Crossover - Kingdom Hearts/Magic Knight Rayearth

May 19, 2006 16:23

Fandom: Crossover
Pairing: Riku x Umi Ryuuzaki
Rating: G to PG
Table: Alpha

I apologize to the mods for taking so long with this >>; I've been so busy since I claimed this and I hope they don't think I died or anything, lol. Also, I expand from child-hood to adult-hood through these sentences so, I hope it doesn't confuse you too bad.

#01 - Comfort

While they rode in the park, she fell off her bike and hurt her knee, he was right there to comfort her and heal her wound.

#02 - Kiss

She had never kissed a boy and he had never kissed a girl, so when they kissed for the first time, it was strange but wonderful.

#03 - Soft

Riku felt Umi's hair, it was soft like silk in his hands, Kairi's hair never felt like that the few times he touched it.

#04 - Pain

The two had pains from their pasts, but whenever they felt like it, they'd talk about it together.

#05 - Potatoes

"You...want me to peel potatoes?" She asked him and he nodded, "Yeah, I had to as a kid." Umi rushed into the kitchen closet and pulled out an instant package of mashed potatoes as Riku sweat dropped.

#06 - Rain

Riku liked the rain, it was very calming to his soul, Umi liked it too, but she thinks it was because of her connection to water.

#07 - Chocolate

Every Valentine's Day, Umi bought chocolate for Riku despite his distaste for it, but then it began to grow on him.

#08 - Happiness

He wanted nothing more then for her to be happy and she felt the exact same way for him.

#09 - Telephone

"I bought you a cellphone", she told him and she also said to only call her when it was an emergency, Riku looked over the cellphone then dialed Umi while she was at fencing practice, "Hello?" came a voice from the other end, "Hey, I'm bored, so I decided to call you." but soon, a beeping sound was heard and a "We're sorry, your call has been disconnected."

#10 - Ears

Umi loved playing with Riku's ears, she couldn't help herself, "Get off" he'd say but she'd tease him none the less.

#11 - Name

"Class, meet your new student, Riku." said the teacher as Umi looked up at Riku, she found him attractive at first sight and she knew then, she had to get him to like her.

#12 - Sensual

Umi came out of the ladies' changing room in a short skirt and top, "How's it look on me?" Riku couldn't help but nosebleed a little then answered, "Lo-looks great!" She just giggled at him to herself.

#13 - Death

The two stood at the alter, all their family and friends around them, "Do you take each other as husband and wife till death do you part?" asked the priest, "I do." they said in unison.

#14 - Sex

It was their honeymoon night, as the two threw off their clothes, they thought about nothing but of a night of passion and pleasure.

#15 - Touch

Riku went to grab Umi's hand when she turned to him, "You could ask before you grab my hand.", he sighed at him, "I'm sorry, ok?" she only smiled and hugged him.

#16 - Weakness

If Umi had one weakness, it was when a boy swooned her with words of love and passion, she loved it every time Riku did that to her.

#17 - Tears

It was Umi's fencing tournament and Riku had been invited to watch, it was near the semi-final round that Umi had lost, she tried her hardest not to cry in front of her teammates but in front of Riku, she knew she could cry and that she did with him holding her in a warm embrace.

#18 - Speed

Riku was the fastest runner in the whole school, no one could out beat and Umi was lucky to have him for her boyfriend.

#19 - Wind

The two went sailing in Hawaii and Umi liked the feel of the breeze, it reminded Riku a little of home but he smiled none the less.

#20 - Freedom

"We've finally graduated, Riku. Are you going to college with me?" Umi asked the silver haired boy and he nodded, "Of course I'm going with you, I don't want you getting lonely in college."

#21 - Life

Riku, age 30 and Umi, age 29, had spent most of their lives together as boyfriend and girlfriend, then as husband and wife, they were very happy for the life they had.

#22 - Jealousy

It made Umi upset whenever Riku was around other girls and made her jealous too.

#23 - Hands

Holding hands was something they both did every time they went out.

#24 - Taste

"Taste these cookies for me, will you?" She asked him as he ate one, even if Umi didn't like sweets much, Riku loved cookies and she made them for him often, "They're delicious, dear." He replied with a smile and she was happy.

#25 - Devotion

It was hard for Umi to keep herself from looking at other men sometimes, that made Riku annoyed but he did the same thing with certain women.

