Yu-Gi-Oh! (Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu)

Nov 20, 2006 21:20

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Kaiba Seto x Mazaki Anzu
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: PG-13 (for implications of sex & death)

One Year in the Life of Kaiba Seto

#01 - Comfort

He can’t stand the fact that she wants to comfort him; he doesn’t need comfort.

#02 - Kiss

He only needs victory, and he tells her that, and she - she - takes his face in his hands, stands on her tiptoes, and kisses him full on the mouth.

#03 - Soft

She’s always been too soft: too soft on those losers she calls her friends, too soft on her enemies, too soft on him, and still (even with her lips against his) he can’t find it himself to hate her.

#04 - Pain

He doesn’t feel pain like normal people; he knows that, and he doesn’t worry, but when she breaks the kiss to stare in horror at the blood on his hands, he feels something very much (though not quite) like loss.

#05 - Potatoes

Mokuba once grew sweet potatoes as a science project, and he dislikes that he’s remembering that now (of all times), and so when she asks him what he’s thinking about, he lies and says nothing.

#06 - Rain

It’s begun to rain, but he doesn’t want to leave Mokuba, and she stays there with him, holding his bloody hand.

#07 - Chocolate

When she begins to shiver beside him (soaked through to the bone), he wants to hate her (and still can't) because she makes him feel guilty, and he doesn’t want to feel guilty; he just wants to feel empty and especially not like he should take her out for hot chocolate.

#08 - Happiness

They’re in a café a few blocks from the cemetery, and she’s sitting across from him, his wet suit jacket still slung across her shoulders, and he asks her, quite seriously, if she’s ever been happy.

#09 - Telephone

Before she leaves him for the evening, she gives him her telephone number and tells him he can call her anytime, and days later, when he’s still swimming in an alcoholic haze, he finds the number crumpled in his pants pocket.

#10 - Ears

She’s crooning in his ears, soft, so soft, that everything will be all right, and he knows it’s a lie, but he can’t help but feel (momentarily) grateful towards her.

#11 - Name

The first time, she calls him by his last name.

#12 - Sensual

She moves with a liquid grace that he can’t stand, and when they curl up in the aftermath, they’re anything but an awkward tangle of limbs.

#13 - Death

Mokuba’s dead, and he reminds her whenever she calls him up to (as she says) “chat.”

#14 - Sex

Sex is something he’d like to live without, and it angers him when he wakes up hard and dreaming of her.

#15 - Touch

There are other nights when he wakes, nights when the dreams are far more terrible, and he’s more relieved than resentful that she’s in his bed.

#16 - Weakness

But it’s still a weakness to want her quite so much; it’s a weakness to want anyone with his little brother lying so still and cold.

#17 - Tears

She tells him it’s all right to cry.

#18 - Speed

He doesn’t drive fast anymore, out of consideration for other people's little brothers, and she never comments, just sits demurely in the passenger seat.

#19 - Wind

They visit the grave together, the wind picking up as summer turns to autumn.

#20 - Freedom

She’s back in school, now, and he doesn’t know what to do with the sudden increase of free time.

#21 - Life

She calls him, of course, telling him what the rest of the Yugi-tachi is doing, what subjects the teachers are covering, how her last auditions went, and he listens, imagining the sparkle in her eyes as she talks.

#22 - Jealousy

There’s a new boy she talks of quite a bit, and he’s not sure how it makes him feel.

#23 - Hands

Her hands know his body better than anyone, and he wonders who else her hands know.

#24 - Taste

Whisky starts out bland and then turns bitter, and he’s drunk enough to equate that with life, and he thinks (horribly) that perhaps it was better Mokuba died before Mokuba found that out.

#25 - Devotion

He returns in school just in time to see how devoted the new boy is to her, all sheep’s eyes and admiring words.

#26 - Forever

Nothing is meant to last forever, he tells her, and he’s not sure what he really means by that because if what the two of them have is nothing than it is meant to last forever.

#27 - Blood

The new boy calls him out, says a few nasty things about his interest in her, and when he tells the idiot a few choice words, the new boy decks him; there’s quite a bit of blood.

#28 - Sickness

He thinks he must be sick, to want to be beaten; it doesn’t hurt him, of course, but somehow it makes everything better because he deserves it.

#29 - Melody

She’s got some new dance routine for the school festival, and the melody is not quite as asinine as the fact he keeps humming it under his breath.

#30 - Star

Mokuba liked to stargaze, and he finds himself out on the roof, his arm around her as he teaches her the constellations.

#31 - Home

Her home is chaotic and noisy and bright and such a far cry from the silent tomb of the mansion that he can only sit in the corner and observe.

#32 - Confusion

She tearfully tells him that she doesn’t understand what he means, and he (because he doesn’t really understand either) hangs up the phone with a shaking hand.

#33 - Fear

He’s afraid he’s forgetting Mokuba, and he spends the day remembering the time before her.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder

She finds him in the graveyard, and he’s furious that she’s out in the storm with an umbrella, and he tells her so, and she asks why he even cares if he meant what he said in their last phone conversation.

#35 - Bonds

And he knows she has him then.

#36 - Market

It’s as desperate as it was the first time, and the next morning, as he checks the stock markets, he feels almost guilty by how content he feels with her still asleep beside him.

#37 - Technology

She wrinkles her nose when she wakes, making a little joke about him and his technology obsession, and he shuts his laptop and proceeds to prove her wrong.

#38 - Gift

He wants to give her something, but he’s no good at presents, and so he tells her that he finds Christmas to be the disgusting lovechild of blind Western emulation and crass commercialism.

#39 - Smile

She only smiles and tells him that she wants him to take her the Christmas Eve performance of the Nutcracker.

#40 - Innocence

He’s flummoxed by her invitation to spend New Years with her family because he’s never really been invited to anything.

#41 - Completion

This time when he visits, he feels less out of place, and she smiles at him across the dinner table.

#42 - Clouds

The new boy (though he’s not so new anymore) confesses to her when school begins again.

#43 - Sky

He doesn’t say anything about it (because it isn’t any of his business), and he thinks perhaps it’s time to unveil Kaiba Corporation’s latest product.

#44 - Heaven

The game is a complete success, and though he’s not religious in the slightest, he finds himself wondering if Mokuba - wherever he is - can see that they’re still number one.

#45 - Hell

She asks him if he enjoys making her life hell, and he doesn’t quite know what to tell her.

#46 - Sun

He thinks she’s never looked more like the sun - all fiery passion and harsh, brilliant words - and he quietly tells her that he thinks she should start seeing the new boy.

#47 - Moon

She stares at him for a long, long moment, and she finally tells him that she doesn’t understand him in the slightest, that he’s as fickle as the moon, and that she loves him.

#48 - Waves

They walk down to the beach, and as the waves lap at the shoreline, she tells him that if this is what he really wants, she won’t see him again.

#49 - Hair

He wants to say that it is what he wants, but he finds himself burying his face in her hair and crushing her close.

#50 - Supernova

It’s almost been a full year, and he still can’t (logically) understand how it all happened, but he knows that he barely survived Mokuba being gone, and he’s not sure that he can lose someone he loves again, and when he tells her that, her face shines in the darkness and her kiss reshapes his universe.

yuugiou/yu-gi-oh!, !set alpha

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