Bleach, Ganjyuu/Hanatarou, Alpha

Aug 23, 2006 03:09

Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Shiba Ganjyuu/Yamada Hanatarou
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: Varies, but to be safe, somewhere between PG-13 and R.

#01 - Comfort
Kuukaku had (literally) beaten into her younger brother’s head that a man’s day started early; but with Hanatarou curled up at his side Ganjyuu decided that he could give himself a few more hours to lie in bed and simply enjoy the morning.

#02 - Kiss
“You have to be more gentle, like this,” Hanatarou ignored the twinge of pain in his nose and lips from where Ganjyuu had been too rough and bumped himself into the shorter man in something like a weird head butt, and pulled him down into a proper kiss.

#03 - Soft
There were only so many days Hanatarou could be absent from the Seireitei, and Ganjyuu could not accompany him there, so as compensation he had given the shinigami something to keep with him, but the soft cloth and bright colors of the shirt could not replace the person who had worn it.

#04 - Pain
“I’m fine, really,” Hanatarou lied, grinning and standing up from Ganjyuu’s bed, only to fall back on it when a spike of pain shot up from the bottom of his spine--Hanatarou just found comfort in knowing that he was from the Fourth Division, and therefore would be able to heal himself later.

#05 - Potatoes
The Fourth Division were the people who got all of the grunt work, cooking being among such work, but they never took in account that one of their shinigami may be distracted by thoughts of a rather brash man from the Rukongai on a given night, which was how the stew for the evening ended up having only the potato peels in it, instead of the actual potatoes.

#06 - Rain
“It’s all right,” Hanatarou muttered softly, leaning against Ganjyuu’s arm and trying to distract the death glare the man was giving the downpour outside the window, “You saved the fireworks, so you can show me what you made another day.”

#07 - Chocolate
Hanatarou held up the chocolate bar with a smile in a silent offer and Ganjyuu leaned down, but he avoided the bar and licked at the small smudge of chocolate over Hanatarou’s lips instead.

#08 - Happiness
There was probably something that could have been said, but Ganjyuu couldn’t think of it so he just held Hanatarou a little closer and smiled.

#09 - Telephone
“H-hello... Ah wait, no, Gan--Uunnmh...” Isane blinked, holding the phone away from her and hung it up quickly when another moan came from the receiver; she would just tell Captain Unohana later that she wasn’t able to reach Hanatarou.

#10 - Ears
He wasn’t sure who said it, but it took Hanatarou a good hour or so to pry Ganjyuu’s hands away from his ears and convince him that no, he did not look like a monkey.

#11 - Name
“Ganjyuu...” it was barely a whisper, and nearly lost within the pants and other soft sounds Hanatarou was making, but he felt Ganjyuu press closer and whisper his name against the back of his neck in return.

#12 - Sensual
Hanatarou doesn’t ask why Ganjyuu slips the kimono top of his uniform back over his shoulders when he’s finished undressing, which is something Ganjyuu is grateful for, because he doesn’t really want to admit out loud how much he likes the contrast of the black shinigami cloth against Hanatarou’s pale skin when they make love.

#13 - Death
It had happened once before, a shinigami dying in front of him when Ganjyuu could do nothing but watch; but now it seemed so much worse and he was sure that Hanatarou’s bloodstained smile would haunt him for far longer than his brother’s had.

#14 - Sex
Hanatarou mumbled something too soft to be intelligible, pressing closer to Ganjyuu and using the larger man’s sweat-soaked chest for a pillow; Ganjyuu just puffed his chest out a little more, quite satisfied with himself, and muttered, “It’s a Shiba thing.”

#15 - Touch
Hands moved slowly over his body, lower, tugging at clothing and wandering over skin; Ganjyuu swallowed hard against the moan forming in his throat, worried that any sound would make Hanatarou stop and shy away from what he was doing.

#16 - Weakness
Moving his fingers under Hanatarou’s navel lightly Ganjyuu grinned, having made the small shinigami squeak and curl up after finding his most ticklish spot by accident.

#17 - Tears
“It wasn’t that funny,” Ganjyuu muttered and rubbed his cheek to get some of the soot off, glaring weakly back at Hanatarou who was still doubled over and laughing hard enough that tears rimmed his eyes.

#18 - Speed
Hanatarou did not like riding on Bonnie-chan, the speed and undulating of her huge body made him feel ill in a rather short expanse of time, but for some reason every time Ganjyuu hopped down and grinned up at him Hanatarou still smiled and said it was fun.

