Transformers > Ironhide/Ratchet > set Beta

Aug 07, 2007 22:00

Fandom: Transformers
Pairing: Ironhide/Ratchet
Theme set: Beta
Rating: G to slight R
Notes: I sort of bastardise my tenses with each one of these suckers, so pay no mind if they don’t run in any order. Also, I abuse italics like there’s no tomorrow. I like shoving emphasis into people’s faces :3


#01 - Walking

Ratchet glances up from his work at the curious response; his logic processor threatening to shutdown from the sheer complexity of it - Ironhide does not merely ask to be accompanied on a walk (logic dictates that something will be blown up in almost childish glee; but never, never just a simple stroll).

#02 - Waltz

When Sam points out that it seems odd that such a large and bulky companion such as Bumblebee is able to dance (or at least bust a move), Ratchet merely tells him that there are merely one hundred and nine basic styles of dance, and Bumblebee should stop showing off how little he weighs compared to the rest of them - not all of them were built like bloody waifs.

#03 - Wishes

“’If wishes were horses then beggars would ride’ - heh, well last I heard it was ‘be careful what you wish for,’” Ironhide chuckles, scant seconds before the medic punches him on the shoulder in a not-so-gentle reminded of his last wish.

#04 - Wonder

It irritates Ironhide to no end that Ratchet goes through endless amounts of thinking and pondering over everything he encounters; his sure-fire plan of shoot-first-dissect-later always worked wonders.

#05 - Worry

“Don’t worry yourself,” he had said - because how bad could one little skirmish actually be when you had such a brilliant mind by your side?

#06 - Whimsy

It’s such a simple action, but it makes him glad down to his very core to know that only he can make Ratchet laugh with such abandon.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland

Sometimes, despite his outward nature, he would pause and actually think why all of it had come to play, and why they felt the need to fight on such a desolate, barren land; then he remembered - it wasn’t home anymore, because home is where the heart is.

#08 - Whiskey and rum

The first time they had seen Sam somewhat inebriated, Ironhide had been slightly less than delicate when the poor boy lost his lunch on said Autobot’s foot (he - surprisingly - changed his tune a little later when he found out the same concoction that had caused Sam’s pain also seemed to cure rusty spots).

#09 - War

To them, it was second nature; but it was the peace they found within this strange new world that made it all the more bearable.

#10 - Weddings

When little Annabelle asked Ironhide if they had weddings on Cybertron, the Autobot had merely brushed it off with a gruff “Go and ask Ratchet”; when she did just that, the medic was a little lost for words when the question translated into “Ironhide doesn’t know about marriage, and said I should ask you.”

#11 - Birthday

They never bothered celebrating any of their years, but watching the boy flying through yet another threw into sharp contrast just how little time they had left.

#12 - Blessing

The fact that they have something to hold onto - aside from the ever-distant prospect of peace - that in itself is the strongest blessing they could ever wish for.

#13 - Bias

Optimus wonders every so often that Ratchet may be out of line when he defends Ironhide’s actions; but that wonder simply vanishes when the medic chooses to kick the weapons specialist himself.

#14 - Burning

Some beings would say that sense fades with time - that there is always a time when that fire is snuffed out; but Ratchet knows this to be a lie before he even begins to count the eons between them.

#15 - Breathing

‘It becomes akin to breathing’ Ratchet had once heard from these humans; finally, he thought as he diligently repaired those twin cannons, a phrase eons beyond their years.

#16 - Breaking

It irritates Ratchet to no end when Ironhide takes it upon himself to assume that his ‘pile of scrap metal’ was just that, and starts pitching it piece by piece into the air for target practice (he later takes great delight in telling the idiot this the next time he needs a part repaired).

#17 - Belief

The medic knew it was a silly belief to hold onto - that no matter how many lives he saved, there would always be one that slipped through his fingers - but it ate at his thoughts to know that one day it might happen to his other.

#18 - Balloon

Ratchet had laughed at him - nearly snapped something in the process - and all Ironhide could do to reign in his temper was merely think of the payback the son-of-a-bitch would receive as the sweet little darling continued this lunacy of ‘trying to make Ironhide fly’ by attaching helium balloons to anything anchored onto his chassis.

#19 - Balcony

Before it all began, before all hell broke loose, there were the stormy plains of Cybertron, just beyond the city’s limits, and the young medic-in-training would pause in his work to glance so very far down at the lone protoform as it took quick, precise aim of anything that moved; and a smile ghosted across his thoughts.

#20 - Bane

His chosen profession had not always been his favourite (he always wished to remain in his position as chief liaison to the High Council of the Ancients), but he knows this more than ever when he sees those familiar optics and yet another injury to repair; he wished the idiot would learn to duck, instead of charge.

#21 - Quiet

The boy had been surprised to find out that when they fall into stasis, they do not fall silent as a normal machine would; he was even more astonished when Ratchet almost grumpily informed him that Ironhide’s spark never seems to shut up - even when he’s asleep.

#22 - Quirks

Ironhide tells him he loves him for petty habits; Ratchet replies by telling him he loves him for his charming smile and dapper wit.

#23 - Question

He’s a medic for crying out loud, not a damn psychiatrist know-it-all, and he’s getting royally irked of Ironhide’s fatherly approach to his young charge of “Go and ask uncle Ratchet.”

#24 - Quarrel

Sam snapped at the two of them, yelling at them to stop bickering like an old married couple; for a moment the tension was fierce enough to choke them, and Ratchet merely laughed at the boy.

#25 - Quitting

Ratchet had often thought about assuming their former lieutenant’s role, but knew that if anything were to happen to that big idiot - on or off the battlefield - he’d never forgive himself.

