[Crossover] Blues x Cloud Strife

Feb 13, 2006 17:07

Fandom: Megaman & Final Fantasy Seven
Pairing: Blues x Cloud Strife
Set: Alpha
Rating: overall R (for adult situations and the occasional call for language)
Notes: Working with two universes: a Kingdom Hearts!verse (KH) and an actual crossover plot (FL); lines will be identified from which universe they derive from. If they aren't marked, they're neutral.

1. Comfort
Fight him, and he's relaxed; comfort him, and he'll bite. (FL)

2. Kiss
In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest decision, but Cloud owed him something and wasn't like he didn't reciprocate....but really, Blues should have waited until they were out of eye-sight. (KH)

3. Soft
Cloud saw it once, the expression he cast as he watched X bubble in enthusiasm over an idea that was circling the group (the pain, the remorse, the longing, the love); for the life of him, Cloud couldn't understand what would warrant a gentle look from the most bitter individual he knew. (FL)

4. Pain
Maybe it was the sadist in him, or maybe it was the masochist, but twang of metal-on-metal with no holds bar on strength was a blessed reminder Cloud could forget the world, and concentrate on putting the shorter man in his place.

5. Potatoes
The first time was a no-brainer and the second was rather annoying, but the third time he caught the damn thing and crushed in his grip; Cloud maintained his innocent facade through it all, even with two baby potatoes sitting bruised on the kitchen floor and a fourth lingering in his own hand. (KH)

6. Rain
The Hollow's neighboring kingdom of Burmecia was always flooded by the rainwaters, and getting caught in the continuous downpour was not his idea of spending quality time with the Water-borne's patron. (KH)

7. Chocolate
One had a taste for it, the other didn't; fighting always lasted longer when Blues ate chocolate and Cloud was at fault.

8. Happiness
Blues was happiest when he's in Wutai, but he was also at his loneliest, and Cloud thought he understood, but Blues assured him he'd never fully understand, and he didn't ever want to; after such amounting tragedies, finding the sort of happiness Blues could garner was near impossible and Cloud shouldn't need to chance it. (FL)

9. Telephone
The cellphone rang two minutes late, which equated to two minutes of anxiety, and the only excuse the voice had to offer was, "I love it when you worry." (FL)

10. Ears
"If earrings are your kink, I'll just start wearing clip-ons."

11. Name
Once, as a joke, they discussed who would take on who's surname where the kids could hear them, (they remained undecided); Kairi and Mizu later on discussed how not cool it was if their foster parents got hitched...and on the side, they couldn't decide either. (KH)

12. Sensual
Words whispered against the other's mouth, not a kiss but pleading to become one, lingered preciously like the hands barely brushing skin; they didn't know what they were waiting for, but rushing was not an option.

13. Death
It was something of a shock to see his corpse, a mangled mess of wires and chips and metal plating, given the myths of Wutai's devil (he knew they were false, but still...), but Dawn assured him this was probably what he wanted: to finally die in hopes his sacrifice meant something worthwhile. (FL)

14. Sex
Fucking was done to the sound of pulse-pounding metal music from the stereo; making love was done to the sound of the night's silence.

15. Touch
Cloud had a weakness Blues loved to exploit: all those extra-sensitive nerve-endings that tied the wing to his back remained long after it had been removed; the long shriek it caused whenever it was caressed was a sin he was delighted to indulge in. (KH)

16. Weakness
Cloud didn't like how flippantly Blues thought of his human body; he wasn't immortal any longer. (KH)

17. Tears
Nightmares can leave the strongest men and women in shambles, and when Blues cries in his sleep, Cloud wonders what could have hurt the other so badly it still haunts him centuries later.

18. Speed
The speed at which a man falls can be phenomenal; it's even more astonishing when that man is saved from hitting the ground at a speed twice as fast.

19. Wind
Hammocks were an invention worth living for, and it was even made better when the wind could keep it swaying so neither of said hammock's occupants had to do it for them. (KH)

20. Freedom
"So what do think about them getting comfortable?" Zack asked later that day, and Sephiroth merely observed (with no trace of disappointment), "I don't have a claim on him anymore." (KH)

21. Life
Gone through so many years that no living creature should ever suffer through, promising to take the days-to-follow one step at a time was a bittersweet vow neither knew what to do with.

22. Jealousy
He tried not to feel possessive every time Blues spoke with Dominique (she was happily married and he knew better than to try anything), but sometimes threads lingered and showed up later that night, when the music was on and slightly louder than it normally was. (KH)

23. Hands
Cloud once teased Blues for having smaller hands than his own, and Blues smirked, unaffected, and made a (much more derogatory) comparison of his own; it left Cloud blushing and scowling.