#19 - Wind
Hanatarou yelped, not expecting the large body of Ganjyuu to slam against him and clutch him close barely a second before a surge of hot wind and smoke, probably a backfired firework from one of the Shiba siblings, exploded from behind him (although he was unaffected thanks to the larger man).

#20 - Freedom
“Just enjoy the freedom of it, Hana,” Ganjyuu teased, holding the black clothing over his head and grinning at Hanatarou’s attempt to get it from the taller man and hide from embarrassment at the same time.

#21 - Life
“Oh, sorry,” he looked up from the book and back after his shoulder jarred, eyes landing on a rather skinny young man who looked weirdly familiar, but from where he didn’t know--it had to be a mistake, though, he had never known someone that small--the boy looked back, blue eyes reflecting almost the same level of recollection and he asked the question before he even knew what he was doing because of it: “Do I... know you from somewhere?”

#22 - Jealousy
Kuukaku was glad that her brother had fond someone, he was her little brother, of course she was happy, but it kind of annoyed her too because it pointed something she didn’t know before--she discovered that it was a little nauseating to watch Ganjyuu act like a lovesick puppy whenever that Hanatarou kid came around (it wasn’t that she was the older sister and her baby brother still found a man before she did, nope, not at all).

#23 - Hands
There were burns and scars over Ganjyuu’s calloused hands, evidence of old firework mistakes, brawls, and simply years of hard work, but he always managed to be gentle with them when moving his hands over the curve of Hanatarou’s back or tracing the light lines of his face.

#24 - Taste
“Ahh, Ganjyuu, stop,” Hanatarou squirmed in the larger man’s grasp to no avail; Ganjyuu just grinned and held on tighter, tugging down the collar of the shinigami’s clothing and licking over his neck, making Hanatarou squeak and squirm more, “You taste so good, why would I want to do that?”

#25 - Devotion
None of the shinigami knew what to do about the large man (Shiba, was that his name?) standing just outside of the border to the Seireitei--he wasn’t being a bother, per se, but it was getting creepy: he had been there for a long while, ever since that Yamada kid had been admitted to the Fourth Division infirmary for what looked like burn wounds two days ago.

#26 - Forever
“You’re mine,” Ganjyuu whispered against Hanatarou’s hair, the small shinigami shifting lightly into the warmth of his lover’s chest at the sound; it was probably for the best, Ganjyuu wouldn’t be able to continue if he had been awake, “You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go--if we die here I’ll find you in the next world and just keep finding you over and over again if I have to...”

#27 - Blood
“Eh, it’s nothing, don’t worry abou...” Ganjyuu blinked, not quite able to finish his sentence when Hanatarou pulled the wounded finger into his mouth, sucking off the small amount of blood.

#28 - Sickness
“Say ‘aah,’” Hanatarou cooed, trying to coax a grumpy Ganjyuu into an impromptu physical exam, he had been getting paler by the day but still claimed that he was as healthy as ever, if not more so, even as his voice grew hoarser.

#29 - Melody
Ganjyuu slipped into consciousness, fevered and confused, but was lulled back to sleep by Hanatarou’s soft humming.

#30 - Star
“I can’t see any of that stuff,” Ganjyuu huffed, squinting up at the stars in the sky and glaring weakly at the little specks of light, Hanatarou just smiled but he didn’t try to point out any more constellations, just leaned against Ganjyuu and enjoyed the sight.

#31 - Home
Sometimes Hanatarou felt like he was imposing himself on the Shiba siblings when he came into their home, even though Ganjyuu said he was welcome to come whenever he wanted and Kuukaku had never objected to it.

#32 - Confusion
“Ganjyuu...” Hanatarou muttered, which tampered off into a sigh as said man bit down on his neck gently; he turned the still-wrapped condom in his hand and blushed from embarrassment, “I... Don’t know how to put this on you...”

#33 - Fear
Adrenaline pumping, Hanatarou tried to squirm away from the bear hug he was in, beating his fists against Ganjyuu’s chest as the larger male simply laughed, “Don’t do that, I thought I was going to have a heart attack!”

#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Ganjyuu had grown up with bright lights and loud bangs of fireworks and other explosives his entire life without fear, and the lights and sounds nature made seemed to pale in comparison, so was it really his fault he didn’t know Hanatarou was scared and thought the shinigami was pressing close against him and squirming for entirely different reasons?

#35 - Bonds
Hanatarou pulled his wrists against the rope that’s binding his hands behind his back and decided that he should really learn to say no to Ganjyuu about certain things.

