Synopsis: Todd's new "friend" Jason dates Liz and Jessica at the same timeIt's Sweet Valley's very own Winter Carnival. The twins are working on the rollercoaster ride, collecting tickets. At least, Elizabeth is anyway. Jessica is giving out her number to hot boys. One of the guys she gives her number to already has a girlfriend, but Jessica doesn'
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Comments 7
Great recap by the way :)
HATE that we can't get beyond season 1 in Aus.
PS: are you really from Brisbane? I'm on the Gold Coast.
We live so near! Why aren't we having Sweet Valley Parties??
If I was from Brisbane, though, our Sweet Valley parties would ROCK THA HOUSE! (Not in a bad earthquake kind of way; we're not the bloody Wakefields.) They would always end in someone cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend, preferably in the bushes with Bruce Patman, followed by a swift but forceful pool-push. Oh, the fun we'd have!
Liz: You have really sunk to a new low.
Todd: Me?! Jason's the sleaze bag!
Liz: I know he's had other girlfriends; but that's all in the past! And actually... i don't think this is any of your business.
Todd: Ok, go out with him. But when you find out what he's really like; don't come running back to me.
Liz is so dumb in the face of all the evidence!
Jason had also hit on Enid o_O
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