(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 02:35

Fandom: X-Men (mostly movieverse)
Pairing: Wolverine/Storm
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: G to (light)R

#1 - Comfort
Comfort she’ll readily give but not receive; Ororo doesn’t know if she likes Logan’s brand of comfort, anyway-the challenging questions, the demand for a response, the ability he has to make her admit things that are better left unsaid.

#2 - Kiss
She pulls him to her for a kiss; not the sweet, subdued kiss that was worthy of her ilk of woman, but hard kisses that were rough enough to draw blood from her already bruised lips; he pulls back from her momentarily, running a tongue over her throbbing bottom lip; “Logan never kisses me like this,” she says, as he pulls her into another kiss; this one harder than the first; betrayal never hurt so good.

#3 - Soft
She doesn’t like it when he calls her fragile, when he tells her how much he likes the way her dove-like bones shift beneath his fingers, when he tells her how soft she is against him; it reminds her how weak she is physically next to him; it reminds her that she is delicate and can be easily crushed.

#4 - Pain
She tries to explain to Logan that pain is embryonic; it means different things to different people, uniquely their own, and not always understandable; his own experience with pain has blinded him, made him incapable of truly grasping the versatility of pain; he cannot accept that there can be pain without suffering and there can be regret without guilt.

#5 - Potatoes
It’s small potatoes, is what he tells her, and she takes it to mean that it’s no big deal; she chuckles slightly at his aphorism, rolling her eyes at him; his fight with Scott was obviously big potatoes or else he wouldn’t be pouting, but she just kisses him on the cheek, anyway, and walks away laughing quietly.

#6 - Rain
The air cooled with the setting of the sun, leaving behind the heady scent of impending rain; she pulls her cloak closer to her body, as she hurries along the dark path; she likes the anonymity that a cloak offers her, a physical reminder that she was playing a game with Logan that she could not win.

#7 - Chocolate
Logan watches as she unwraps the chocolate kiss slowly, like a mistress peeling away the last article of clothing standing between her and her lover; she brings the candy to her mouth, her lips wrapping around her fingers sensually, as the candy disappears inside; then, she pulls her fingers from her lips, but not before licking away the last remnants of the chocolate like a forbidden pleasure; she opens another, holding it between her fingers, she looks at him, “Have some?” she says; seduction by chocolate.

#8 - Happiness
For the first time since God knows when, he feels like he might actually be happy; he wasn’t alone; he had purpose in life; he remembers when he thought everything he touched turned to brass, anything he remotely cared for met a tragic end; he remembers when he believed that happiness wasn’t obtainable for him; he doesn’t think like that now, but he still doesn’t know what the future holds; he just knows that she gives him something to live for.

#9 - Telephone
The phone’s ringing, but neither of them are paying attention, wrapped up in a heated argument that will only lead to spiteful words or bitter sex; the outcome is never truly clear.

#10 - Ears
She never tells him what he wants to know, her lips pressed against his ears, brushing against his lobe, as she pretends to tell him a secret; he knows they’re all lies, but she always tells him what he wants to hear.

#11 - Name
Ororo didn’t know any Logan’s except one; and the one she did know always ignited some unnamed feeling in her stomach.

#12 - Sensual
She pops the top two buttons of her shirt, allowing a generous portion of her cleavage to show, a bit of her black bra peeking coyly around her white shirt; she pretends to be oblivious to it all, letting the warm night breeze run over her skin; the gentle wind teases her skin erotically causing her thoughts to stray to other things.

#13 - Death
Death was just a metaphor for something that was missing in her soul, something that even Logan’s mouth can’t kiss away.

#14 - Sex
Tongue like silk in her mouth while range-worn hands caress her curves; Sweet, sweet bastard French whispered into her mouth like a breath of life; a sandpaper growl vibrating against her stomach until she thinks she’ll faint from the feel; wrapped up in her pleasure zone, she thinks if they ask her to speak she’ll evaporate like air; two’s company, but three’s divine.