#36 - Market
Kids were arrogant when they had their feet on the ground, but after Ganjyuu hoisted the little thief up by his collar the twerp was wriggling around and whining in no time--the brat had even pointed to Hanatarou, yelping about how he hadn’t paid for his fireworks either (which he hadn’t) and he was playing with them only a few feet away.

#37 - Technology
“Please tell me that’s not...” Hanatarou peeked out the window, made a strained squeak, and ducked back away from the window in a weird attempt to hide from the man outside and the loud, out-of-tune (presumably romantic, in some bizarre way) song he was practically screaming, “Where... did Ganjyuu get the karaoke stereo from?”

#38 - Gift
“Ah, well, you can use this to replenish and boost your energy... during anything,” Ganjyuu looked away from the large pink pill (with a black skull embedded on it) in his hand and to Hanatarou, taking in the light blush and tentative fingers working at the hem of his uniform, and Ganjyuu must have given the most perverted grin he had in his whole life.

#39 - Smile
For a second Hanatarou didn’t know what Ganjyuu said, he had whispered it so softly that the shinigami almost though he was imagining things until he saw the embarrassed and hopeful expression on Ganjyuu’s face--then Hanatarou just smiled and pressed close, hugging Ganjyuu close and whispering back, “I love you, too.”

#40 - Innocence
Ganjyuu watched Hanatarou as he blushed and tried to cover himself, looking around the Shiba’s bed for his clothing after their first night together, and he almost wished the shinigami didn’t act so innocent because he was starting to feel like a pervert for enjoying it.

#41 - Completion
It felt so good, holding the smaller man close and having their panting breath mingle from the closeness of the other; Ganjyuu never wanted to let Hanatarou go.

#42 - Clouds
“Oh, and that one looks like a rabbit,” Hanatarou pointed up at said cloud and Ganjyuu tilted his head to see the rabbit, but all he could see was a dog with a crooked tail.

#43 - Sky
“It’s beautiful,” Hanatarou said quietly as he looked at the sun setting, Ganjyuu glanced over and watched how the orange to red played over Hanatarou’s features and the shine of his hair and agreed that he had never seen anything as beautiful.

#44 - Heaven
It occurred to Ganjyuu suddenly one morning that this was as close to Heaven as he would ever get; he just pulled Hanatarou’s sleeping form closer, kissed his forehead, and decided that if he was in Heaven, he had no idea what he did to deserve the angel sleeping beside him.

#45 - Hell
Ganjyuu already knew that Hanatarou took his job as a medical relief shinigami seriously, he had known ever since he had first met Hanatarou and found him passed out from exhaustion after healing Ichigo and himself--but that didn’t mean Ganjyuu liked it, in fact, he hated the uncertainty of sitting by Hanatarou’s side or letting him sleep in his lap, not knowing if Hanatarou would even wake up or not.

#46 - Sun
“This is what you get for having pale skin like that,” Ganjyuu muttered, rubbing the aloe over Hanatarou’s reddened cheeks as gently as he could and frowning when the shinigami started apologizing for his light skin.

#47 - Moon
A cloud moved and moonlight filtered through the window, bathing Hanatarou in the soft light, but he didn’t notice, his eyes were closed, face flushed, beads of sweat rolling down his body slowly and his small chest heaving in deeps pants, Ganjyuu did notice, however, and as he moved his hands over Hanatarou’s slim hips he was sure he never saw anything more stunning.

#48 - Waves
The only explanation was that Hanatarou had gotten used to every weird thing Ganjyuu did, because when they waved goodbye to each other at the gates of the Seireitei Ganjyuu seemed to put all of his effort into waving and making a ruckus so the shinigami’s attention was still fixated on him and Hanatarou didn’t seem to think that was odd at all (or he didn’t act like it, at least).

#49 - Hair
Hanatarou moved his fingers through Ganjyuu’s hair softly, watching his eyes droop and breathing even out; Hanatarou was glad he found the little trick to calm down the larger man no matter what, and the fact that if anyone else tried to tug off the Shiba’s bandanna and pet him would probably face a few missing teeth made it even more enjoyable in an odd way.

#50 - Supernova
For a second there was nothing, but then the sky burst in red and gold and Hanatarou’s face lit up with it; Ganjyuu watched the small shinigami for a moment, then swore to himself that he would never tell Hanatarou that the firework that just went off was a replacement, and the one he had actually made himself had really been more of a war bomb.

bleach, !set alpha

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