24. Taste
Maybe there was something to this whole cooking affair after all, Blues mused, as they lay on the kitchen floor in a mess of flour and vegetable oil, and rightly licked off the cherry sauce at the corner of Cloud's mouth. (KH)

25. Devotion
Blues remained faithful to Kalinka for so long that it was hard to look at Cloud....and not feel that devotion copping for a replacement.

26. Forever
Forever was too long a period to be together; they settled for just the rest of their natural lifespan. (KH)

27. Blood
Cutting your finger was never fun, but it could always be made better if your partner took it in his mouth and 'kissed' it back to health. (KH)

28. Sickness
"If this is what being human's all about, I'd rather be dead," Blues grumbled from under the quilt, and Cloud thought it served him right. (KH)

29. Melody
He didn't whistle often anymore, but he had yet to ever turn down a blonde's request. (KH)

30. Star
Playing "Name the World" during the night was a running joke between them, to ease the ache that home was a little island among a chain of islands, and no longer at where they (thought they) were pointing. (KH)

31. Home
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home, and Blues liked the sound of that.

32. Confusion
Neither were sure where they stood with the other, but standing didn't seem to have a role between them, unless a wall was involved.

33. Fear
Cloud found it humbling (almost) that beneath Blues' ego, attitude, and bitterness was an extreme phobia of water; it seemed almost comical that, given the stories surrounding him, Wutai's devil did have one serious crutch. (FL)

34. Lightning/Thunder
Lightning struck twice in his love life and Blues was left wondering if the second was simply a resonance with the first. (KH)

35. Bonds
Neither were particularly kinky, so when the handcuffs appeared one night, the number of threats promised upon his partner increased dramatically and said partner figured this was good enough to have an encore session later in the month.

36. Market
They once navigated Costa Del Sol's fleamarkets and, helpfully (or it was plain-out showing off), Blues could point out what was fake, what was genuine, and what was underpriced; they walked away with one more broad sword for Cloud's growing collection and a really good pair of sunglasses. (FL)

37. Technology
There was no shortage of curious fascination to be found, with the observing platform behind the glass appearing rather crowded, when the stranger was placed nude atop the operating slab and was opened up plate-by-plate. (KH)

38. Gift
"You got the boy what?!" Cloud cried, mimicking the outrage of an over-protective parent (and the scandal did get worse when you threw in the 'princess' title to his own 'obligated guardian' title); apparently Cloud wasn't aware that the birds and the bees could get women pregnant, princess status or not, and Blues was only trying to help. (KH)

39. Smile
A smile used to be rare from either of them; only when they started trading smiles with each other did the expression become an every-day occurrence.

40. Innocence
Neither indulged in the action much, but occasionally one's fingers would slip between the others, like children would do in the throws of shy love, and it was their little secret. (KH)

41. Completion
When the journey is over, they were never supposed to see each other again; when they did, it was if someone was saying the adventure was complete, but the road they were meant to walk down still had a long ways to go.

42. Clouds
The day Blues pointed out a fluffy-white form of a chocobo in the sky, was the start of the two weeks where Cloud avoided him.

43. Sky
"If you keep getting hung over what's lurking in the sky," Blues chided, "how're you suppose to see what's on the ground in front of you?"

44. Heaven
"If I'm dead," he groaned, "I think I wound up in the wrong place."

45. Hell
When living your brand new lives on a tropical island, not at all used to the average climate being on a constant 'summer' setting, you better learn how to cope (and fast) in the paradise dubbed perdition. (KH)

46. Sun
"Hey, you were the one who went outside without sunblock," Cloud scolded, but Blues was convinced the blond didn't mind having to apply the aloe, so long as Cloud got his fair due of pleasure-at-Blues'-expense. (KH)

47. Moon
When presented with it, Blues asked the inevitable question ("Why the hell are they called moonpies?") and Cloud just told him to eat it.

48. Waves
Maybe it was jealousy, or would-never-ever-admit-to-it!envy, but Blues didn't like it when strangers called upon Leviathan's divine power, simply to get rid of a few pests; Cloud thought otherwise and didn't see the problem. (FL)

49. Hair
Cloud was no stranger to having his hair made the butt of a joke, but did Blues have to laugh like such as ass (Kairi was the one who put the braids in, not him, after all)? (KH)

50. Supernova
With the cosmic energies of Holy and Meteor colliding over the city of Midgar and the Highwind nearly in the thick of it, it almost went unnoticed that Blues stood right next to Cloud the entire time, having finally been placed on the same plane of thought after so long of never seeing eye-to-eye. (FL)

!crossover, final fantasy vii, megaman, !set alpha

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