[Code Geass][Shirley Fenette x Lelouch Lamperouge][Alpha]

Jun 12, 2007 23:47

Title: Spinning in Circles
Fandom: Code Geass
Pairing: Lelouch Lamperouge x Shirley Fenette
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: PG

One | Comfort

Surely she couldn’t be such a wicked person for this; after all, her father had died and someone should be there to hold her.

Two | Kiss

She was leaning into him and before they both knew it, her sweet lips were on his and sins were being written that couldn’t be taken back.

Three | Soft

Even with the cold, hard rain beating down on them, he couldn’t help but think of how lovely she felt.

Four | Pain

For the longest time, he was positive that seeing his mother dead on top of his sister was one of the most excruciatingly painful things in his life; however, erasing Shirley’s memory was definitely in the top three.

Five | Potatoes

“Mah, Lulu! You’ll gain weight if you keep eating those French fries. What will the student body think of you?!”

Six | Rain

It was beating down on them hard that day, as if punishing them for the sins that they were committing.

Seven | Chocolate

Shirley fiddled around with the small package behind her back; really, it was only a box of candy, so where was the harm in giving it to him on Valentine’s Day?

Eight | Happiness

School, student council, the news about terrorists | life was going in a dull, but content circle; so why did she feel something nagging at her about Lelouch?

Nine | Telephone

She sighed, hanging up the phone; there was no need to rush finding out the truth about what he is (or was) to her.

Ten | Ears

Her eyes shut tight, hearing the loud booms of war and battle - surely Lulu couldn’t be here, could he?

Eleven | Name

“Lelouch,” she said out loud, repeating it again and again as if by saying it so many times she’d be able to remember the boy she loved rather than the terrorist who killed her father.

Twelve | Sensual

She closed her eyes and frowned, trying to stay calm; in no such way should a young lady such as herself be having those kinds of thoughts about Lelouch.

Thirteen | Death

‘You protected him, you saved his life!’ you told yourself; but that didn’t make up for the fact you killed her.

Fourteen | Sex

Shirley brought her hands to her face, trying to hide her blushing from Millay’s comments.

Fifteen | Touch

He ran up and placed his hands gently on her shoulders, steadying her as he came to the final verdict: ‘She should not have to live with my sins as well as her own.’

Sixteen | Weakness

Her eyes peeked over the edge of the book before shifting instantly back down; her hobbies didn’t include finding out weaknesses, but she’d still like to know his…

Seventeen | Tears

She cried out, struggling as much as she could; she didn’t want to forget about him!

Eighteen | Speed

Lelouch ran up the stairs, fast as he could; he may have been a killer, but he would not let Shirley die because of his stupid actions.

Nineteen | Wind

He stood alone, staring out into the sky as the wind whispered, ‘You let her down, you let her down.’

Twenty | Freedom

If he wanted to gain his freedom from Britannia, lives would be lost, friendships destroyed (But could you ever call that “freedom”?)

Twenty - One | Life

Shirley stared down at the unconscious body of Lelouch and the one of the woman she had just killed; surely a life for a life was acceptable?

Twenty - Two | Jealousy

She spun around, refusing to look at what was right before her - Karen was a nice person, so there was nothing wrong with Lelouch talking to her.

Twenty - Three | Hands

Her hands pressed against his chest, sinfully savoring the warmth it provided.

Twenty - Four | Taste

Eyes gleaming, Shirley greedily reached for the slice of pizza, but Lelouch got it first - why did Lulu always get the best looking one before her?

Twenty - Five | Devotion

Despite the crime she had just committed, she would not shed tears over the woman; she would fight the gods to keep Lulu alive if she had to.

Twenty - Six | Forever

Hysteria bubbled into her throat, the words coming out strangely yet fitting perfectly inside her own head; if Lulu died, then she died, they would always be together!

Twenty - Seven | Blood

There was blood on Lelouch’s hands that he could never give back - he was just glad that Shirley’s wasn’t on there.

Twenty - Eight | Sickness

He stared out at the casket, guilt gnawing at his insides; he killed an innocent, an innocent who was the father of Shirley.

Twenty - Nine | Melody

They stood side by side, belting out lines about Britannia being the greatest or something like that when Shirley giggled softly at Lelouch’s voice; despite being talented and great at so many things, singing was not one of them.

Thirty | Star

Shirley glanced over at the TV where Zero had come out once again with his Order of the Black Night (‘The star performer is out again, ne, Lelouch?’)

Thirty - One | Home

She headed back to her dorm to be alone, so she could think things over about ‘Zero,’ but when she got inside and closed the door, being alone didn’t seem so welcoming anymore.

Thirty - Two | Confusion

Her hands smoothed the paper out before reading it, where she narrowed her eyes, frowning - “Do I know Lelouch, or do I not?”

Thirty - Three | Fear

As he passed by Shirley in the hallway to the student council quarters, he repressed a shudder; he knew that he had always feared this day, the day where it would be because of his power that he pushed one of his dearest friends away.

Thirty - Four | Lightning/Thunder

Lelouch remembers a day unlike this one, where rain is falling, never stopping; the only difference being the fact that today, there was the thundering noise of a storm whereas before, the only sound was the rain and two people breathing.

Thirty - Five | Bonds

Maybe Lelouch didn’t realize himself, but Shirley was still one of his best friends, despite his efforts on distancing himself.

Thirty - Six | Market

She lightly tugged on Lelouch’s sleeve, giggling and smiling as she said, “Ne, Lulu, let’s go out and buy some food for here. We can’t always live off of pizza!”

Thirty - Seven | Technology

Staring at the photos, Lelouch cursed the camera; these were happy and wonderful times that Shirley would never get back.

Thirty - Eight | Gift

Blushing and stuttering, Shirley barely handed Lelouch his Christmas present: a camera for when he felt like taking pictures of what he thought was important.

Thirty - Nine | Smile

A small, bitter smile landed on his face as he turned away from Shirley and the monument; this was goodbye to the girl he knew.

Forty | Innocence

She pulled the trigger, effectively shattering her innocence as a voice taunted over and over again, ‘You killed, you killed, you killed!’; it was for Lulu though, wasn’t it?

Forty - One | Completion

As she fell into his arms, she could feel her fractured heart slowly getting filled.

Forty - Two | Clouds

The student council lied down on the grass together, watching clouds in a clear, blue backdrop where Shirley spotted a cloud that resembled Lelouch, only for him to mutter indignantly that it was too deformed to be him.

Forty - Three | Sky

The sky was gray and cloudy the day of the funeral, as if setting in motion the horrible events that were to follow.

Forty - Four | Heaven

As she takes the gun in her hands, she vaguely wonders if Heaven would accept two horrible people such as herself and Lelouch.

Forty - Five | Hell

He remembers blood on the ground, and all he can think about is how he’s going to give hell to the person who did this to her.

Forty - Six | Sun

The sun is out, bright and shining the day after and he hopes that it’s a sign for a fresh, good start for Shirley.

Forty - Seven | Moon

When Shirley tried to ask him about his secret identity, all he could think about was the moon and how they were all spinning in circles, ‘round and ‘round.

Forty - Eight | Waves

It was a student council field trip to the beach, the sea gently lapping at Lelouch’s feet when he heard Shirley call, “Lulu! Stop wasting the time we have here and come join us for lunch!”

Forty - Nine | Hair

With Shirley tucked safely inside of his chest, Lelouch placed his nose in her hair; the scent was wonderful.

Fifty | Supernova

It’s a question she can hear herself asking, louder than anything else in the world (‘Did you kill my father Lelouch?)

code geass, !set alpha

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