Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Chazz/Tori

Jun 28, 2006 17:43

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Pairing: Chazz/Tori
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG to NC-17 to be safe.

#01 - Walking
Chazz Princeton didn’t walk but instead stalked around with an imposing air that most girls fluttered at even if they didn’t admit it; that effect was not lost on Tori, who tried his hardest to get Chazz to just slow down and walk like a normal person, if only for his sanity’s sake.

#02 - Waltz
Duel disks make dancing difficult, and long blue coats get caught in their legs and make them tumble to the floor; but then the best kind of dancing isn’t the kind you do standing up so it’s perfectly fine that neither of them can waltz.

#03 - Wishes
If wishes were fishes, Tori thought absently one class, then I would have a school of Mackerel because it’s lots of fish, but all the same wish, over and over again; now if only Chazz liked Mackerel, it would makes things so much easier.

#04 - Wonder
When there was pure and unrestrained wonder in Tori’s eyes the one time Chazz took him up to the roof of the Academy, Chazz thought it was because of the view but Tori knew it was because Chazz thought so little of the simple act.

#05 - Worry
Late at night, when Chazz had rolled away from him and he was just staring up at the ceiling, Tori worried about lots of things; things like his grades, his families money and standing at the moment and the current popularity in the Obelisk dorms, because the insecure part of him was terrified that was all Chazz saw him in.

#06 - Whimsy
Chazz blamed Jaden for the whole thing; the Slifer should never have talked him into it, and now all that he had to show for his weak wills was a pink and red dorm room just for Tori on Valentines Day.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland
It was dusty, barren and littered with the bones of the hapless fools who had tried to cross it before; but Tori was determined that he’d make it to the other side of Chazz’s heart with his own intact.

#08 - Whiskey and rum
It definitely wasn’t Champagne and it made his eyes water just to smell the vile concoction that the blue haired boy had made, but Chazz was willing to put up with the bitter taste in Tori’s kisses if it meant the other boy felt better about the sex that came after the large amounts of alcohol.

#09 - War
Tori wasn’t usually prone to reading war novels, as he usually only had time to read the duelling magazines that came out; but with Chazz off fighting against those who wanted to steal the Spirit Keys, he did feel a rather odd and unwelcome connection with the women left behind when their loved ones went off to the front.

#10 - Weddings
Alright; there was the dancing, the band, the lively laughter from the Slackers and the beautiful Alexis as she walked down the isle to with her ‘True Love’ Zane, Chazz thought to himself, leaning back against the wall of the church as Tori licked stolen icing off his cock, but I think I have to send a thank you note to them for the cake…

#11 - Birthday
He hadn’t done this before, but Chazz had asked around and finally come up with an answer that seemed plausible; that was why when Tori woke up on his birthday, there was a white husky puppy with a bow round it’s neck sitting in a basket by the side of their bed.

#12 - Blessing
After Alexis had her first baby, Chazz didn’t see much of Tori as he was far too busy playing with the little blessing; to lure him back, Chazz eventually had to agree to getting a kitten, at the very least.

#13 - Bias
Maybe Tori was biased because of his hair colour, but when he saw Chazz return in the black coat, he had his own reasons for wanting him backing Obelisk; blue looked far better on Chazz then just black.

#14 - Burning
It was noticed that for a few days Tori walked with a slight limp and sat on a bunched up piece of his coat; when they next had gym, Bastian noticed a small line of burnt flesh peeking out from under the leg of his shorts and, with a slight chill, realised that Chazz was so possessive that he’d even go so far as to brand what was his.

#15 - Breathing
Chazz wasn’t the kind to lie awake at night just to listen to Tori breathing, but he had his own way of ensuring his lover was alive and well; kicking him in the side until he woke up with a snort worked just as well.

#16 - Breaking
It broke every pattern of routine when Tori started going out during the evenings and coming back smelling of someone else’s cologne; the only thing Chazz was determined not to break was his heart, so he froze it over and ignored the other boys actions.

#17 - Belief
Just when Tori was figuring out what was right and wrong in their world, what to do, what not to do and what rules there were, Chazz had to come along and stomp on all his beliefs by buying him flowers.

