The L Word -- Helena Peabody/Alice Pieszecki

Jan 15, 2006 18:04

Title: Home
Author: MistressKitty (chibi_mistress_)
Fandom: The L Word
Pairing: Alice Pieszecki/Helena Peabody
Theme set: Beta
Rating: G to very mild NC-17 (R really, but there is lesbian sex)
Author's Note: Contains spoilers for episode 3x01, and mild rumors of season 3. These themes are written in chronological order, and those that are grouped belong to the same sequence of events. The characters of Alice, Helena, Winnie, Jun Ying and Wilson do not belong to me, they belong to Ilene Chaiken and Showtime.
Thanks: To the glorious sionnain for the beta! All hail!

46- Horizon: "And there's a romance in your future," the fortune teller says, and Helena almost hates it that her ears perk up.
42- Neutral: "Your car is blue," Helena says, dumbfounded, and tries to keep her face neutral.
17- Belief: It's not like I actually believe this psychic mumbo jumbo, Helena thinks, even as she asks Alice what her natural hair color is.

16- Breaking: "It's been six months, Helena, and I still feel like I'm breaking open when I see her."

21- Quiet: Alice doesn't like the quiet: it gives her thoughts ample time to take over.
32- Sorrow: Alice never knows why she's crying anymore, but Helena is starting to make things better.

09- War: All Helena can do is cry into the phone when Winnie declares open war on her.
13- Bias: When Alice tells Helena what an awesome mom she is, Helena thinks she is just biased.

08- Whiskey and rum: When Helena finally finds her, Alice is completely drunk amidst bottles of whiskey and rum.
07- Waste/Wasteland: "Let's get you out of this wasteland," Helena says, barely containing her distaste as she steps up to the bar.
15- Breathing: When the sun slips between the curtains and Helena wakes, she stays still so she can watch Alice breathing.
05- Worry: Alice blinks awake and a flow of words erupts from Helena; "Oh Alice, thank God... I was so worried about you after last nice and I took you back to my place because I didn't know which key was the one for your apartment, and your car is still at that disgusting bar and-"
29- Jewel: Alice interrupts her; "Helena, your eyes are like these... blue... blue... jewels."
22- Quirks: Helena smiles, her lip quirking, "That’s just the hangover talking, darling."

40- Solitary: Alone and dreaming, Alice knows she's in trouble when the brunette touching her in her dreams turns out to be Helena.
26- Jump: She wakes with a jump, "Holy shit," she mutters.

38- Sojourn: Alice thinks of Helena's home as an escape from her life, from memories of Dana, and she goes there as much as she can, but life tends to get in the way.
48- Virtuous: When Alice snuggles close to Helena in her sleep, Helena bites her lip, denies herself the pleasure and moves to the guest room.

12- Blessing: Even now, with her babies hugging her legs, it hasn't sunk in that she's won... that her babies are finally truly hers.
01- Walking: One hand for each of them; Helena with Jun Ying, and Alice with Wilson, the four of them go walking in the park (it was far too nice a day to pass it indoors).
27- Jester: The children love it when Alice goes cross-eyed and Helena frets over her, "They'll get stuck that way, darling!"

20- Bane: Alice is quite possibly the bane of Helena's existence, and she loves it.
31- Smirk: Alice has this smirk... and it infuriates Helena to no end, but it secretly makes her happy that she even has the chance to witness it, that Alice is comfortable and playful enough to use it.

45- Natural: When they kiss, it is as natural as the sun rising each morning.
25- Quitting: They are both out of breath when they finally part, "We'd better quit, or we'll die," Alice says dramatically with a smile.

50- Defeat: "Babies, Momma and Alice need some time alone right now," Helena says, and Wilson and Jun Ying leave the room with an air of happy defeat.

33- Stupidity: Jun Ying and Wilson are playing Hide and Seek in Alice's apartment when they find the remnants of her Dana Shrine (which she really HAD meant to throw away)- Oh Shit, Alice thinks.
36- Sordid: Helena takes one small glance at the shrine and wants to cry and vomit at the same time.
35- Sarcasm: "Well, I certainly can't compete with a cardboard cut-out, Alice," Helena says, and storms out, taking her children with her.

14- Burning: "Help me do it, Helena," Alice begs, holding the burning match above the pile of old photographs.
30- Just: "You need to do it yourself, Alice," Helena murmurs, "it’s only fair" and Alice closes her eyes and drops the match.
49- Victory: As they watch the flames rise and try not to choke on the smoke, Alice feels a flame of victory rise in her heart.

34- Serenade: Even when Alice is goofing off and singing "Walk like an Egyptian" and doing that crazy dance, to Helena, it feels like a serenade.

44- Near: Just being near her sets the blood running through Helena's veins faster.

06- Whimsy: "Tag! You're it," Alice says, sticking her tongue out and running towards the bedroom.

02- Waltz: Alice doesn't know how to waltz, but Helena says that's alright, just move with the music, I'll guide you, darling.
28- Jousting: The ride home from the benefit, they are tangled in the back of the limo, hands clenched in cascading hair, tongues jousting.
04- Wonder: Alice blushes and begins unbuttoning her gown and Helena wonders if she's ever seen anything so beautiful.
18- Balloon: Lust balloons up inside her, inflating her senses, until she thinks she will burst.

39- Share: When Helena doesn't return right away from answering the doorbell, Jun Ying and Wilson share a knowing smile.

03- Wishes: "My mother wishes for me to stop seeing you; she doesn't think you're good enough for me, which we both know is bullocks."
19- Balcony: "We need a balcony," says Alice, "cause we are so Romeo and Juliet... star-crossed lovers and all that."
37- Soliloquy: "Yes, next thing you know, I'll start addressing the audience in true Shakespearian style," Helena says and laughs.

11- Birthday: On Wilson's birthday blows out his candles and wishes that Alice will stay with Momma forever, and when Jun Ying asks him all he says is "Won't come true if I say it, remember?"

24- Quarrel: After a long day, Jun Ying and Wilson bicker lightly while readying for bed over who likes Alice more.

43- Nuance: Alice never thought she would know another person like she knew Dana, but here she is, knowing Helena better than she knows herself.

47- Valiant: Even though Helena is nervous, she makes an appearance on Alice's radio show, and they kiss during the commercial breaks.
23- Question: Everything goes well until a caller asks a question about Helena's favorite sexual position, and then she is too flustered to stay on the air.

10- Weddings: The feeling of wholeness and the feeling of Alice's body next to hers are married far better than she and Winnie ever were.

41- Nowhere: Helena asks Alice where she'd like to go on their date and Alice kisses her deeply and says "Nowhere."


(x-posted to my journal)

the l word, !set beta

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