Theme set Alpha - Xiaolin Showdown - Jack/Raimundo

Aug 15, 2006 21:48

Title- The Art of Subtraction
By- Shiva’s Avatar

Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown
Pairing: Jack Spicer and Raimundo Pedrosa
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: PG-13

The art of subtraction

By- Shiva’s Avatar

#1 - Comfort

Fujifilm memories are all that remain to keep me sane, as they alone remind me of the comfort of his warm embrace.

#2 - Kiss

They alone lack the bittersweet cyanide that laced his kisses … lack the lingering resentment against those lips, for denying me their embrace.

#3 - Soft

Such soft skin belied a life of such terrible pain …

#4 - Pain

… hurt carefully concealed behind ruby eyes.

#5 - Potatoes

He offered me mashed potatoes on our first date -you know- because I mentioned once in passing how I liked them … and then he cried when they tasted funny.

#6 - Rain

Outside the sky mimicked his tears, as though the universe itself wept over this one culinary disaster.

#7 - Chocolate

I salvaged the night with a Hershey bar … breaking it in half, and calling it a fitting desert to a perfect meal.

#8 - Happiness

Rubbing his eyes, he smiled at that … I smiled back … and if life had been a fairytale, the story would end there … sealed with a kiss, everyone living happily ever after.

#9 - Telephone
But reality, like my ring tone, sucks … Beethoven driven by Kimiko killing the rest of our evening … leaving me promising desperately to make it up to him.

#10 - Ears

So for our next date I took him to get his right ear pierced, something he’d always wanted, but was scared to get by himself … the silver stud making him look that much more adorable.

#11 - Name

Raimundo Spicer … Jack Pedrosa … Either was really fine for me … who cared what our name was … so long as we got to be together?

#12 - Sensual

Especially when the merest touch of his hand gave me shivers … me returning the favor by running fingers through velvety hair, drawing out his delightful masculine purr.

#13 - Death

So why the hell did he give all that up … why did he trade my kiss for those of a Smith & Wesson?

#14 - Sex

In the name of romance, hadn’t I given him everything he desired … wasn’t my manhood … my virginity … my love … wasn’t any of it enough to make him want to stay with me?

#15 - Touch

… Our first cuddle was on our third date -you know- my hands tracing the contours of his body … seeking entrance past skin, to touch the soul that lay beneath such beautifully pale flesh.

#16 - Weakness

His fatal weakness, it turns out, was at the base of his neck … where even the tiniest nibble would draw out an eager and hungry moan.

#17 - Tears

Finding that little detail changed our fourth date into our first fuck … though I never did have the guts to ask him why he cried when I was done.

#18 - Speed

Following that, our relationship progressed with exhilarating swiftness … me never thinking to slow down … him never telling me too … after all, isn’t that how true love supposed to work … isn’t it supposed to fly forward at break-neck speed?

#19 - Wind

Wind IS my element -you know- … A fact that had the added bonus of fueling all his terrible jokes … about he sucked at blowing, and how I blew at sucking.

#20 - Freedom

Those first five months were so perfect for us … it was love, it was us … it was ecstasy … it was freedom.

#21 - Life

But life is a bitch who likes to tear apart hearts with her perfectly manicured nails …

#22 - Jealousy

… much like Kimiko, who exploded into utter fury when she walked in, and caught sight of his hand down my pants.

#23 - Hands

Her right fist leading, she left her rage imprinted on my lover’s cheek … his hands to small to protect him… those tiny, perfect hands … and refused to leave till I literally threw her out.

#24 - Taste

When she was gone, he tearfully told me that all he could taste was blood … I tried to make him smile by licking his cheek, and saying that all I could taste was him … it didn’t work.

#25 - Devotion

That night he told me, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be in love with me anymore … I told him that I was completely devoted to what we shared.

#26 - Forever

He told me that I’d find someone better then him … that if he left, I could be normal and fall in love with a girl … I ignored that and promised him my forever.

#27 - Blood

We were already too close … I was already in love … it might as well have been his blood that flowed through my veins …

#28 - Sickness

… but Kimiko had made him sick … and for a while he tried his damnedest to purge himself of the gay.

#29 - Melody

Like some distorted piece of music, his mind went from one extreme to the other … high notes meaning hugs and kisses for me … low notes meaning he tried make me slug him … to “knock the fag out”.

#30- Star

I tried … so hard …so very, very hard to bring him back to me … even going so far as to do the cliché, and name a star after him.

#31 - Home

Then, I think it was on our fourth date … I showed him his special “Spicer star” … he cried tears of joy, and asked me to take him home … an hour of lovemaking later, he begged me to never leave him.

#32 - Confusion

I tried … so hard … so very, very hard to keep my promise … and yet HE left ME … I still don’t understand why.

#33 -Fear

Was he still scared to love me … or was it my fear of marriage that set him down the route of self-destruction?

#34 - Lightning/Thunder

Because he did ask me to marry him -you know- … he waited till a thunderstorm, then dragged me outside and proposed on one knee, while lightning flashed in the distance … he always was one for the dramatic.

#35 - Bonds

He had a ring and everything … but the bonds of matrimony just weren’t my style … I’d seen them go sour before, so asked him … why what we had now wasn’t good enough.

#36 - Market

I’d already pledged my eternal love to him … yet he wouldn’t let the whole marriage thing drop … I guess I just got pissed at him for bugging me all the time about it … all but accusing me of shopping around for another guy.

#37 - Technology

I told him if he wanted to get married so bad he could go and build a robot of me and marry that … could fuck it too … before I stormed out, like the asshole I am.

#38 - Gift

But, my parents were married -you know- and it killed their passion … it seemed like their love for one another died once they traded those golden bands … Babies are supposed to be a gift my ass … I was just my mother’s way of making my dad stay … yeah, babies are a scared gift my ass …

#39 - Smile

Looking back, I wish I’d just taken the stupid ring … Hell, looking back now, I’d take anything … and, in fact, do take things that come in pill colored form … just to see his smile, one more time.

#40 - Innocence

He was too fucking innocent for this world … to fucking perfect for someone like me …

#41 - Completion

... he made me feel whole … made me feel right … when I was around him it didn’t matter if I was good or evil … Xiaolin or Heylin … HE made me feel special … HE made me feel whole.

#42 - Clouds

That’s why he sent me the answer to all my problems -you know- … sent me a dream of swarming clouds …

#43 - Sky

…floating softly beneath a blood tinged sky …

#44 - Heaven

… taught me that a Heaven with him, wasn’t so far away …

#45 - Hell

… though I’d have to suffer like hell to get there.

#46 - Sun

I claimed Icarus’s folly, to be my suicide … flying towards that burning orb till my power gave out …

#47 - Moon

… and watched the full moon rise, as I fell … Jack always did love the full moon … -you know-

#48 - Waves

… the unforgiving waves below me, willing to take me back to him …

#49 - Hair

… so I could again play with hair … he never did let anyone else touch those flaming locks … and we could fall asleep together one last time, his head on my shoulder.

#50 - Supernova

The Spicer star cam bear our legacy … for someday it too will perish, but for those few seconds before it expires … nothing will compare with it’s passion … it’s beauty … and then it will fade away silently … never to return.

xiaolin showdown, !set alpha

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