fic: people throw rocks at things that shine

Feb 25, 2013 00:22

title: people throw rocks at things that shine
author: lucy (spibsy) and reili (kisforkurama)
rating: r.
pairing: harry styles/nick grimshaw, louis tomlinson/eleanor calder, harry styles/nick grimshaw/louis tomlinson/eleanor calder
warnings: tentacles, people coming mysterious substances like chocolate and/or vanilla pudding, sexual content, are you still here?
disclaimer: we don't own one direction or nick grimshaw or eleanor calder and make no aspersions toward their sexualities, nor do we believe that anything we write is fact. clearly.
summary: I slept with two members of One Direction and all I got was ink in my quiff (and a tentacled girlfriend?).
word count: 35,908.
author's note: I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS A THING WE ACTUALLY WROTE AND ARE ACTUALLY POSTING. good lord. thank you so much to aimmyarrowshigh for making art for this ridiculous story about acceptance, tentacles, and finding somewhere to belong. ♥

masterpost here! amazing mix made by aimmyarrowshigh because she's lovely here!

ship: harry x nick, genre: fantasy, ship: louis x nick, ship: harry x other, rating: explicit, ship: louis x other, round: one, fandom: x factor, ship: harry x louis

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