#15 - Touch
Tonight, they played a game using the five senses; touch, she decides as he runs his finger along her spine, is the second most sensual of the five; she draws one of his fingers to her mouth; taste being the first.

#16 - Weakness
“A weak man never cries, but a strong one does,” she always tells him when they speak of Jean; “I could say the same for some goddesses,” his rebuttal.

#17 - Tears
He doesn’t think she cries real tears; it’s merely water running from her eyes, holding none of the merit that true tears held.

#18 - Speed
He hadn’t let many women ride with him on his bike; they always yelled in his ear, complaining he drove too fast, breaking the reckless peace that should be felt speeding down the road at breakneck speeds; she never complained; sometimes, though, her breath would catch in her throat as he conquered a hairpin turn; he once heard her whisper that it was a lot like flying.

#19 - Wind
He listened to the winds as they raged outside, whipping to and fro, reminding him that they had the potential to be dangerous; she was mad at him again, but she never told him in words; but she always showed him, even when she didn’t mean to.

#20 - Freedom
Love and freedom weren’t terms that were readily paired together; to do so meant that you weren’t truly free, if you were only loving one person; he didn’t know why some people thought freedom in love was best expressed by screwing as many people as you could, according to some people; he didn’t believe that truly made them “free in love”; he believed that to freedom in love was when you found one person you connected to mentally and physically; anything else made you a slave, a victim to your own emotions.

#21 - Life
It was funny how the union of two people could create a new life; Ororo sings to her belly, but the others think she sings to herself; she wasn’t quite ready to share her joy; at least, not until Logan returned.

#22 - Jealousy
Another lie, Ororo knew one when she heard it; he’d been with her again, but he wouldn’t admit it; she didn’t know why he’d think that she would fall for such stupid excuses; he treats her like he was the first man she’s ever been with; he didn’t want to play these games with her; because, by the goddess, if he wanted to play dirty, she would win; jealousy wasn’t her best facet.

#23 - Hands
She liked to look at his hands, especially when he unsheathed his claws; she believed his hands told a story, the play that Shakespeare never got to pen.

#24 - Taste
She doesn’t like the taste of beer, finding the flavor disgusting; the devil’s brew was an appropriate name for it; but crème liqueur-that tasted a bit better, especially when she licked it off his lips.

#25 - Devotion
Devotion was synonymous with fidelity; fidelity was an act of faithfulness, a lesson that required participation by both parties.

#26 - Forever
She doesn’t realize that forever is a long time for him; she doesn’t experience time on the same psychological scale as he does; what seems like forever to her is only mere seconds for him.

#27 - Blood
“Oh yes, there will be blood,” the cryptic voice on the television says, and she shudders at his side; he pulls a little closer, while laughing at her; she really was sweet, jumping at a movie that didn’t compare to what they saw everyday; “I am not scared,” she says, pulling away from him; “Sure…” he says and she glares at him for a split second; moments later, she’s jumping into his lap, “Oh goddess, what was that?”; fraidy cat.

#28 - Sickness
He was playing nurse-maid; when you go on a mission, you expect a lot of things to happen, but catching the flu isn’t one of them; she says that little twerp that defected to the Brotherhood-Josh, Jake, Jamie, John, whatever the hell his name was-sneezed on her; “It’s,” she pauses to sneeze, “the ultimate form of attack.”

#29 - Melody
When he first came to the mansion, she used to hum a lot almost to the point of annoyance; walking down the hall, she would hum; preparing breakfast in the morning, she would hum; tending to her garden, she would hum; she doesn’t hum at all now; he wonders if it’s because of him.

#30 - Star
“Make a wish,” she says, pointing out a shooting star, closing her eyes; he doesn’t have the guts to tell her that he doesn’t believe in wishes.

#31 - Home
He claims that he doesn’t have a real home; she asks him what were they-what was she?-if they weren’t his home.

