Gordon Miller x Hamato Leonardo, TMNT

Sep 23, 2007 02:29

Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pairing: Gordon Miller x Hamato Leonardo
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG-13

Taken from Tales of TMNT: Issue 36. To have any clue as to who Gordon Miller is from this issue and all other possibly necessary info, you'll have to check out my post here. :D

A Strange Partnership

By Kay

I saw you once and I looked into your eyes and there was a connection. I give to you responsibility.

- Unknown

#01 - Walking

They tell all the rookies at the N.Y.P.D. about Miller’s walks-how during the evening shift he leaves Paul all their paperwork, and returns a few hours later to throw away empty Starbucks containers that still smell strongly of jasmine tea, bringing back mud on his shoes and secret pieces of information about the city that always turn out to be true.

#36 - Sordid

“He’s probably having some sordid affair with someone’s wife,” Miller overhears one of the secretaries whisper to another officer as he exits early once again-if only they knew, he thinks wryly.

#03 - Wishes

Miller wishes this were easier, but the only help he has bringing down the Foot happens to be a giant, ninja-trained turtle that raises as many questions as he answers every single meeting they arrange.

#02 - Waltz

Miller idly thinks of it as a waltz sometimes-he takes one step forward, the one called “Leo” takes one step back, and then tomorrow they switch places and do it all over again, gaining ground and trust in each step.

#04 - Wonder

The first time Miller sees Leo in the daylight, night has not yet fallen completely and the sun through the windows of the burnt shell of the antique store uncovers a face much younger, if stranger, than he’d ever assumed-he falls quiet because suddenly Leo is more flesh than shadow, somehow more real when not covered in blood.

#06 - Whimsy

“To you, our existence must seem little more than a whimsy,” says Leo, a trace of a sincere smile appearing and surprising Miller, who can’t recall seeing it before.

#21 - Quiet

They don’t always have information to report and so instead spend the half-hour in silence, watching the stars through the charred remnants of the antique shop-quiet together is different from quiet alone, Miller learns, and Leo says more when he murmurs than when he speaks.

#12 - Blessing

He finds it oddly fascinating, in a manner, the way that this “Leo” treats normal gestures-the cups of coffee Miller brings (hot tea after Leo mentions, idly once, that he misses the taste of sencha) taken with a bow of gratitude, the offers of aid or new supplies met with a intent, unreadable stare.

#25 - Quitting

Even when Leo comes with still-healing gashes in his shell, new scars stretched across his arms, Miller never asks if he’s ready to quit-they are the same, he figures, except for the genes.

#29 - Jewel

Sometimes Leo takes out his ninja-ken and polishes them until they gleam; it’s sort of hypnotic, watching it, and Miller touches his gun briefly in sensory-memory.

#23 - Question

Sometimes Miller asks questions-unnecessary things, but Leo answers them sparsely in careful, measured tones-and in the course of six months, Miller gleans pieces from him, like that Leo’s youngest brother once gave him the Tao of Pooh, that he can quote Nietzsche just as well as Buddha, and that he likes hot sauce on his tacos and washes the rice himself.

#24 - Quarrel

They often argue over what move to make next; as they are both sharp and stubborn in their fury, they are left in broiling stalemates until Leo, who always apologizes first, heavily asks what they should do now.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland

New York has long been ruined beyond repair, but Miller sees, as if a reflection of himself, the reverent way Leo touches every brick and window sill and patch of cement-their curse, he thinks, is hope.

#09 - War

Leo talks about the war between the Foot and his clan (names Miller doesn’t ask, but remembers, vaguely, the Donny and Raph and Mike, spoken with the intimacy of a brother) as though it’s all he’s known; a child born into battle, older than his age which, Miller is shocked to find, is less than half his own.

#10 - Weddings

“Two of my human friends were married today,” Leo says quietly, his gaze farther away than normal as he stares out at the city from the antique store window, and then, as if Miller isn’t even there, “I’ve never been to a wedding.”

