Fandom: OZ
Pairing: Vern Schillinger/Tobias Beecher
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: To be safe, NC-17. Probably closer to R, though.
Warnings: Rape, violence, racism, homophobia, drug use.
#01 - Ring
He’s staring at the still-white band around his finger when he tells Schillinger that his wife’s divorcing him, telling Schillinger it’s because of the burned-in-swastika his wife’s divorcing him; Schillinger’s only comment is that his wife has probably run off with a Jew, or something.
#02 - Hero
Schillinger’s burned a swastika on his butt, made him dress like a girl, and fucked him up the ass, but when Beecher catches Adebisi’s hungry eyes on him, Schillinger is always instantly made a hero.
#03 - Memory
Sometimes, with the pictures of his family torn up, Beecher can’t even remember his wife’s face; it’s only when Schillinger is kissing him, touching him, that he can remember her eyes; her hair; her smell, and think it’s going to be all right, it’s going to be all right…
#04 - Box
The only time the pod itself feels like a box, like an entrapment, is when he’s pressed tight, sandwiched between a wall and Schillinger.
#05 - Run
O’Reily asks Beecher to help in a drug run, and Beecher’s halfway through saying ‘yes’, before he catches Schillinger’s eyes on him and he says ‘no’.
#06 - Hurricane
There’s a rush of wild, crazy emotions, the night Beecher’s wife says she’s divorcing him, and he’s left the next morning not sure if it was rape or consensual the night before-- because at this moment it feels like a bit of both.
#07 - Wings
He’s been sentenced to death by Schillinger and survived (so far), slammed the chair into the glass, cut the crap out of Schillinger, and, standing on the railing, he’s on top of the world: Even without wings, he’s sure he can fly.
#08 - Cold
It’s cold one night, and when Beecher protests against sleeping in the same bunk, it’s only to keep up appearances-- he gives an extra loud ‘Fuck you!’ before he shuffles deep against Schillinger’s side.
#09 - Red
The lipstick he’s wearing leaves a smear against Schillinger’s shirt when Vern bucks up, hip thrust, and comes inside him (and then, Schillinger, panting, looks down and sees the mark on his shirt, “Oh, Bitcher, good thing you’re doing the laundry tomorrow.”)
#10 - Drink
To deal with Schillinger, Beecher had hoped more than anything just to get a beer, but O’Reily’s heroin is a fair distraction, too.
#13 - View
Beecher asks Schillinger one day if he’s a racist; Schillinger laughs, “Me, hell no-- they should have equal rights-- no, the problem is those niggers don’t appreciate freedom we give them: that’s why they’re beneath us.”
#14 - Music
Sometimes Beecher has weird thoughts when Schillinger’s hands are running up his shirt or down his pants-- thoughts like if he had music on when he killed Kathy Rockwell--, and when he has these thoughts, he says something loud and insolent and as fucking crude as he can make it, with the hopes that it will piss Schillinger off; make Schillinger fuck him just that much harder.
#15 - Silk
The dress is silk-smooth-soft and is so hot it feels absolutely freezing, ice-against-skin, when Schillinger slides the zipper down and laughs, “You know, Beecher, when you dress like that, you remind me of my mother.”
#16 - Cover
He pretends that pulling a sheet over his head will keep it all from being real, but then the covers are pulled back and Schillinger gives him a quick kiss before saying, “Get up, sunshine,” and there’s nothing as horribly real as that.
#17 - Promise
“We’re both gonna get paroled soon, what say we make a big old gathering once we get out, both our families, yeah, Bitcher?”
#18 - Dream
Schillinger has this dream of killing Jews or blacks or druggies, or whatever prejudice is greatest that night, that scares the shit out of Beecher because the motherfucker laughs.
#19 - Candle
He tells Schillinger during a round of ‘How was your day, darling?’ that he asked Father Mukada to light a candle for Jefferson Keane; this is a mistake, because suddenly that game’s over and a new one’s begun, with his tongue sliding on the underside of Schillinger’s dick.
#20 - Talent
“You’ve got such a pretty voice, prag,” Schillinger says the day after the Variety show, and soon Beecher’s doing a repeat performance for the Aryans.
#21 - Silence
When it comes to sex, silence is golden; the guards won’t intervene, in the darkness of night, without sound- and there are plenty of reasons for Schillinger to kill him already, Scott-Ross-and-back-talk-and-drug-reasons, so it never really occurs to Beecher why he doesn’t scream, just once.
#22 - Journey
Schillinger heard from his father that his kids started using drugs; Beecher willingly played the role of a punching bag that night, and in the morning Schillinger was nicer than he’d ever been during Beecher’s stay at Oz.
#23 - Fire
Schillinger fucks him in the shower only once, and when it happens, he slips, or Schillinger slips, and even though Schillinger catches himself on the wall enough to keep thrusting, Beecher still ends up gasping mouthfuls of water off the floor, and it’s pretty fucking amazing how much like fire water feels when you think you’re drowning.
#24 - Strength
Sometimes he looks to Schillinger for support-- and he has to remind himself, over and over, that it’s only because there’s no one else.
#25 - Mask
Beecher feels nice some days, real nice, and forgets the advice about not smiling; Schillinger always analyzes him for several minutes before telling him to knock it off.
