Kurama x Botan, Delta

Jan 10, 2007 00:53

Title: Beautiful Fascination
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairing: Kurama x Botan
Theme Set: Delta
Rating: Very light PG-13 for some faintly suggestive themes.

Beautiful Fascination

1 Air.) Breezes whipped through her hair as she glided through the nighttime sky, the blue wisps tickling his cheeks that were tinted red with contentment for being with her and her alone.

2 Apples.) “Please, love - try one bite,” he encouraged her as he almost taunted her with the forkful of apple pie before she finally gave in with a whine - she was ultimately satisfied by the wonderful taste now melting deliciously in her mouth.

3 Beginning.) She was so nervous, skittering back and forth in her room, searching for the appropriate thing to wear, not to mention her sanity - she had never done anything like this before, so she wanted everything to be perfect for him.

4 Bugs.) Kurama promptly, but calmly pulled her to the side as they walked along in the woods that night, cleverly avoiding the large spider’s web she had not yet seen, for the scream she would have elicited would certainly have woken the entire neighborhood.

5 Coffee.) Whipped cream topped off her iced chocolate delight as she sipped it carefully, having tasted it for the first time; Kurama smiled and spoke, “What do you think, love?” - he was rewarded with a giggle from his blue-haired mate.

6 Dark.) Riding along at night with him was no matter of concern for her, Kurama’s precision and decency far out-weighing any fears or doubts she may have had to start with.

7 Despair.) Botan was the sweetest form of Death anyone could imagine, but only Kurama seemed to understand the heartbreak she went through each time she had to take someone to the other side, letting her words spill out like rain gushing from an overflowing river.

8 Doors.) She was so accustomed to being an independent woman, that when Kurama opened the door for her, she felt a jolt surge through her - it was plain and simple surprise for his gentlemanly attributes that he obviously wasn’t afraid to show.

9 Drink.) As her lips touched the brim of her cup, she stole a long and loving glance at him, taking in every feature she could while he was making pleasant, but short conversation with an old friend; she wanted the friend to stay so that she could continue to stare as much as she pleased.

10 Duty.) Though she whined in the cutest way possible, Kurama wasn’t falling for her attempts at getting him to stay, his fingers touching her lips to silence her as he commented softly on her behavior, “I know my safety concerns you, love, but it is my responsibility - I have to do this.”

11 Earth.) Hands that were knowledgeable of the very ground they sat on trailed behind him, touching the grass, when his fingers sent a wave into the earth; he then pulled them back up, a fresh red rose in hand, perfect to compliment her white sun dress that he rarely got to see her in.

12 End.) When their night reached its end, she hated to let him go, clinging to him like a possessive mother not yet willing to submit her son to the world that awaited him.

13 Fall.) He had always held a peculiar fondness for the leaves of the trees, and when Autumn came, she took him on her oar to see the bright oranges and reds as they painted the once green and flourishing landscape of Middle America.

14 Fire.) Flames licked the wood down to its very core, bringing scents of the earth and soil to their senses; Botan instinctively snuggled closer when the breeze whistled by and tickled the fire before them, stirring the smells even more to her delight.

15 Flexible.) “Oh phooey,” she whined as her pen rolled off the opposite end of the table; Botan crouched down to snatch it back when green eyes met her on the other side, a smirk on his face and she had to scowl lightly at his expression, “Ask and I’ll whack you with my oar.”

16 Flying.) Botan looked down below to see the city lights go out one by one, watching closely as Kurama’s bedroom light went off as well, prompting her to say her evening prayers for him and the day that awaited her forbidden love.

17 Food.) Unfortunately for the finest maid of the spirit world, she had next to no knowledge of human cuisine, studying it every chance she had so that one day she could prepare the best meal for Kurama; perhaps chicken…?

18 Foot.) She nervously stepped back, following his confident lead, but when she suddenly lost their timid rhythm, she accidentally stepped on him, muttering apologies endlessly until he shushed her, “It’s all right, Botan - let’s try it again.”

19 Grave.) Violet eyes watched him as he lovingly set the flowers over the headstone of the strongest woman he had ever known; his mother - Botan had personally escorted the beloved lady to Spirit World herself, seeing to her comfort and attention as if she was her own flesh and blood to adore.

20 Green.) Oh, how she could stare into those gorgeous beryline rivers for hours, finding such ethereal wonder in the way they glowed with excitement each time he saw a mere flower.

21 Head.) Kurama sighed sadly at the deity stretched out on her couch, blankets neatly tucked underneath her, much to her discomfort due to the high fever she was running; he gently kissed her on the forehead to encourage her to get well sooner so that he could truly kiss her.

22 Hollow.) Terrified, her expression disappeared, orbs now empty with this agonizing solace she never wanted to seek knowing that he was going away for an indefinite amount of time - she could never bear to take him to Spirit World herself.

23 Honor.) A brilliant yellow kimono had been tainted by blood that should have never been shed in such a brutal way, but Kurama rose proudly from the fight to amaze the crowd his precious jewel was in, hoping that he was able to defend her honor against the creature that had threatened both of them.

24 Hope.) Botan didn’t know when the day would come, but she prayed so hard for the day he would come home safely… and she threw in the occasional hopeful words of a ring to go on her finger when the time was right.

25 Light.) It had been so many days since she planted the seed Kurama gave her and bravely resisted his charming ways to speed up its growing process, insisting that she wanted to care for it all by herself - but when she nearly gave up on the thing, she beheld the tiny sprout finally appearing among the soil, all thanks to the ever-patient sunlight painting her bedroom walls.