#32 - Confusion
He didn’t like mixed signals, and she was full of them; look, but don't touch; enjoy, but don’t covet.

#33 - Fear
Fear was an emotion he was used to sensing on people when they were around him; when he entered a room, he could feel the fear settle like dust in the air; he knows that she fears him, but not for the same reasons that they fear him.

#34 - Thunder/Lightning
She could use her powers to disarm an enemy with all the tranquility of a clear summer day; thunder would rage, lightning passed its decisive judgment; and there she was, the calm amidst the fury.

#35 - Bonds
He wasn’t really sure what it was that made him feel a kinship with her; maybe it was because they were both children of nature; maybe it was because she always knew how to put a softer edge on his thoughts.

#36 - Market
“On the market” was such an objectionable term in her opinion; she rolled her eyes at Logan when he used it and her newly single status in the same sentence; she was not on display, and this was not the grocery store.

#37 - Technology
“Cease fire!” she yells at him; but she’s taken too much damage; she drops; she was dead; “You killed me, Logan,” she growls; “You’ll be respawned!” he says; “You are not supposed to shoot your teammate. See if I ever play FEAR with you again!” she yells back at him from across the computer lab, banging her fist on the desk.; “You said if it moves, shoot it,” he yells back; “I DID NOT mean me!” she argues; “Look,” he starts, “sometimes there are gonna be causalities…”; she throws her wireless optical mouse at him, nailing him in the forehead, “Oops,” she says dryly.

#38 - Gift
Logan always leaves his gifts where he knows that she’ll find them, but she knows he doesn’t like it when she gushes openly about them; she makes a special effort to find a shirt to match the turquoise hairpins he left her, even though she doesn’t like them much.

#39 - Smile
He sometimes wondered what went on during their “girls’ night out”; they’d stay out way too late, then hole themselves up in Ororo’s room; now, he knew, and he thought he’d be horrified if it didn’t make him smile; they were dancing around Ororo’s room, “AND I… I must confess I still believe. STILL BELIEVE! When I’m not with you I lose my mind,” they sang together in perfect disharmony, using a brush as a shared microphone, “give me a SIGN. HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME.”

#40 - Innocence
Ororo can only smile at his mild surprise at how experience she actually was in the art of lovemaking; she believes that a common misconception that most men have about her is that she’s an ice princess in her personal life, that she had never been sullied by another person’s touch; but she was no ingénue.

#41 - Completion
There were some things that never had to be verbalized between the two; one passing glance, one soft kiss, told the other everything they needed to know.

#42 - Clouds
When you did things haphazardly, you sometimes didn’t think about the “after” part of these foolish decisions; she doesn’t know what to say to him as tension clouds the room.

#43 - Sky
To Ororo, the sky was an infallible symbol for promise; to Logan, the vast uncertainty only symbolized emptiness.

#44 - Heaven
When she was good, she was very good indeed; most days, Ororo was the picture of serenity, very amicable, easy to be around even if they didn’t talk much, he noticed.

#45 - Hell
But when she was bad, she was… hell; despite what she said about her emotions and the weather, she always showed a certain degree of emotion; after Jean’s death, that was when he saw her at her worst; she wasn’t just hurt but angry as well, her anger manifesting itself in battle.

#46 - Sun
It’d been a longtime since he’d had anything “bright” in life; the nomadic life tends to be lonesome, spent in a perpetual darkness, but she watching her move about her greenhouse in blissful silence was like tasting a drop of sunshine.

#47 - Moon
She tells him that she does her dreaming best in the moonlight when everything is peaceful; he asks her what she dreams about, but she always replies that it’s a secret.

#48 - Waves
She always waves goodbye when she goes to do whatever it was she did during the week; she thought the gesture was insignificant, but it meant something to him.

#49 - Hair
She cut her hair; she was always doing something “fashionable” with her hair, and he hated it.

#50 - Supernova
Their love was like a supernova-highly volatile, intense in energy, a rare celestial event, but most of all fleeting

x-men, !set alpha

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