Clue (film); Prof. Plum/Ms. Scarlet; Set Beta

Sep 29, 2006 22:18

Fandom: Clue (film)
Pairing: Professor Plum/Ms. Scarlet
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG-13, maybe light R-ish
Disclaimer: The characters from Clue belong to John Landis, Jonathan Lynn and Parker Brothers (technically), the Back to the Future characters belong to whoever created them, the lyrics in #34 belong to Huey Lewis, the lines in #37 belong to Shakespeare.

#01 - Walking: “So much has changed in thirty years…” Andrea murmured as she watched the people on the street; “I know, time can be quite the fickle wench…”

#02 - Waltz: “You dance divinely”, James praised as they glided across the floor, smiling faintly before adding, “Pity I can’t say the same for myself…”

#03 - Wishes: Personally, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted because all the major ones he’d managed already at this point (rescuing Andrea and wiping the slate clean with his brother among others).

#04 - Wonder: “What is that?” she muttered as James calmly approached it; “This”, he replied with a grin, “is the time machine.”

#05 - Worry: First there was the possibility that something might go seriously wrong with his plan, then that they might never meet again, and finally the fear that she wouldn’t agree to come with him to 1985; All of them, to his relief, were proved unfounded.

#06 - Whimsy: “What do you think Wadsworth would look like in that outfit?” she asked finally, laughing at his reaction.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland: “How do you manage this?” Marty panted as he eyed James effortlessly walking along the railroad track; James replied that the year spent on the run helped, but neglected to mention the name of the person whose memory motivated all he did - Scarlet.

#08 - Whiskey and rum: “To freedom”, he said, lifting the glass of wine in a toast; “And to us”, Andrea replied, repeating the action.

#09 - War: “And so it begins”, James murmured as he moved his pawn forward.

#10 - Weddings: As Andrea strode past the pews, their animal/human occupants rose in respect to her, but her eyes remained fixed on her husband-to-be; Who knows? Maybe something like this will still be in my future…

#11 - Birthday: “I feel old”, he groaned; “You don’t look it” Andrea commented; “True, one of the perks of being a dæmon, but I certainly feel it.”

#12 - Blessing: “This is love”, Wadsworth insisted, placing his hand in hers, “You won’t find another girl like her in a million years.”

#13 - Bias: “Oh, come on, Andrea, you look great! Of course, my opinion might be slightly, well, affected…”

#14 - Burning: As the antidote to the paralyzing serum did its work and his temperature slowly dropped, something flickered in the eyes of her “partner in time” - recognition, perhaps?

#15 - Breathing: It was a gentle, even rhythm, and soon they were both sound asleep.

#16 - Breaking: He felt her tremble, even if she didn’t cry out, and placed a hand on her hip to assure her that everything was going to be all right.

#17 - Belief: “Time travel?” she exclaimed incredulously, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

#18 - Balloon: She winced as the brightly colored missile headed straight for her, only to find it hovering in midair; “I reiterate”, James grinned as the projectile zoomed back at Marty, “only an idiot challenges a dæmon to a water war.”

#19 - Balcony: “There’s something very Shakespearian about all this, don’t you think?” he asked; “As clichéd as it may seem, yeah.”

#20 - Bane: “I mean, isn’t there anyone who just-?” Marty stopped when he noticed James and Andrea’s expressions simultaneously darken; “Mr. Boddy…” James hissed.

#21 - Quiet: “You know we are alone now…” James purred; “At the McFly place” she interjected; “Good point.”

#22 - Quirks: It made perfect sense, though, the little foibles he possessed; James was Emmett’s brother after all…

#23 - Question: “Oh, the Fertile Crescent!” James commented; “Would you like to see it?” Andrea asked in a sultry voice.

#24 - Quarrel: “I mean it - what were we doing fighting over Marty?” he asked; “Yeah, it was pretty stupid, though to be honest, he can be too, sometimes…”; “True.”

#25 - Quitting: “You realize I’m only doing this for you”, Andrea insisted, passing the cigarettes to him.

#26 - Jump: “What the hell are you doing?” Jennifer exclaimed, “The man obviously likes you! Take a chance on love, woman!”

#27 - Jester: “All right, what did I do?” he sighed; “What didn’t you do?” Andrea laughs.

#28 - Jousting: It was a dance of witty remarks, quips, and general retorts, but that’s what made things so interesting, really.

#29 - Jewel: “Are they real?” he asked, glancing up at her; “Of course they’re real, they used to be my mother’s!”

#30 - Just: The first two times they wound up in bed together without actually having sex (before they actually did, that is), it was because of one single major factor (Andrea’s slight inebriation the first time, Griff’s usage of the paralyzing serum the second…)

#31 - Smirk: They weren’t full smiles, but they were all they needed, really.

#32 - Sorrow: He let her sob onto his chest, knowing very well what she was feeling and knowing he wouldn’t have wished it on her for a million dollars.

#33 - Stupidity: “Are you always this coherent, or are you just pleased to see me?” she quipped not long after they reunited.

#34 - Serenade: Don’t need money, Don’t take fame, Don’t need no credit card to ride this train - “You know, Andrea, I think this Huey Lewis may have more on the ball than we think.”

#35 - Sarcasm: “No, really, James, and here I was thinking that noise was a figment of my imagination…”

#36 - Sordid: Their backgrounds weren’t all rainbows and butterflies, but while Marty and Emmett knew what happened, they preferred to leave their blackmailing just where it was - in the past.

#37 - Soliloquy: “…makes him stand to and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him”, he finished; After a moment, Andrea finally spoke up: “…And in English?”

#38 - Sojourn: “I was wondering, James, would you let me… spend the night?” she asked finally; “I would be honored”, he replied, inclining his head slightly.

#39 - Share: Subtle glances, faint smiles, it didn’t take Doc’s I.Q. to realize that there was something deeper between James and Andrea than just them living together.

#40 - Solitary: While he seriously regretted it, the affair with Jennifer had made him realize one thing - living alone was just not for him.

#41 - Nowhere: “Did we go anywhere?” Andrea muttered as they slowed to a halt; “Well, not so much anywhere as any-when…” James corrected.

#42 - Neutral: It was getting increasingly difficult for him not to walk up to Biff and punch his lights out when Andrea went ahead and did it anyway, inadvertently reminding him just why he fell for her in the first place.

#43 - Nuance: There were subtle details in their interactions with each other, though Wadsworth wasn’t entirely sure of what it meant until Mrs. White spelled it out for him - “They like each other, you idiot!”

#44 - Near: “Y’know, I think I’m getting the hang of this slow-dancing thing”, she murmured as she leaned against him; “So am I” he replied, relishing the feeling.

#45 - Natural: It didn’t make sense for them to get together, Marty had thought, because they seemed as different as fire and ice, and yet, somehow, it happened.

#46 - Horizon: “Why is the car stopped?” she asked as the mansion loomed in their field of vision; “It’s frightened”, he replied, and she sighed in slight annoyance.

#47 - Valiant: “Thank Emmett - he did most of the hard work”, he insisted, but she still thought of him as brave, nonetheless.

#48 - Virtuous: “Well, let’s face it”, he commented, embarrassed, “with all due respect, you aren’t exactly up for the Saint of the Year award…”

#49 - Victory: Emmett and Mr. Green held Boddy down, the revolver in Plum’s hands pointed at their would-be blackmailer, and Andrea smiles to herself - they’ve won.

#50 - Defeat: “Oh, come on, this is not checkmate!” he insisted, but she shrugged, smiling.
I think I'm probably the first one to seriously write for this pairing, let alone this fandom...

clue, !set beta

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