#26 - Forever

At first, all he saw was darkness but then a bright light could be seen and there was Umi, with a halo, white wings, and in a white gown. "It's time, Riku, come on." She took his hand as they entered into the pearly gates of heaven to spent forever together.

#27 - Blood

Umi had pricked her finger as she was sewing a sweater for Riku, "This stupid needle and thread, why can't I just use a sewing machine?" She complained but soon, Riku walked in and saw Umi's finger still bleeding, "Here, just use a sewing machine, I don't need it handmade." He gave her a ban aid as she sighed a little, she thought it was special handmade but it seemed that he didn't care either way.

#28 - Sickness

"Come on, take it." She shook her head at him, "No way, that looks nasty!" Riku sighed as he tries to put the spoon in Umi's mouth again, "It's my Grandma's old recipe to curing chicken pox, come on, take it." Umi screamed and hid under her blankets, "No way, buster, I'm not taking that crap!" Riku sighed again, this was gonna take a while he thought to himself.

#29 - Melody

Umi was looking through college courses to take when Riku came up to her from behind, "Whatcha gonna take?" He asked and she turned to look a him, "I thought about taking a singing class, what do you think?" Riku nodded then said, "Can I hear you sing?" Umi blushed and sang a little for him, she wasn't totally flat but she did need some work.

#30 - Star

Riku was in his astronomy club studying when Umi walked in and saw Riku looking over a chart for stars, "Looks interesting, are you gonna name a star after me one day?" He looked up at her and grinned, "Maybe I will."

#31 - Home

They hung a little plate inside that said, "Home Sweet Home" and smiled at it while in a small hug.

#32 - Confusion

Umi growls with an angry look on her face, "I thought I told you to get diapers not depends!" Riku blushed a little, he was only human and mistakes do happen.

#33 - Fear

The biggest fear in Umi's life was losing Riku, she then put the thought out of her mind.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder

Umi hated lighting and thunder, she'd hide under somewhere to get away from it, Riku on the other hand wasn't so scared and just tried to calm Umi down whenever there was a storm.

#35 - Bonds

Even before marriage, the two shared a bond of love that was merely unbreakable and no person could change either of their hearts.

#36 - Market

Riku thought about being in the stock market at one point but Umi told him about her dad and how boring his life was then Riku decided not to do it after all.

#37 - Technology

If it was things in the house Umi had to have for the future was the latest gagets and new tech stuff coming out, Riku's credit card bills would be flying through the roof, and he knew it.

#38 - Gift

Riku had been working for hours on end to finish his perfect gift for Umi and when he did give it to her, she was happy, it was a necklace made of pearls and seashells.

#39 - Smile

Both of them loved seeing the other smile, it brighten the day for them both.

#40 - Innocence

The two were looking old photo albums of their lives as young kids and they both couldn't help but laugh at how innocent and dorky they were at times.

#41 - Completion

"It's done!" Riku exclaimed as Umi came to see what he was doing in the garage for two hours, there it was, a new cradle for their soon to be expected baby, Umi smiled at the cute cradle her husband had made and hugged him.

#42 - Clouds

Pointing at the sky, "Hey, that cloud looks like a rabbit doesn't it?" she said to him who looked for the same cloud and nodded, "The one next to it looks like a turtle."

#43 - Sky

The two were sitting together outside looking at the sky on a hill when a question came up, "Don't you wish you could fly sometimes?" She asked him then he shook his head no, "Nah, I'm more comfortable on the ground."

#44 - Heaven

Umi was an angel, to a certain point, she was nice, loving, and caring to people.

#45 - Hell

If Umi was an angel, Riku was a devil, he was the darkness to her light and the evil to her good.

#46 - Sun

Riku thought of Umi as the sun, cheerful, energetic, playful, and loved to smile.

#47 - Moon

Umi thought of Riku as the moon, calm, dark, mysterious and uncertain at times.

#48 - Waves

Umi laid on her beach towel as Riku was surfing the waves of a Hawaiian paradise, "Riku, watch out!" Riku heard Umi's call but totally wiped out and she couldn't help but laugh.

#49 - Hair

Umi was brushing the hair of her cat when Riku sneezes loudly, "What is it?" She asked as he sneezed again, "It's your cat, I'm allergic to cat hair!" Umi sighed and sweat dropped, she had no idea Riku was allergic to cats.

#50 - Supernova

Like a blast of energy, she was off again, sometimes he couldn't keep up with all her bouncy energy, but he loved how spunky she was.

!crossover, magic knight rayearth, kingdom hearts, !set alpha

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