The Fifty Quinlan Vos Things

Feb 24, 2006 22:48

Title: The Fifty Quinlan Vos Things
Fandom: Star Wars
Character: Quinlan Vos
Theme set: beta
Disclaimer: Lucas, Ostrander and Duursema own him, not me
Rating: R

If you have never heard of Quinlan Vos, these fifty things will at least get you curious about this hero of Star Wars: Republic comics.

#01 - Package
If Aayla had only just handed over the damned Scientific Information Package on Honoghr, he wouldn't have tried to kill her, and the Count wouldn't have tried to kill him, and he wouldn't have had to trick Obi-Wan into anything.

#02 - Obscure
He could never see Plo Koon's eyes, behind those protective goggles, and though he tried not to let it bother him, it did affect how they made love-- then after his mind-wipe, it just bothered him, plain and simple, for no good reason.

#03 - Skeleton
In Senator Viento's tomb on Coruscant, the bones of the man he'd murdered told him the identity of the second Sith lord, but it was Dooku's minion, not his Master, dammit.

#04 - Nurse
Khaleen says he's hopeless with a bacta patch, but most times there's been nobody else to put them on when he's hurt-- such is the life of a spy.

#05 - Domino
If Quin hadn't almost drowned and been saved by Obi-Wan, he wouldn't have done him a favor and identified the artifact, and they wouldn't have been caught playing with it by Qui-Gon, and Qui-Gon wouldn't have lusted after him all those years, and then finally taught him how to love.

#06 - Thaw
He would not have been able to defeat the Vaapad master Sora Bulq before Aayla and Tholme's combined meditations illuminated him from within, allowing him full access to the Force at the crucial moments.

#07 - Waves
Approaching the Infinity Gate on Dathomir was like swimming upstream against a waterfall, once it was activated, and after he set it to destroy itself, there were equally powerful aftershocks.

#08 - Burglar
It took both of them to temporarily disarm the security device where the Noghri had cached the SIP--Quin as well as Aayla.

#09 - Frame
Of course that little rat Tookarti was only too happy to sell him out-- to Dooku or to the Council; either way would serve to make him look bad.

#10 - Carpet
He prefers to have one for meditating on, like most Jedi, but otherwise they're a dusty nuisance, best left over the balcony railing.

#11 - Insect
He and Obi-Wan almost got pulverized by that swarm of carnivorous beetles in the tunnels on Troiken, when they were only padawans; amazing how long they both have lasted since.

#12 - Mentor
Tholme took a little boy, driven nearly insane by tragedy and his own gifts, and taught him how to shield-- his hands, his persona, his mind, his talents, his heart-- and that is how a master of disguise can be a healer.

#13 - Spirit
He doesn't know about using the red crystal that belonged to Darth Andeddu for his light-sabre, because he detested the feeling he got from handling the Sith's holocron, but Dooku orders it, and he complies.

#14 - Wax
You had to put it on the nerf hide, which was what the boots were made of, or it would start to crack-- but not the synth-leather of the tunic, or it would stretch too much.

#15 - Trash
A being's discards are an excellent source of information, especially when you can read an item's history with your hands.

#16 - Womb
The cell where he was held on Brentaal IV was so small he couldn't stand upright, and was kept in complete darkness; in it he was only technically alive.

#17 - Burn
That was his first memory, after he woke up on Nar Shadaa-- he didn't know his own name, but he knew the building was on fire.

#18 - Flash
As soon as he picked up the light-sabre, it came flooding back to him--it was his own, and he was Quinlan Vos, the Jedi-- his hands just knew.

#19 - Anima
Ever since he caved in and murdered his corrupt aunt, Sheyf Tinte, she's been giving him nightmares-- because she's family.

#20 - Gamble
Villie wouldn't tell him where Sora Bulq was manufacturing clones of the Morugkai warriors, until he influenced the dice and made him win big, which is how one has to manage Villie.

#21 - Statue
There were huge figures of Masassi warriors all along the route he chose on the way to retrieve the holocron; they were unnervingly realistic, too.

#22 - Perfume
There is something about the aroma of freshly brewed caf that is impossible to reproduce,thinks Quinlan Vos.

#23 - Wine
The color of Khaleen's hair is not one usually encountered on a humanoid, somewhere between purple and red, but it suits her, and it feels good in his hands.

#24 - Reflection
Reflection leads to angst; angst leads to suffering; suffering leads to doing katas and meditations all night instead of having bad dreams.

#25 - Take
She resisted him, so he used his psychometric abilities to pull the sordid truth about his parents' death from Sheyf Tinte's mind.