#18 - Balloon
“I don’t care what you read online, you’re not putting that in there and blowing it up.”

#19 - Balcony
Chazz and Tori fidgeted uncomfortably in Dr. Crowlers room as the blonde teacher demanded to know how on earth they had broken the railing on Chazz’s balcony and had to be rescued from clinging to the edge; Chazz just made a mental note not to kiss Tori that hard while leaning against them with the next railing that was installed.

#20 - Bane
Jaden was the bane of Chazz’s existence due to the way the boy was the total opposite to him, yet matched him in everything Chazz didn’t want him to; Alexis was the bane of Tori’s, for nearly the same reasons.

#21 - Quiet
Sometimes the silence drove him mad and it was times like that when Tori found himself flat on his back with Chazz biting and kissing him, just to hear some sort of noise that assured him Tori was still there and still real.

#22 - Quirks
It was probably nothing and he probably looked rather adorable in them, but Tori felt compelled to ask why Chazz sometimes felt the need to put on his glasses; when the reply was “When you wear them, you see how I do; when I wear them, I see how you see without them”, Tori decided that Chazz was complicated even in his quirks.

#23 - Question
He didn’t question it when Tori ‘needed space’ and similarly he didn’t argue when Tori decided to move his books back into Chazz’s room followed closely by his clothes; the interrogation that came after Tori asked to borrow a card though, was one of the longest recorded arguments in Duel Academy history.

#24 - Quarrel
Chazz and Tori didn’t ‘squabble’ as Jaden put it, they had ‘discussions’ but as Bastian pointed out, discussions don’t normally leave bruises that last well over a week and bite marks that make you wince just to look at them.

#25 - Quitting
A slap he could handle, and he even stood there through the split lips and bruises, but when Chazz almost shattered his ribs with a duel disk Tori packed and left; there was rough sex and then there was ‘Rough Sex’, and it seemed like Chazz couldn’t tell the difference.

#26 - Jump
Some people don’t understand the simple loyalty that Tori has for Chazz; he can explain it with the age-old saying: “He says jump, I say how high?”

#27 - Jester
Tori glared at Chazz from under the ludicrously coloured hat, the bells tinkling a little as the bluenette crossed his arms; Chazz just smirked as he explained: “Zane is the King of the Obelisk Dorms, Alexis is the Queen and general consensus says I’m the Prince; so I demand a jester.”

#28 - Jousting
In retrospect it was a terrible idea, but they had both been drunk at the time; the whole school was talking for weeks afterwards about how they had run at each other with their duel disks brandished like lances and landed themselves in the Hospital wing.

#29 - Jewel
It was probably some sort of family heirloom that Chazz found in one of Tori’s boxes, but he teased him mercilessly for having a ‘girly, glittery little brooch’ none the less.

#30 - Just
Every night they agree that it’s ‘just great sex’ then roll over and let their hearts break a little that the other didn’t say it was more.

#31 - Smirk
Tori flushed with embarrassment and indignation, turned away from the mirror to see Chazz howling with laughter on the floor and clutching his sides; Tori grinned sheepishly and answered the unspoken question: “Not everyone is a natural at smirking you know!”

#32 - Sorrow
Everyone said that Tori had reason to complain or reason to grieve due to the lack of real affection dealt to him by Chazz, but the fact was that if Tori complained to Chazz, it meant Chazz would just have to complain back.

#33 - Stupidity
Chazz ridiculed the Slifers lack of common sense and duelling skills, mocked the way Ra’s didn’t have the know-how or drive to get into Obelisk and even occasionally muttered about how dull and think-witted some of the other Blues were; Tori only ever cursed his own stupidity for falling in love with such an arrogant and pompous jerk.

#34 - Serenade
Chazz knew he wasn’t meant to hear it and that it would have mortified the bluenette if he knew that Chazz had heard, but he couldn’t stop the small smile that occurred whenever Tori sang to him, thinking that the dark-haired boy was asleep.

