Title: teenage dreams in a teenage circus
gutterqueen /
decisionsandrevisionsRating: NC-17
Ships: Harry/Louis & Zayn/Perrie
Wordcount: 50k
Notes: Notes and thanks at the fic
Warnings: Gemma Styles as a main character (no sexual content featuring her); explicit sexual content featuring a character under the age of 18 (but of the age of consent in England); explicit language
Summary: The three of them have always been a unit, seamlessly pulling pranks to get revenge and keep life interesting. The last few months of sixth form bring about a lot of changes, however. Gemma refuses to let anything stop her from getting into her top-pick uni, Perrie second-guesses what makes her special, and Louis breaks the most common of friend codes: he falls for his best mate's little brother. A coming-of-age tale rife with sneaking around, late-night vandalism, first times, successes, and jealousy.
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