#26 - Magic
When you were undercover, it was miraculous what a little application of the Force at the right moment could do to convince a credulous being.

#27 - Fragment
The Whiphid bounty hunter disarmed him completely that time, so he had no choice but to impale him on a jagged section of the wrecked transport, with a Force push.

#28 - Cats and Dogs
Dooku actually got a kick out of how his minions were always at each other's throats, but Quin would rather that one of the throats wasn't his.

#29 - Hum
You had to hit just the right note to turn on that alien vibrator thing, and he could never find it-- Obi-Wan had to turn the thing on and off for them, with his kriffin' perfect pitch.

#30 - Flinch
He did not dare to react, as the monster, whose inner circle he had joined, tortured his first love, Shylar, to death; he couldn't even look, and she cursed him.

#31 - Rush
When the building is on fire, and blaster bolts are flying, it is not the time to slow down and think, but rather the time to listen to what one's limbs are telling one, in order to get ownership of that speeder-bike in the next two seconds.

#32 - Jester
Obi-Wan looks so angelically innocent, but he's really quite ready to snicker at an off-color quip about one of the Masters getting up to something in the Gardens, Quin
has found.

#33 - Haven
Even though he's come back to the Jedi in order to betray them from the inside, on Dooku's orders, the truth is he's very glad to be as far as possible from Dooku, for as long as possible.

#34 - Dusk
Quin loves the bright sunlight, because its wane means soon he'll have to go back to his other life, in the dives and alleyways where Korto Vos makes his living.

#35 - Chord
The essence of three Jedi masters at once, Tra'a Saa, Tholme, and Zao, sang in his head, persuading him not to fry Volfe Karkko with Force lightning, like a Dark Jedi would-- but oh how he hated Anzati!

#36 - Indulgence
The vices of his persona Korto Vos were those consistent with the tastes of a renegade Guardian-- gambling (which he carefully lost at now and then), sex, and ale.

#37 - Freezer
Where else to store the decapitated head and lekku of Kha'riss Fenn, on the way back from Ryloth?

#38 - Passage
Tol Skorr backed him into the wall as soon as they left Dooku's presence, so Quin slammed the big lug into the opposite wall; you have to keep the pecking order clear.

#39 - Coast
Padawan Vos used to cut power right before docking in the launch bay, and let the fighter drift in on inertia, just to keep his master waitng a few extra minutes-- until the time they blasted off into hyperspace without him.

#40 - Keepsake
It was called the Heart of Fire; he had given it to Aayla, and she had given it to Xiaan, who now gave it back to him so that it would tell him about his lost padawan-- because he couldn't remember.

#41 - Morbid
It really bugs Quinlan Vos that Dooku not only insists that he bring back the head of his target as proof of death, but this time he sends along a holocam, to make sure Quin does it himself.

#42 - Shipwreck
He and Obi-Wan crash-landed their starfighters in the main hangar of the Rendili flagship, on their way to rescue Plo Koon and the other hostages; he thinks Obi-Wan needs to get used to losing ships in the course of a mission, and quit complaining about it.

#43 - Socks
The holoprojector Dooku gave him is not only self propelled, and has a homing device, it's small enough to conceal in one of his socks.

#44 - Sand
On Tatooine, Vos jumped straight into a sarlacc's mouth and then levitated back out, holding an ignited light-sabre, which was a dead giveaway that he was a Jedi, of course, but then he landed right on top of the bounty hunters, and sliced chunks of them into the sand.

#45 - Coin
When the taxi pulled up at the Temple, his hands were full of drunken Obi, so he just tossed credits through the cab window until the driver left.

#46 - Guile
He told Dooku the wrong locations for the blast charges he and Aayla had set in the stronghold at Saleucami, but only because it bought them the time they needed.

#47 - Eyelash
Khaleen has two tiny equilateral triangles tattooed under her left eye, and dark lines over her lids, to accentuate them; Quin knows they're permanent, and don't kiss off.

#48 - Drive
Agen Kolar almost had him in custody on Nar Shadaa, which would have ruined everything, but then Khaleen rammed them with her speeder and got him away-- what a woman.

#49 - Net
Six years he's spent building up his contacts under his Korto Vos alias, and that rat Tookarti looses Agen Kolar on him, who renders it all worthless in an instant, by trumpeting that he's a Jedi.

#50 - Destination
Since he now knew that he was Quinlan Vos, and Quinlan Vos was a Jedi, of course he was going to the Temple on Coruscant, no matter what Villie said.

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