26 Lost.) “Botan, love…” his voice echoed in her mind as she replied with a dreamy “hmm”, not paying any attention at all as to what she was doing; Kurama smirked, “Love, for all this time that we’ve been flying, we’ve obviously gotten lost due to your staring - not that I mind, of course.”

27 Metal.) He hoped she wasn’t noticing his nervous fidgeting as his hand fiddled in his pocket several times that night - he just couldn’t wait to surprise her with the simple, yet perfectly elegant amethyst ring he had bought for her over a week prior.

28 New.) Though she was not considered a seamstress, she knew how to use a needle and thread, and after weeks of time and care, she finally had made the kimono she hoped he would one day wear to their wedding.

29 Old.) The brush flowed smoothly through her hair, never finding a tangle as she worked it through the strands, when she felt strong arms wrap around her and a soft and warm voice spoke into her ear, “Even when we’re old, you’ll still be as lovely as you are now.”

30 Peace.) Kurama was content in watching her sleep beside him, her shoulders curved perfectly beneath the white sheets to accentuate her every dip that she never thought to boast - what perfect and yet sensual elegance.

31 Poison.) Terror ripped through her veins following the pain closely as she fell to the ground, cursing the name of that perverted Crow and weeping for her love that would be unlikely to find her in time before her last chance at life fled from her dying body.

32 Pretty.) In the days before she died young and was offered to work as a guide for the Spirit World, she was always told by her mother and father that she was ‘a pretty little girl’, but the way Kurama said ‘beautiful’ was exceptionally different and far more satisfying.

33 Rain.) A bridge was a picturesque setting for the moment she had been envisioning since her youth, but when her charming redhead didn’t seem to pick up on her hints, she sighed and looked out at the water; it was his perfect chance to come up behind her and give her the kiss in the rain she had long dreamt of.

34 Regret.) Sometimes when he was around her, he couldn’t help but chastise himself for his past, hating that part of him that was so angry and lustful, but in her eyes, he was somehow more than worthy - she even dared to say she wasn’t deserving of him.

35 Roses.) Due to the fact that roses were so easily associated with him and his more aggressive nature (ironically enough), he never presented her with the common red flower - instead he chose to surprise her one special evening with her favorite bloom; alstroemeria.

36 Secret.) The way they were always whispering in one another’s ear, Yusuke figured they were up to something sneaky, and even said on one occasion to Kuwabara, “They’re sharing kinky secrets - how romantic…”

37 Snakes.) Botan shrieked as the red and black thing slithered in front of her, Kurama quickly pulling her back to shield her from the creature, despite knowing it wouldn’t harm her at all - better to at least look valiant than tease your beloved, he mused.

38 Snow.) She sat down on the barren ground and pouted, her bottom lip stuck out like a five year old child displeased with not getting her favorite toy, and Kurama knew why she looked so pathetic - no snow for Christmas.

39 Solid.) It took Kurama several times to convince her that the surface she was walking on was stable enough to hold her weight until she reached the edge, and he also gave her his assurances that he would catch her when she jumped off - she then said as she closed her eyes tightly, “I hate diving boards!”

40 Spring.) This was obviously his favorite time of year, flowers of every shape and color surrounding them as he took her on a walk through the city’s official garden, hoping that this was an ideal setting for their first date.

41 Stable.) It was most certainly something new for him, but due to her fascination with the majestic creatures, he readily agreed to go horse-back riding with her, allowing her to choose the steed she loved the most - he hoped it would be strong enough to hold them both.

42 Strange.) He felt something strange when he walked into the house that evening, hoping his senses were wrong in detecting slight hints of another spirit within the home he shared with his wife; he was shocked to see his beloved Botan walk out of the bedroom with a smile, her hand on her stomach to prompt his mind to wander elsewhere.

43 Summer.) Now she was ready - with the mid-summer moon to be her spotlight, she was prepared to show him that all those dancing lessons he had given her had paid off as she would dance for him on their long-awaited wedding night.

44 Taboo.) Botan knew the instant she even considered what Kurama’s place in Spirit World would be that he would have some horrible tragedy befall him, and she would have to undergo the dreaded responsibility of delivering him to his final calling.

45 Ugly.) On the rare nights she wasn’t with him after they were married, often running last minute errands for Koenma, Kurama would have nightmares of his enemy coming back from a desolate existence to haunt his beloved, cold and clammy fingers taunting the deity as she would struggle to be free of him and his horrendous ambitions; Kurama vowed to never let the Crow touch her.

46 War.) Their kiss was deep, but lacked the passion they usually showed for it was a sad one from which they had to depart for a great battle that no one knew what the outcome might be - she was as helpless as a wife sending her husband off to war.

47 Water.) Instinctively, his eyes widened as he beheld her drenched blue hair fall down her bare back, the towel she wore protecting the rest of her glistening body, but just seeing her like this was more than enough for him to desire her right that second.

48 Welcome.) Usually the arrival upon reaching Genkai’s secluded home in the mountains was a quiet and well-deserved one, but when they set foot inside, confetti and cheers erupted around them - Yusuke was no doubt the brains behind this surprise celebration for the newlywed couple just then returning from their honeymoon.

49 Winter.) Once she swung the red scarf over her shoulder and turned to head out the door, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him dressed entirely in black, including the black turtleneck sweater peeking out above his leather jacket - what a vision of delicious torture this was!

50 Wood.) As the fire burned and satisfied its hunger on the wood he had provided, Kurama watched with fascination and delight while Botan danced before him, a dance she would have never shown the others due to the fact that they would tease her to no end; he wouldn’t tease her… however, he did have ideas for later.

!set delta, yu yu hakusho

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