Title: You Never Give Up On Me
Author: medicatedxlives/sunshinexbomb
Rating: Mature
Ships: Liam/Zayn, Niall/Harry, mentions of Louis/Eleanor
Word Count: 31.3k words
Summary: Zayn doesn’t know if it’s funny or a little sad that they keep skirting around this thing they’ve gotten themselves into. Sometimes it hurts knowing that Liam never asks him to stay even though Zayn knows he wants him to. He wonders how long he can keep doing this, can keep waiting for Liam, and he doesn’t know if it scares him or not that he could possibly wait forever.
In which Zayn is an English teacher tempted to write awful poetry about the warm coffee color of Liam's eyes, Liam is a primary ed teacher and single parent who thinks he's too busy to be in a relationship, Niall and Harry are the sickeningly cute newlywed teachers in the school, and Louis is a drama teacher who is not-so-patiently waiting for the day of his own wedding.
Here @ AO3
Thanks so much to tumblr user ziallswerewolfoven for the wonderful, wonderful fanmix!!! You can listen to it
here and reblog