[Dynasty Warriors] Zhao Yun x Jiang Wei

Oct 01, 2007 12:54

Fandom: Dynasty Warriors
Pairing: Zhao Yun/Jiang Wei
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: Ehhh, it's pretty tame, so... the highest would be PG?
Warnings: Teh Ghey, slight OOC-ness (I suppose), not-so-strict timeline, crappiness (because I wrote it harharhar)

#01 - Motion

When Jiang Wei first caught sight of Zhao Yun on the battlefield, he was immediately taken by the way the Shu officer wielded his spear; it was as if the weapon was a part of the person himself.

#02 - Cool

He was sure it was just a trick of the eye - he was blinking in disbelief from actually managing to disarm the enemy officer, and there was a slight buzz in his ear - but when the blade of his trident pressed dangerously close to Zhao Yun’s collar, he thought he saw the man shiver.

#03 - Young

"You’re younger than I thought you would be," Zhao Yun commented, when Jiang Wei was introduced to him as a newly-appointed Shu officer; Jiang Wei didn’t know if he should take it as a compliment or an insult.

#04 - Last

On days when there was no fighting and Zhuge Liang allowed him to do as he pleased instead of studying the strategist’s collection of books, Jiang Wei would watch as Zhao Yun meticulously inspected his spear from one end to the other; when he asked him why he did that so often, the older man replied: "because I need the honour of its service for many battles to come."

#05 - Wrong

One wrong step and that’s all it took - Jiang Wei fell backwards as Zhao Yun’s spear sliced a tear in his shoulder; he hastily got back up and they continued sparring as if nothing had happened, but he noticed that Zhao Yun was trying to be more careful, and the thought caused his cheeks to burn (for it was a huge shame to have your sparring partner go easy on you).

#06 - Gentle

"No," he replied, jaw firm, when Zhao Yun asked him if the pain was too much; Zhao Yun smiled at Jiang Wei’s response, his touch gentle as he cleaned the wound on the young man’s shoulder.

#07 - One

Jiang Wei did not mention anything about the single, small crease he saw beside Zhao Yun’s left eye when the general smiled.

#08 - Thousand

Zhao Yun was baffled when he found his room littered with paper cranes; Zhuge Liang, who just so happened to pass by, merely suggested that the general ask his disciple regarding the matter.

#09 - King

Zhao Yun may not be the one in control of their positions in war, but to Jiang Wei, he was the emperor who held the reins of his emotions.

#10 - Learn

Jiang Wei found it difficult to concentrate; his thoughts often wandered to a certain Shu officer, much to Zhuge Liang’s displeasure.

#11 - Blur

"Hold on," he gasped, hunching over; Zhao Yun stopped at the top of the stairs, but Jiang Wei couldn’t see his expression - in his dizziness, the older warrior was just a vague silhouette.

#12 - Wait

Zhao Yun stood where he was until Jiang Wei had regained his breath, and as the young man approached his level, he couldn’t help but tease; Jiang Wei grunted in response, and Zhao Yun’s smile grew sincere - "I would have waited for you forever."

#13 - Change

"How about this?" asked Jiang Wei, face powdered and lips painted deep red; he raised an eyebrow and looked mildly offended as Zhao Yun fled the room.

#14 - Command

"Take it all off," snapped the younger of the two; Zhao Yun was taken aback by the sheer control contained in Jiang Wei’s voice - Jiang Wei, who would usually allow him to take on the more dominant role.

#15 - Hold

When they were in bed, Zhao Yun would hold Jiang Wei’s hand against his chest, right over his heart, and the former soldier of Wei felt a strange sense of comfort at the gesture.

#16 - Need

"I need you"; "yes - yes, I know".

#17 - Vision

Jiang Wei didn’t need any light; even with the lanterns off, he could see the peaceful look on Zhao Yun’s face as he slept.

#18 - Attention

"Look at me," he pleaded, as the horses began trotting away; Ma Chao spared him a glance, but Zhao Yun rode his horse straight on, and only when Jiang Wei had returned to Zhuge Liang’s study did he look back.

#19 - Soul

Every night, Jiang Wei left his door open so that Zhao Yun could return - just in case.

#20 - Picture

The image of Zhao Yun’s back was imprinted clearly in his mind, and Jiang Wei wished he had turned back so that he could remember his face.

#21 - Fool

Sometimes, Jiang Wei would get so lost in thought that Xing Cai had to slap him in order to get his attention.

