the sake go?”


She hadn’t unlocked the door to his shuttered heart; in fact, she’d rather effectively smashed it in with a battering ram and steamrolled over the pieces.


“C’mon, Byakuya, give it a taste - it’s clear, see, just like water!”


It takes him a long time to realise that she doesn’t put on a mask when it comes to doing her duty; she really is that capable and controlled and courageous, she just prefers not to be.


She is one of the most down to earth people he’s ever met and for the life of him he can’t figure out how others don’t see it.


“When are you going to figure out that this doesn’t have to end, Byakuya?”


It was the single most undignified thing he could think of, and yet he couldn’t quite stop himself falling in love with Matsumoto Rangiku.


She was life, she was passion, and she had just set his desk on fire on the premise that he had too much paperwork.


“You are the most stubborn man I’ve ever had to deal with in my life; why did I have to go and fall in love with you?”


His bankai may have given him wings, but the only time he ever felt like he was flying was with her.


The food she ate boggled the mind, but nonetheless when it was offered to him, he accepted.


It wasn’t her breasts that first enticed him, but rather the first time she tripped in front of him and he caught a glimpse of a perfectly turned ankle.


“I believe you’d like her,” he said quietly to Hisana’s shrine one hot summer’s night when Rangiku was in the real world.


She waved her hands in front of her face, trying to calm herself down before bursting into fresh peals of laughter, exclaiming - “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but if you’d just told me you were allergic we wouldn’t be having this problem!”


She’d lost her heart to men before, but Byakuya was the only one she’d ever lost her head around.


She hated seeing him around the Clan, watching that hollow look freeze over his face as he changed from her Byakuya into theirs.


“Your definition of honour and mine are obviously two separate ideas - and don’t you dare intimate that I don’t have any,” she spat at the amassed ranks of the Clan before turning on her heel and leaving.


It was a soul-destroying thing, hope, yet he couldn’t help but hold on to it as he watched her fight the traitor Ichimaru.


It was a light touch at first, barely a brushing of hands, but he could see by the smirk on her face as she passed that it was entirely intentional.


“Are you lost, Kuchiki-sama?” she asked, more than a little surprised to see the stoic noble in her bar.


“Jeez, what is this thing made of, metal?” she grumbled as she tried to pull the kenseikan from his hair.


Funnily enough, once the newness of the whole feeling wore off, she found she quite liked being in love with him.


It wasn’t the first time he’d fallen in love, but that by no means made him an old hand at it; nonetheless, he had more experience than she, so he supposed it only made sense for him to be the one to guide her.


There was never any peace and quiet when she was around, but he discovered as time went on that he rather liked it that way.


He wasn’t stupid; he knew the true cause of his first wife’s death, and he would do anything to protect his second from that fate - not, she informed him irritably, that she couldn’t protect herself


Pretty, Rangiku insisted, wasn’t the word to describe her (she was mind blowingly gorgeous, of course) - were they to apply it to him, she’d be more inclined to agree.


A secret wish of hers had always been to have a pathetically cheesy kiss in the rain; Byakuya took one look at her face when the heavens opened and sighed, taking her hand and leading her outside.


Rangiku lived by a ‘no regrets’ policy, which meant that when the chance came for her to kiss a mildly intoxicated Kuchiki Byakuya, she seized it by its ridiculously expensive scarf and took it.


Lilacs, she had said in surprise when he showed up on her doorstep after a particularly nasty fight; his eyes had softened in the way that meant he was smiling hopefully on the inside and told her he had heard she didn’t like roses.


“It’s a secret,” Rangiku teased before catching Byakuya’s eye above his sister’s head and smirking; Rukia grumbled under her breath about useless advice-givers who wouldn’t answer perfectly legitimate questions about love.


It was difficult to remember that before he was a traitor Ichimaru was a person, but for the sake of Rangiku when she came home drunk and determined to be happy about it, he tried.


His reaction when the carefully crafted snowball hit the side of his face wasn’t surprising (a slow blink and a resigned sigh); what did catch her off guard was his return volley getting her square on the nose.


“You know, I sometimes wonder if any of this is real,” she whispered, tracing soft patterns on his skin.


He’d compared her to spring, once (a beautiful new beginning) and she had promptly hit him on the shoulder and ordered him not to be so cheesy.


His relationship with Rangiku was not the stable, calm thing he’d had with Hisana; rather it was wild, volatile, and he found that he didn’t mind getting lost in it quite so much as he though he might.


After all this time, one would think he’d learnt not to touch any of the food she offered him.


“It’s so hot,” she complained, and Byakuya choked as she unceremoniously dropped her clothes and fell face first onto the bed.


“And you know what, I don’t care if your family thinks this is wrong, because we’re in love and that’s all that matters…right?”


Rangiku knew it was meant to be when she was talking to Yumichika about it over coffee and all he could do was exclaim over the beauty of their relationship.


As much as she tried to hide it, Byakuya knew the war had cut Rangiku far deeper than it had him; for Rangiku, the fact that he saw this when she tried so hard to hide it was the deciding factor that tipped her over the edge from lust to love.


“See something you like?” she enquired archly, leaning against the bathroom doorway as his eyes tracked a bead of water curling down her thigh.


“Welcome home,” she murmured, and it didn’t matter that they were stuck in the middle of a never ending war because so long as she was there he was home.


“All things come to an end,” he insisted; she merely rolled her eyes, poked him in the shoulder and told him that it wasn’t winter yet so shut the hell up.


And somehow, he’d changed from this stoic, empty man into a human being - not because she’d asked him to, but rather because he’d wanted to do it for her.

!set delta, bleach

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