(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 22:01

Fandom: Dragon Knights
Pairing: Ruwalk/Alfeegi
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: Pretty much PG13, probably safe for work if you've got good reflexes.

1. Ruwalk firmly believes that everything looks better after coffee, Alfeegi makes exceptions.

2. Both of them taste like coffee, since they drink so much.

3. Ruwalk’s hands are like silk, knowing neither sword nor pen, only flesh.

4. “You can’t hurt me, there’s too much lube,” he lies firmly, and draws Ruwalk down to him.

5. Ruwalk, raised among the glittering elite, wouldn’t know a raw potato if it smacked him in the head; Alfeegi cooks them that night so they don’t go hungry.

6. When it rains, both of them retreat to their own rooms; the idea of going to the other for comfort never crosses their stubborn little minds.

7. Alfeegi never tasted chocolate before Ruwalk gave it to him, and had he, he wouldn’t have liked it.

8. Alfeegi’s not happy unless he has something to scream about; this is a problem for Ruwalk.

9. God help Ruwalk if they live long enough to see cell phones for he won’t be able to hide from work anymore.

10. Alfeegi’s ears turn red when he’s embarrassed; Ruwalk thinks that’s cute and resolves to see it as much as possible.

11. They always thought Ruwalk had named Rath cruelly, but only Alfeegi knew he regretted it later.

12. Thatz once mistook Ruwalk for a courtesan, Alfeegi laughed because it was truer than the boy knew.

13. Ruwalk was too late to stop it; Alfeegi hadn’t been.

14. They could go a week, a month, without it and not notice, converstion is much more important to them.

15. “Ngh…not there…lower…yes…ogod…” There was nothing that Alfeegi liked better than a backrub.

16. They gave Ruwalk a sword once, and he nearly cut off his own foot, thereafter Alfeegi had to protect him.

17. Ruwalk hasn’t cried for him, because he’s afraid if he starts, he’ll never stop.

18. He wasn’t fast enough, twice, and that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

19. The wind mixes their hair together; the dork factor increases tenfold.

20. Ruwalk doesn’t understand the pull of freedom, but he helps Kai-stern anyways; this is half the reason he gets so little sex.

21. The other half is they’ll live forever, and they can always do it tomorrow.

22. Ruwalk can’t look Rath in the eyes, because Rath came back and Alfeegi didn’t.

23. Alfeegi’s hands were surprisingly strong, even after all these years as a secretary he could still break bones with his grip, but Ruwalk never found out, despite ample oppurtunity.

24. It may be bitter, but Ruwalk’s not tasted enough of that in his life, and he swallows every last drop.

25. It took forty-five years to get Alfeegi to even open up to him, but Ruwalk’s not counting.

26. Forever seemed intolerable until they met, and to Ruwalk, it still is.

27. The blood just kept coming, and it almost seemed that even the power of the Dragon Emperor wouldn’t be enough, and Alfeegi learned to pray then, and when it didn’t work, he neve did it again.

28. “You’re going to make yourself sick, working so much.”

29. Ruwalk whistles when he’s happy, and that always makes Alfeegi smile.

30. Alfeegi tries to tell Ruwalk that she’s become that new star in the sky, but she’s still dead and it’s still Ruwalk’s fault.

31. Ruwalk’s never seen Alfeegi’s home because Alfeegi is ashamed of its poverty; Alfeegi’s never seen Ruwalk’s home because Ruwalk is ashamed of its lack of love.

32. His first day, and Alfeegi is lost among a sea of hostile bastards, except one who seems to have nothing to do but hang around and bug him and just why can’t he get a hint?

33. When Alfeegi is gone, Ruwalk stays up late, drinking cup after cup of tea until its taste is indistingushable from fear.

34. Alfeegi is a voice like thunder and a temper lightning-quick, Ruwalk is a tree bending in every wind, and together they are solidity incarnate.

35. Both of them know there is one man that they are bonded to more tightly than love, and they trust that man to never tear them apart; he does not betray their trust.

36. You can’t let either of them near a market; Alfeegi will walk half-way across the city to save three pennies, and Ruwalk doesn’t know how many coppers make a piece of gold.

37. Ruwalk was once locked out of his own room because they had replaced the locks and he couldn’t figure out how to make it work; Alfeegi resuced him, and the next morning Ruwalk wished he had though of that much earlier as he looked for his pants.

38. He realizes he has nothing special to remember him by, nothing taken, nothing given, and there is no proof they were in love.

39. It’s not fair, that Alfeegi’s “I’ve so got you now,” smirk is so sexy.

40. Alfeegi didn’t know that people could be so mean before he came, and Ruwalk’s never slept inside a cow: who’s had the better deal?

41. “Are you done with the paperwork yet, and why do I ask you when I know the answer is no?”

42. They never have the time to just sit and look at the clouds, which bothers Ruwalk in a dim way.

43. Ruwalk’s written embarrasingly bad poetry praising Alfeegi’s hair, since is the color of the sky.

44. When she comes to take him to Heaven, she comes in the wrong shape.

45. Ruwalk thinks sometimes he’s died and gone to Hell, because he can’t stop hating Rath.

46. Rath and Ruwalk drag Alfeegi out for a picnic on a sunny day.

47. Their first kiss was an escape from a moon-viewing party.

48. The pain comes in waves, but he welcomes it, it’s far less than he’ll deserve if the kid hurts Alfeegi.

49. They have the dorkiest hair ever, yet it’s somehow right on them: possibly because they are dorks.

50. Alfeegi’s anger is like a supernova, except when it’s turned inward as a whisper.

Alright, a little explanation of the two. Ruwalk and Alfeegi are cabinet members of Draqueen. Ruwalk’s the Secretary of State, and as far as we can tell, does no work except to piss Alfeegi off. His main duties seem to be tracking down various people and looking pretty. Alfeegi is the one really running the show and spends a lot of time screaming. He’s the only one that actually works. Ruwalk is not allowed sharp objects because he’s clumsy as hell and has been beaten up by small children multiple times. Despite being a decent fighter, Alfeegi is dead. They also both have really dorky hair.

dragon knights, !set alpha

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