Bleach; Yoruichi/Urahara [Alpha]

Feb 26, 2007 10:46

Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Shihouin Yoruichi/Urahara Kisuke
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: G through R

Some spoilers for their backgrounds, but nothing too bad.

She would never ask for it, but with him she would never need to.

"It means whatever I want it to mean," she tossed behind her, leaving him stunned, slumped against the wall in his rumpled Academy uniform.

She rested her paw on his arm, both of them mindful of the pin-sharp claws just beneath velvety pads.

"Walk it off," Yoruichi advised as Urahara lay on his back, still dazed by the force of his landing.

Urahara knew not to blame the children when he woke up to greasy fingerprints and empty potato chip bags in the kitchen.

She'd run outside as soon as summer storm broke; he soon joined her, winding an arm around her waist and nosing aside wet hair to kiss her beneath the ear.

Every White Day sent Urahara searching the farthest reaches of Tokyo; anything less than the most exquisitely crafted European chocolate would be met with complete and utter disdain.

If anyone were to ask her, she'd say she wasn't unhappy and leave it at that.

"If you allow that...thing to interrupt us one more time, I will break it, and then I will break you."

Yoruichi's voice was even as she gave her report; the flicker of one small ear was all that let him know how bad the situation really was.

Truth be told, she much preferred Shunshin over Shihouin; all respect given the former had been earned by her and her alone.

Kisuke took longer baths than anyone she'd ever met; it got even worse after he discovered bubbles.

Yoruichi fully intended that they would go together; Kisuke would be insufferable without her around to rein him in.

It could only be truly, truly satisfying if you lost yourself during the act, and he was the only one with which she trusted herself to do so.

As Yoruichi shivered and pressed closer into his side, Urahara silently put off plans for installing central heat another year.

It was obvious Yamamoto referred to Yoruichi when he spoke of consequences and guarantees of compliance at Urahara's sentencing; little did he know she'd never allow herself to be used that way.

"Don't cry anymore, Yoruichi-san," the boy said gravely, wiping her face with a small, grubby hand, "I don't like it."

"See," he panted as she writhed and cursed beneath him, "sometimes slow is good too."

A pile of clothes beneath fluttering curtains meant he'd missed her once again.

"I know I can leave whenever I want," she said tonelessly, "but it doesn't really matter unless I can come back, too."

The older women in the neighborhood swore the new light in his eyes was due to a special someone, but no one ever saw him with anyone other than the children, Tessai-san, and that odd cat.

"Whatever," she yawned, scratching her stomach.

He likes that she still shivers at the feel of his calloused palms running over her back.

"I rather like my hat," he said, smiling into her infuriated face.

There was nothing else that both drew her and repelled her quite so much.

"I don't have that kind of patience," she said.

"Kisuke is my friend," the Shihouin princess announced, with all the haughtiness a five year old could muster, "so I don't care where he comes from."

"I don't know why you keep letting him give you expired medicine," she called, frowning at the pitiful moans coming from the bathroom.

He hummed that stupid song every time he got the better of her, be it the last cookie or first blood.

Knowing him as she did, she couldn't say she was actually surprised by his meteoric rise or his fiery crash.

She inspected the entire store until satisfied, then curled up on the floor in the middle of a convenient shaft of sunlight.

He always knew exactly what she meant...but it wasn't always in his best interests to admit it.

She was convinced that one day his curiosity would finally lead him into something he couldn't get out of.

Her zanpaktou flashed as it scored a line across his chest, and the earth trembled as they met in mock battle.

He knew exactly what kept bringing her back, even if no one else did.

Ever since she'd nearly broken a man's arm for groping her on the crowded sidewalk, Yoruichi was no longer allowed to help with the shopping.

Her favorite piece of machinery was the radio; quiet music often served as the background for lazy afternoons.

Despite his seemingly open and friendly nature, his regard was hard-earned and hard-kept; his interest even more so.

She'd never tell him, but he could get her to do anything with one of his rare, unguarded smiles.

"Well, who the hell else should I lose it to--Shunsui?" she snapped, face aflame.

"Again," she commanded, panting, "no one said we were finished."

She leaped lightly to his lap from her perch on the windowsill; it wasn't as warm as a sunbeam, but it would damn sure stay still until she was done with it.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, he couldn't help but admire her body outlined against the sky just before she flipped and slammed her heel into the Arrancar's head.

"Obviously it wasn't, or I wouldn't have left."

"Yoruichi-san doesn't care for places like this," Urahara told Ururu as they weaved through the press of spectators and carefully constructed habitats at the zoo.

He couldn't imagine life without her, either.

Night suited him, she mused; the moon's light rarely fully illuminated the shadows it cast.

Urahara had always been fascinated by the phenomenon of seemingly unrelated events spreading out from a central stimulus.

When she was feeling particularly indulgent, she would allow him to brush her hair till it shone, then pull it back from her face in a long, fat braid before turning for the evening.

They died in battle, in an explosion of flame and light, seared onto the memory of those watching for years to come.

bleach, !set alpha

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