BSG: Starbuck and Apollo

May 13, 2006 00:21

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara “Starbuck” Thrace/Lee “Apollo” Adama
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: R

Warning: Some of these sentences are AU in nature.

01 Motion

Kara’s fist started flying, and for a second, for just one brief moment of a moment, Lee understood the term poetry in motion.

02 Cool

Lee sighed, “All right, I’ll admit it was awfully nice of you to tell the nuggets that I was the one that gave them the night off so they’d think their CAG was cool.”

03 Young

“Hard to imagine we were young once” was the soft whisper that caused Kara to shut her locker door and turn to smile at Lee.

04 Last

Tucked up for the night in a resistance bunker on New Caprica, Kara tried to remember the last time she laughed and hated that she knew it was with Lee.

05 Wrong

The last words Kara said to Lee before the Cylons’ reappearance cut off the comm connection was “I was wrong to think you could ever change”.

06 Gentle

Kara walked into the break room and, seeing Lee in full concentration mode with the flight schedules, leaned in to blow gently against the back of his neck.

07 One

It only took one word for Kara to know this wasn’t just some thoughtless frak as they came down off the adrenaline high: Stay.

08 Thousand

Lee held the diamond ring out to Kara and gave her his bravest smile, “One thousand Cylon-free days was what you told me it would take for you to say yes, so here I am.”

09 King

“Full colors,” Kara said, throwing down the cards, and Lee couldn’t help but smirk, “We’re playing by Earth rules so those are two Kings, a Queen, an eight, and a nine, Kara, making you a big, fat loser.”

10 Learn

Kara learned the hard way that you don’t steal the CAG’s underwear while he’s in the head and expect no retaliation.

11 Blur

The lines of reality tended to blur when Kara was struggling to remember the hundred and one reasons why she had to tell Lee there was nothing between them.

12 Wait

Two failed marriages, one aborted Cylon pregnancy, the loss of the first ship he ever commanded, and a mutual recommitment to the military later, Lee decided she was worth the wait.

13 Change

Things between Kara and himself were like a roller coaster of highs and lows, but his dreams never seemed to change.

14 Command

Lee figured now that Kara was onboard Pegasus he had about two days before the Fleet figured out it was the Commander’s wife who was in charge of the ship.

15 Hold

Kara held on to Lee’s hand as tight as she could as they stared at the coffin slowly drifting out the airlock and into space.

16 Need

“You’re all about the need and nothing about the want,” Kara yelled over her shoulder.

17 Vision

Lee hoped to the gods that vision wasn’t necessary for him to find his way to the shower stalls because with Kara walking around and screaming she was going to kill the person who stole her towel, he really couldn’t look up.

18 Attention

“Attention on deck, the CAG has finally gotten the stick out of his ass,” Kara screamed when Lee showed up at the annual strip triad game she set up.

19 Soul

Kara fought to hold back the tears as Lee continued to stare at her with that familiar cold expression on his face, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he would even pray for her soul should the Cylons finally catch up to her.

20 Picture

Kara had a fool-proof Plan B, should this whole military/running from Cylons thing not work out, and she was pretty sure that even if the Cylons won, they’d still pay good money for their own personal copies of a certain post-shower bunkroom scene from D’anna Biers last expose.

21 Fool

Kara’s eyes scanned across the hangar bay until they caught on Lee’s, and stepping onto the Raptor, she muttered, “Life has a way of making a fool of me every step I take these days.”

22 Mad

Lee loved how when Kara got really mad, her lips would pout in just a way that it was next to impossible not to want to frak her up against a wall.

23 Child

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when Kara awoke to feel Lee’s arm draped across her waist and his head resting on her chest, the nagging suspicion that she could never handle being a mother fades away.

24 Now

As Lee landed his Viper after single-handedly taking out that tylium refinery, he hoped that now Kara would stop doubting him.

25 Shadow

Lee knew the fever had really taken over when he told Kara her shadow looked like a Cylon infiltrator.

26 Goodbye

“This is for you, Kara,” Lee said, cutting off the comm channel to her Viper and giving his XO the order to drive Pegasus straight into the base star before them.

27 Hide

They couldn’t hide from each other even when they tried.

28 Fortune

“You will go on an important trip in the next few days,” Kara muttered, before crumbling up the Gemenon fortune cookie and chucking it at Lee, “They’re a little behind the times, don’t you think?”

29 Safe

Safe meant they both landed with at least half their ships still intact.

30 Ghost

Lee had a nasty habit of coming back from the dead and scaring the shit out of her.

31 Book

The only engagement gift Kara did not return was the book of poetry given to her by her fiancé’s older brother.

32 Eye

For his twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirty-second, thirty-third, and forty-fifth birthday, Kara’s present to Lee was a big, black eye.

33 Never

“Never is a promise,” Lee reminded Kara as he settled into his Viper, “and I like to keep my promises.”

34 Sing

Lee heard her silently singing one of her father’s songs to herself in the bunkroom on the anniversary of his death and made sure that he kept the area clear for a few hours.

35 Sudden

The sudden impact of Kara’s Viper connecting with the tip of Lee’s should not have felt as satisfying as it did.

36 Stop

“We need to stop,” Kara Anders hissed as she clawed at the fly of Lee Adama’s pants, knowing they had about two minutes before Dualla Adama came home to see her husband.

37 Time

A lot could happen in 33 minutes.

38 Wash

Kara had always hated the end of maintenance shifts and how they left her feeling so dirty, but every since the transfer to Pegasus and the Commander’s sudden urge to help her wash away the grease, she didn’t mind the shifts that much.

39 Torn

Lee watched Kara climb the tree on Kobol to see if there were Cylons ahead and silently wondered when tomboys became his type.

40 History

Sometimes, Lee wondered if it would be wrong for him to demand that someone tell him what exactly was this history he kept hearing people whisper about when he and Kara started their flirty bickering.

41 Power

Power had its privileges, Lee decided, stepping into the brig and ordering the Marine to give him some alone time with the cell’s current occupant.

42 Bother

Leaving Kara to her newly rescued man, Lee wondered why he even bothered to believe her a few weeks earlier when she seemed so broken over the idea that whatever they had was over.

43 God

God had a plan for Kara Thrace and Lee Adama, but there were only so many of his children he could sacrifice to give them what they wanted.

44 Wall

Lee wasn’t sure when the walls inside himself started to match up with the walls inside of her.

45 Naked

He had no idea how he ended up locked in an equipment closet stark naked with a still-clothed Kara, but Lee had a hunch that she was at least partially behind it.

46 Drive

Lee let his head fall on Kara’s shoulder after their tenth hour of trying to stay awake and whispered, “Promise me that when we find Earth, you and I will go on road trips like in the old days.”

47 Harm

They never intended to do it, but somehow the harm was always done.

48 Precious

Lee’s heart caught in his chest as he came off a long day in the CIC of his battlestar to find Kara tangled in the sheets of his bed just where he left her.

49 Hunger

The hunger took over completely, and rubbing her belly, Kara wondered if she could convince Lee to sneak her a little bit of the fresh fruit she knew he had access to.

50 Believe

As Pegasus and Galactica jumped away from New Caprica, Lee suddenly remembered what his mother used to say before she tucked him in every night- If you believe, son, the gods will take care of the rest- and he knew that no matter what happened, Kara would fight her way back to him.

!set epsilon, battlestar galactica

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