#22 - Mad

The guards felt that Jiang Wei was no longer himself; one of them reported that he saw the Shu officer cutting at his shoulder with a broken piece of vase until it bled all over his clothes.

#23 - Child

"Cease this behaviour at once," said Zhuge Liang, staring into his pupil’s eyes.

#24 - Now

"I must go their aid at once - no, we can’t afford to wait - prime minister, please, let me go!"

#25 - Shadow

Jiang Wei sat in his room in despair; Zhuge Liang had forbidden him from stepping out of the premises, choosing to send other officers as reinforcements instead.

#26 - Goodbye

As he lay in his tent, body bruised and battered, Zhao Yun wondered why he had refused to say goodbye.

#27 - Hide

It rained heavily throughout the entire period of Jiang Wei’s confinement; not once did the sun come out to shine.

#28 - Fortune

Jiang Wei wished he had all the gold in the world; he could hire thousands of nameless, faceless soldiers and not have to worry at all.

#29 - Safe

News that their main forces were still alive despite heavy injuries was like music to Jiang Wei’s ears.

#30 - Ghost

Jiang Wei was resting his head by the windowsill - eyes closed - when someone touched him on the forehead; he looked up in shock, and then relief.

#31 - Book

He reached out through the open window and clasped Zhao Yun’s face between his hands; he studied every feature and committed everything into memory.

#32 - Eye

Zhao Yun smiled, and Jiang Wei realised that it had been quite a while; there was now more than one crinkle on the tired general’s face.

#33 - Never

"I’ll never leave without saying goodbye again," he vowed.

#34 - Sing

The return of their soldiers was like a breath of fresh air; Jiang Wei kept the windows open so that he could hear the nightingales.

#35 - Sudden

Zhao Yun was walking past Zhuge Liang’s study when a crash, followed by laughter erupted from within; startled, he peered inside, smiling when he saw Jiang Wei trying not to burst into another laughing fit at his tutor, who had dropped a rather heavy tome on his foot and was grimacing slightly.

#36 - Stop

"I think you shouldn’t fight anymore," said Jiang Wei one day, as they were having tea.

#37 - Time

"You’re not getting any younger," he added, later that day; Zhao Yun didn’t reply.

#38 - Wash

Zhao Yun liked having his back scrubbed by Jiang Wei; Jiang Wei preferred cleaning his own back himself.

#39 - Torn

Jiang Wei felt an unnecessary pang of jealousy when Xing Cai stitched up the tear in Zhao Yun’s pants; he asked her to teach him how to mend clothes, but she laughed instead.

#40 - History

Jiang Wei fell asleep while Zhuge Liang was explaining a particular tactic often used in the past; the strategist rapped him on the head with his knuckles and told him to stop dreaming.

#41 - Power

The Dragon of Changshan was not merely named on a whim; Jiang Wei marveled at the muscles on Zhao Yun’s back when he thought the other man wasn’t looking.

#42 - Bother

Jiang Wei liked staying up late to gaze at the stars; when he retired to bed, he did so quietly in order not to disturb the sleeping figure in his bed.

#43 - God

They once stopped by a shrine on the way to battle; Jiang Wei prayed hard for Zhao Yun’s safety, but neglected praying for his own.

#44 - Wall

The castle was sturdy and its huge doors would not budge, and it took the Shu forces more than a month to break in; Jiang Wei once kicked it out of frustration, much to Zhao Yun’s chagrin.

#45 - Naked

Even though they were both lying unclothed in their shared tent, they did not feel naked at all.

#46 - Drive

Zhao Yun’s spirit spurred Jiang Wei to fight harder, and between them, they toppled a massive number of enemy troops.

#47 - Harm

"Don’t chase him," Zhao Yun called out; Jiang Wei was furious, but he obeyed, rushing to Zhao Yun’s side to check on the wound which was left behind by the fleeing Wei soldier.

#48 - Precious

"I’m sorry," he said, once they were back in camp; Zhao Yun said nothing, but patted Jiang Wei on the head.

#49 - Hunger

They were running low on food supplies; Jiang Wei refused to touch a single morsel, and Zhao Yun would give his share to the wounded.

#50 - Believe

"We’ll make it through this," said Jiang Wei through the darkness, his voice cheerful; Zhao Yun nodded, and placed the younger Shu officer’s hand over his heart.

!set epsilon, dynasty warriors

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