I saw "Falling For Grace" tonight

Oct 07, 2008 23:04

Since I have no idea how to make a cut (fake or otherwise) I will keep this pretty short ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

herefordroad October 8 2008, 07:26:14 UTC
i'm so glad you got to see FFG. it came to phoenix first (film festival) and i saw it alone twice, and three times with lj's zortrana. i spoke to faye the first 4 times but she had left town by time #5! but that was ok...i had asked her all my questions. all i want now is to own it if it ever comes out on DVD.

the flower hill mall, my parents used to live around the corner! i hope you'll be able to see it again...and i agree go alone if necessary!



1bongo1 October 8 2008, 19:45:39 UTC
I do believe I will be seeing it again in November. I'm trying to talk my youngest daughter into seeing it with me. She's not sure what to make of my Gale obsession!


sexy_pumpkin October 8 2008, 10:35:30 UTC
Im so glad you enjoyed it, Im soooooooooo jealous :)

Cant wait for it to come out on DVD, OMG you must be Gale'd out lol, I bet he was gorgeous, love ya Jxx


1bongo1 October 8 2008, 19:50:48 UTC
Is it even POSSIBLE for us to be Gale'd out?

Fay is meeting with Ron Meyer, head of Universal? Studios today to try and get distribution. Keep your fingers crossed. She said we should email Oprah, but I think she should contact Marc Cherry of DH. He's a Gale fan, AND the more people that lust after him on film, the more people that will tune in to see DH.

BTW, I heard a DH spoiler (but not specific) on the radio this morning. I will email it to you and you can tell me if it's okay for me to post it.


shadownyc October 8 2008, 11:29:20 UTC
This was definitely a great Gale week for you!!! :D


1bongo1 October 8 2008, 19:43:51 UTC
Yep, It was a Great Gale week. Too bad he wasn't there.


allisgood October 8 2008, 18:10:16 UTC
Cool that you saw it. Perhaps some day before we die we can also:)

btw to make a cut

put ( Read more... )


1bongo1 October 8 2008, 19:46:12 UTC
I can't figure out WHAT to put before and after the part I want to cut.


allisgood October 8 2008, 23:43:51 UTC
Sorry it's hard to write it out because when I do it puts what I write under a cut)

I"ll try again

1. Put a sideways carat ( <) and then the words" lj-cut " and then another carat -this time a (>) before the part you want to put under the cut (dont include the parenthesis marks or the quotation marks )

do the same thing after the text you want to put under the cut, again not including the Parentheses or quotation marks.

try it


1bongo1 October 9 2008, 04:56:29 UTC
I will practice this... Thank you.


hansardgal October 11 2008, 13:12:06 UTC
I'm glad you saw FFG, even if you went on your own. (I always go to the movies on my own; I don't have to worry about any distractions.) Isn't it wonderful to see Gale on the big screen? I saw him in Rhinoceros Eyes on the big screen and it was fantastic, although he didn't have a big part. I doubt whether we'll get to see FFG on the big screen. I just wish Fay would put the damn thing out on dvd. She must know by now that Gale has a big fan base and would buy the dvd.


1bongo1 October 12 2008, 05:53:00 UTC
I wish she'd put it on DVD too. Then you, me and Jackie could have all kinds of "Gorgeous Gale" discussions.
Not that we don't already.


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