#26 - Ice
Sometimes the most perverse pleasure Schillinger gets is just something small, like how sliding cold feet up Beecher’s shirt makes the ex-lawyer jump.
#27 - Fall
Beecher falls only because Schillinger pushed him, but when Vern offers a hand, he still says, “Thank you, sir.”
#28 - Forgotten
Schillinger tells him, point blank, bluntly, to pull his pants down, and he still turns and says, “What?!” even though they’ve done this routine many times before.
#29 - Dance
“My relationship with Schillinger…” Beecher looks at the sister, then looks away, “is an intricate dance that I always mess up by tripping and falling on my face.”
#30 - Body
Schillinger’s favorite part of Beecher’s body is the swastika scar, and, just to show Beecher he’s very appreciative, he runs his fingers and tongue in the grooves.
#32 - Farewells
Their lives have been full of terrible goodbyes; of children’s prejudices not matching their own, of wives divorcing behind glass, of hateful hated fathers and of uncaring law partners, but Beecher shitting in Schillinger’s face is probably the worst.
#31 - Sacred
Schillinger believes in God; believes in God and believes homosexuality is wrong-- and when Beecher tries to point out the hypocrisy between Schillinger’s beliefs and actions, it almost always ends up with him being fucked up the ass (he bites his tongue to keep from saying that this is exactly his point.)
#33 - World
He sees his mother and she’s exactly as she was before; it’s probably self-centered that he expects the world to change, since he has.
#34 - Formal
“Beecher--” he starts again, but Beecher interrupts, staring deep into Schillinger‘s one good eye: “Why so formal, Vern; we’ve known each other so intimately, surely we’re on a first name basis?”
#35 - Fever
Beecher’s hot, cold, hot, cold, shaking, yelling, twitching, as the lack of heroin runs its course: Schillinger squats beside him, pets Beecher’s hair, and tells him it’s for his own good.
#36 - Laugh
Beecher’s laughing at Schillinger’s joke before he remembers he hates that Nazi fuck and quickly looks away, silent.
#37 - Lies
He’s poring over the Keane case hoping for appeal, and saying he’s appealing for O’Reily when he feels Schillinger’s hands on his chest and hears Vern’s voice in his ear, asking isn’t he really fucking bored with that mick bastard’s case; he says “Uh…no, sir, no, not really,”, but it’s never mattered what he’s said, and soon he’s flat on his stomach, bent double over the bottom bunk, face in the strewn law papers.
#38 - Forever
“What you don’t seem to understand is that you’re mine…forever.”
#39 - Overwhelmed
Oz, itself, is not quite as overwhelming as Schillinger’s dick in his mouth, his tongue jerking as he tries to gag, but hands in his hair keeping him in place as Schillinger comes.
#40 - Whisper
Schillinger’s not so frightening when he yells-- more so when he’s a mouth against an ear, a whisper in the dark.
#41 - Wait
“Vern, baby, I’m not as dumb, as weak as you think I am; you just wait-- you think you’ll be out on parole before your sons wind up dead, needles in their arms and poor daddy Vern Schillinger so disgraced and all that-- but you won’t, I’ll make sure you won’t-” his breath catches as Schillinger slams him against a wall, and Beecher just puts his hands out as a CO drags a raging Schillinger back, “Fucking your parole, fucking you, will be the easiest goddamn thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
#42 - Talk
Sometimes they talk- really talk, for hours on end, and if they avoid the topics of blacks and Jews and drugs, and if they can talk without somehow turning it all into a fucking session, sometimes they truly like each other (and that’s more frightening than hating each other).
#43 - Search
He realizes God is worthless to look for when his prayers seem to coincide with Schillinger fucking him (harder, harder, harder…)
#44 - Hope
One night, Schillinger said, “Not tonight, darling, I have a headache,” and every time since then, Beecher hopes that that someday, some night, that phrase will be repeated.
#45 - Eclipse
Most the time, Beecher knows that Schillinger raped him, but sometimes there’s a doubt, because he deserved it and asked for it and wanted to be punished for his crime, but then he sees that Nazi fucker’s half-blind face, and the rise of hatred and satisfaction burns in his stomach, and there’s no doubt in his mind.
#46 - Gravity
There’s more gravity in actions than there are words, in Oz; that’s why you don’t smile, that’s why you don’t wink, and that’s why Schillinger knows that patting Beecher’s ass says more than words ever could.
#47 - Highway
“I know it’s a long road to cleanliness, purity, but you‘ll…you‘ll make it--” Schillinger starts out, almost comforting, fatherly, but when Beecher laughs, he drops it, “because if you don’t nip this fucking junkie habit of yours in the bud, I’m going to knock the shit out of you.”
#48 - Unknown
On his birthday, Schillinger folds a shirt once and then ties it over his eyes; he reaches up, mouth open to object, but Schillinger catches his hands, binds them behind his back, “You don’t want to spoil the surprise, do you?”, and pushes him into the unknown.
#49 - Lock
His knees lock and he has to bite his hand to keep from yelling, tears pour down his face and his muscles convulse, but Schillinger just keeps on: in, out, in, out, in…
#50 - Breathe
Just once, when the day’s been too hard and Emerald City too much, Beecher makes sure the kiss with Schillinger lasts so long, is so hard, so passionate, that even with deep draws of air through his nose, his burning lungs still tell him he’s forgotten how to breathe.