#13 - Bias

Miller is biased when it comes to this city; because he’s never known anything else, he hoards it no matter its shortcomings, and sees the same fierceness in Leo’s eyes when they catch a gleam of streetlight.

#28 - Jousting

Leo explains to Miller once about sword fighting-the careful aim of it, the exact force needed to run through a man, how momentum equates into the angle just as much as mercy.

#35 - Sarcasm

Leo can get sarcastic when he’s had a bad day; it’s irritating enough when Miller’s had the same that he plays it back too well, and so they spend a lot of time losing each other somewhere between truth and outrageous lie (yeah, because you‘re the highlight of my day).

#05 - Worry

Leo goes AWOL for two weeks and Miller feels blind, strained thin, because Leo is his eyes and ears, Miller’s just the hands of the law-then a kunai with a familiar patch of red cloth tied to it shows up outside his office window and Miller sleeps easier.

#27 - Jester

In the beginning, a giant turtle was a laughable idea-it becomes second-nature as Leo solidifies into a man in his eyes, however, and Miller figures there’s weirder shit in the world.

#11 - Birthday

Miller spends his thirty-seventh birthday alone-he works his regular shift, has a drink after work, and goes home to an empty apartment with blinds drawn shut.

#15 - Breathing

The kid is damn good-the only time Miller ever hears Leo breathe is when he laughs, and in less forgiving moments he thinks maybe that is the only time Leo is living.

#08 - Whiskey and rum

Leo shows up at Miller’s apartment with bloodied rags wrapped around his body and an address of a warehouse the Foot no longer occupy-it’s late, but it’s a breakthrough because hard evidence is truth in this town-and Miller offers Leo a whisky and rum that leaves a ring of liquor on the table, that Leo doesn’t drink, that Leo touches lightly with his finger before leaving.

#26 - Jump

It takes two months for Leo to visit him in the daylight, six months until they have any real success in their strange partnership, eight before Leo touches Miller’s shoulder for the first time, eleven and a half to learn each other’s life stories-and it’s a year and a half, almost, when Miller finally asks Leo if he wants to eat cheap take-out Chinese on Monday night.

#32 - Sorrow

There’s something indefinably lost in Leo’s face when he mentions his father or missing brother, a melancholy that makes Miller wonder when the last time he missed anything had been.

#34 - Serenade

Miller used to be a tenor in school chorus; he hums Sinatra’s “One For the Road” and can tell from the tilt of Leo’s head that his partner is listening.

#43 - Nuance

Leo’s habits are like his presence, subtle and bare traces-he prefers sitting uncomfortably to standing, fingers skitter across his forehead when he has a migraine, and he holds his body most open when in battle.

#20 - Bane

The Foot are a pain in the ass and a danger Miller itches to bring out into the open public-but he wonders, occasionally, if somehow this bane has become the best thing that ever happened to him.

#18 - Balloon

He doesn’t know why, but the little girl’s red balloon reminds him of Leo; the connection is fleeting, oddly disjointed in his brain, and Miller imperceptibly pauses before striding past them.

#22 - Quirks

Leo’s hand gently stills his fingers and Miller glances up, surprised-his friend only says, very simply, “You have the habit of tapping them too loudly.”

#14 - Burning

The scars delving deep into his shoulder still flare in pain during his nightmares; half-awake, Miller stumbles to the bathroom and heaves into the sink, coming up dry.

#16 - Breaking

Miller doesn’t know why Leo trusted him of all people with the clan’s secrets-sometimes he feels, deeply, innately, that Leo is on the verge of breaking, too alone and tired of balancing on the edge.

#17 - Belief

“It’s more comforting for me to believe life has a sense of order, that things happen for a reason,” says Leo once, tiredly, “but I know better than to accept the easy way out- I can’t avoid condemning my actions.”