#26 - Jump

Ironhide swore, the next time that bastard decided to manually switch off his audio sensors, he’d kill him; because he was sick of peeling himself off the ceiling every time he subtly turned them back on a few hours later (and subsequently detecting the faint sound of Ratchet’s laughter as the weapons specialist started swearing and ranting at poor, unsuspecting Sam or Bumblebee).

#27 - Jester

He may joke and laugh, but Ironhide knows - better than any of them - that his smiles and wit are nothing more than a war-torn façade.

#28 - Jousting

It’s not that he ‘hits like a girl’ (as Mikaela would tell him), it’s just that knows that he’s the one who’ll have to repair the damage after their simple training reconnaissance.

#29 - Jewel

There is nothing more precious to him than that glowing, pulsing need harboured in such a comparatively fragile shell.

#30 - Just

“You don’t have to say anything,” Ratchet once told him, “just-” and his voice had died when those fingers suddenly slipped past his armour plating to simply tease his spark housing.

#31 - Smirk

It’s a human quirk, he knows (something that each of them have been gaining more and more of lately), but it doesn’t stop him from noting how particularly delicious the medic looks when he pins that look on his face.

#32 - Sorrow

It rocks him to his very core to know that he will never hear that delicate chuckle again, and his focus distinctly narrows to three things: the acridly burning circuitry as it slackens in his hand, the tyrannical laughter of that dishonourable scum, and the frenzied thrum of his twin cannons being forcibly charged with his very spark.

#33 - Stupidity

Ratchet wanted to know what kind of lunatic would want to run into a fight they could never win, instead of using a little tact and attempting to resolve a problem peacefully; then he claimed the very personification of that as his spark bound and wondered how the tables had turned so violently.

#34 - Serenade

His symphony is the thrum of war and the staccato of fallout, but at least he’s finally learnt to accept that the melody of peace and the rhythm of repair can form perfect harmony with each other.

#35 - Sarcasm

The weapons specialist knows from experience that sarcasm and a medic goes hand in hand, but to never try and return the gesture.

#36 - Sordid

Sam still doesn’t understand why Bumblebee’s radio glitches and the volume peaks to nigh on ear-shattering levels when they occasionally pass the infirmary (and when he asks his guardian if he wants to see said medic over the problem, Bumblebee merely suggests they take a long drive together to see if the problem can’t fix itself; somewhere far, far away).

#37 - Soliloquy

Their leader’s carefully laden words to the boy were suddenly shattered when Ironhide’s raucous laughter was heard across the room; complete with him doubling over and slamming a fist on the bench (when said leader fixed a particularly icy glare on the two of them, Ratchet could not have looked more straight-faced if he tried).

#38 - Sojourn

When Ironhide suggests a simple vacation (just the two of them; no human and his lap-bug involved), all the medic wants to know is how said human can be so oblivious; leaving the weapons specialist to wonder how his significant other became so oblivious (even if he was pointing out the obvious).

#39 - Share

Before, there was only one little spark; now, there is still only one - but it is a part of something far greater and more beautiful than he ever imagined.

#40 - Solitary

He’s seen his share of solitary confinement; when the war began, and troops were easy to come by, he’d been thrown into the brig far too many time to actually recall (“Eighty-seven times, and five very close calls,” Optimus would remind him sternly), but now their numbers dwindle to a mere handful, and Ironhide - despite his seemingly gruff, outward nature - feels that all the solitary in the universe could not match the emptiness of losing his spark bound.

#41 - Nowhere

Anywhere else but securely in those weathered arms, and he feels he may simply cease to function.

#42 - Neutral

Ratchet once wondered aloud why earth vehicles needed such a useless gear; Ironhide had responded with “Humans live such short lives - wouldn’t you want to just stop and look around you once in a while?”

#43 - Nuance

Ironhide likes to memorise all his little nuances, if only to push his buttons at a later date.

#44 - Near

The weapons specialist could still recall the very moment he had met Ratchet - that impressive (if somewhat lanky) protoform surrounded by a gruff physician’s demeanour making him seem like an instant hoot - and every instance since then; but the medic never ceased to amaze him every time their armour grazed, or their optics met or their sparks clashed vibrantly against each other.

#45 - Natural

It’s so very right, so very natural, when it’s just the dark of night and the twinkle of stars, and the glow of two sparks in perfect unison.

#46 - Horizon

He knows what’s beyond that rise, and the next, and the next, all thanks to earth’s abundant technology; but he’s finally starting to understand what Sam means when he can simply stop and stare at the painted sunset, with little more than appreciation for its fragile beauty and a kindred soul at your side.

#47 - Valiant

It felt like a comet to the chest and Ratchet immediately locks his eyes on his fallen comrade, hesitating only a millisecond before unleashing a battle cry worthy of epic warlords past; as his twin blades roar into life and he snares a fallen foe’s cannon, he faintly observes that Ironhide’s thirst to win has suddenly become his own - and no Decepticon shall dare take that away from him.

#48 - Virtuous

He thinks it to be a rather virtuous job - saving lives and all that piffle - but when Ratchet considers this for a moment, he realises that his profession is comparable to that of his spark bound’s (if only using a more heavy-handed approach to save said lives).

#49 - Victory

All he can think about is standing there on that final day with only one being at his side - when the night has grown warm and the cannons fall silent and his sensors start to hurt from the silence.

#50 - Defeat

Ironhide once heard from his young charge and her picture books that ‘to die would be an awfully big adventure’; he knows this to be a lie that burns him to his very spark - to lose Ratchet would secure them both a place in oblivion’s arms.

Few mentionables:
06/ Took extreme liberties with this one. Like whoa.
42/ Every so often, I bet Ironhide amazes everyone with a thought-provoking stunner like that.
50/ Line from Peter Pan; always tickled my fancy :3

transformers, !set beta

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