#35 - Sarcasm
Tori learnt the hard way that using sarcasm on Chazz - for example retorting with ‘yes, how could I ever say no’ to the question involving Chazz, him, sex and a video camera - didn’t work, because as Chazz proved, he was the Sarcasm Master and anyone who tried to use his own weapons against him were bound to fail.

#36 - Sordid
It made Chazz’s senses reel when words like ‘Fuck me harder’ or ‘God damn you, deeper!” came from a mouth that was normally reserved to polite conversation about Duel Monsters or the general ineptitude of Slifer Slackers; it made him so dizzy that he couldn’t help but obey his sidekick.

#37 - Soliloquy
“I guess it’s normal for him, after all thunderclouds roam on and on with the wind, they don’t settle down so why should he be any different, they are his namesake after all; but birds can fly as well so I guess I can always follow the storm…”

#38 - Sojourn
During half term, they hardly saw anything of each other as their respective families kept them busy; so when Chazz and Tori met by chance at a Card Shop one afternoon, one would think there was a honeymoon suite in the store cupboard judging by the amount of time they spent in there and the noises that emitted.

#39 - Share
Chazz glared at the Ra boy who had dared to try and hit on Tori, the yellow jacketed boy’s life points dropping to zero; Tori shivered as he watched in the stands, Chazz’s message clear even from this distance: “I don’t share.”

#40 - Solitary
Even when they were both pressing frantically against each other in Chazz’s bed with the tent walls rocking slightly or in Tori’s dorm after they locked the bluenettes dorm mate out, it could be noted that they still had a slightly lonely look in their eyes.

#41 - Nowhere
With Chazz on his back and Tori’s head resting on his chest, both boys smirked when there were sudden light taps on the wall of Chazz’s tent and Jaden enquiring worriedly why no one had left the small room for over a day and a half.

#42 - Neutral
Maybe it was because they both had glasses, maybe it was because they both had blue hair or maybe it was because they were both sidekicks, but Tori felt slight neutrality towards Jaden little friend Syrus; after all, when you both had boyfriends with ego problems, you needed someone to share an eye roll with as you stood behind them.

#43 - Nuance
Tori was tired of dropping subtle hints or being patient all the time, and so enough was enough; Chazz wasn’t sure what was happening as he glanced away from the question he was answering at the front of the class for a second until he was pinned against the board and being thoroughly kissed.

#44 - Near
Jaden wondered why Chazz was sitting straighter in his chair, gripping the edge of his desk with little growls, considering he only ever did that when Tori was nearby; from the view Bastian had, he could see under the desk and knew that Tori was nearer to Chazz then Jaden knew.

#45 - Natural
Tori was getting more and more pissed off each time Chazz asked him if that was his natural hair colour, so in the end he just proved to the dark-haired boy that he was, indeed, a natural blue all the way over.

#46 - Horizon
If Tori took his glasses off, he couldn’t see his hand let alone the distant horizon, but Chazz proved to him that just because sunsets were pretty in the distance, didn’t mean there weren’t sexier things to see right in front of Tori’s face.

#47 - Valiant
It was a brave move, Bastian thought to himself as he watched Tori duel Chazz for practise, both Obelisks looking totally focused; then Tori winced a little with a squeak, blush and pleased shiver after Chazz seemed to press a little button on his Duel Disk, and Bastian smirked a little or maybe a cocky one, but either way he got what he wanted

#48 - Virtuous
Tori knew that it wasn’t anything special like Chazz’s ‘first time’ the minute he saw Chazz lean over to the side of the bed and scratch a pencil mark on the record he was keeping of encounters just like this one.

#49 - Victory
Chazz wasn’t used to celebrating anybodies victory but his own, so when Tori shyly asked him for a drink to celebrate his victory over someone else he was a bit confused how to respond; it took Tori lacing his fingers with Chazz’s for him to finally figure out what ‘celebrate’ meant.

#50 - Defeat
Lying on his back, bite marks still stinging his neck, scratches bleeding slightly round his hips and Tori a soft weight to the side of him, Chazz figured that sometimes defeat wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

yuugiou/yu-gi-oh!, !set beta

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