#31 - Smirk

It’s a different turtle that comes one day-sai at his belt, his curled smirk unfamiliar-that, after he tells Miller, “Leo said to tell ya he ain’t comin’ today,” stares at him for a long while, grim, as if contemplating something he doesn’t particularly like, and leaves.

#19 - Balcony

“Next time, use the front door,” Miller mutters, shoving on his glasses as he stumbles out of bed-Leo has the grace to look apologetic, framed by the moon in a window whose blinds haven’t been opened for years.

#30 - Just

Once upon a time, words like justice and virtue, the thinly sliced beauty of honor, were only words in a dictionary.

#42 - Neutral

The expression on Leo’s face betrays nothing-he sits on the sill of Miller’s window like he belongs there, entirely too comfortable-and so Miller is not prepared for when his friend explains, very quietly, that he’s found the base of the vigilante Foot members.

#37 - Soliloquy

“I can’t let them go with me… already lost too much,” Leo whispers as though to himself, no doubt thinking of his Donny and father, and Miller feels a chill down his spine because he knows exactly what his friend is planning to do.

#33 - Stupidity

“If you seriously think you’re going in there alone,” Miller snaps, “you’re stupid.”

#39 - Share

“We both go,” Miller says, and he knows what Leo is going to say because two years ago, two years ago that’s what he would’ve said, and so he doesn’t give him the chance to say it.

#40 - Solitary

“I know we’re used to working on our own, I know you-the way you protect your family-you’d risk yourself,” Miller snaps, and Leo’s shoulders are strong under his hands but the answering flinch all too weak, “but you’re not alone anymore!”

#41 - Nowhere

“We both go,” Miller repeats, and again more forcefully when Leo shakes his head, wild-eyed-but nothing will stop Miller, not because his entire life’s led up to this, not for revenge, not for his duty, but because there’s nowhere else-the whole damn planet, crazy as it is-he’d rather be.

#44 - Near

“Keep close,” is all Leo will finally say, closed-off and unreadable, but Miller’s in-whatever victory he could’ve savored tastes dry, though, because he’s suddenly realized he’s never been this close to Hamato Leonardo (still, both of them, a thready pulse beneath his thumb) and it’s…

#45 - Natural

It feels perfectly normal.

#46 - Horizon

Dawn creeps up on them as they sneak into the facility and make their move like the desperate men they are; Leo wears three bandanas wrapped around the hilt of his favored sword and Miller doesn’t look back.

#47 - Valiant

Leo is a blur against Miller’s eyes, his ninja-ken gleaming in the low-watt lighting as they make their way through the levels of the complex-when he runs out of bullets, Miller uses a dagger, slipping and tripping on the bloodied (familiar) slickness of the floor.

#48 - Virtuous

They leave some of them alive for the police, so that Miller can attack from the other end of justice; there is, he thinks in exhaustion, a sort of empathy on Leo’s softened green features below the mask, that says sometimes Leo wants to be that other end instead of this.

#49 - Victory

“It’s not over even now,” Leo gasps through ragged, wet breaths-Miller, limping, heaving against the rooftop shed, fingers clasped to the mess of his thigh, throws back his head and laughs.

#50 - Defeat

In this moment, reaching out to clasp Leo’s offered hand up, Miller loses the battle he’d never even known he was fighting.

#38 - Sojourn

Afterwards, Leo spends three days in Miller’s apartment recovering (his brothers, he says, they‘ll be angry), bleeding all over the furniture, cooking fish, and debating existentialism with him-it’s temporary, it’s fleeting, and Gordon Miller thinks he might actually be happy.

The End<\b>

Note - Yes, it gets cheesy near the end. Leo'd probably tell and bring his brothers. BUT I DESERVE SELFISH INDULGENCE, NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER WRITE THIS PAIRING. ;_;

*bows* Thank you for reading. ♥

teenage mutant ninja turtles, !set beta

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