My Brain Hurts

Jan 19, 2008 00:19

MY BRAIN HURTS... but not as much as  
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Comments 6

beauty_forashes January 19 2008, 11:10:58 UTC
LOL - yay for knowledgeable LJ friends! I'm not laughing AT you, your post just put me in a good mood. I was totally clueless when I first got to LJ and was almost too chicken to post because I was sure the lj cut wouldn't work and I'd look like a total tard (okay, I only had about three people on my f-list then and nobody else would have noticed, but still! LOL). But yeah, practice helps - so do little post-it notes with html stuck all over the place (I still rely on those a lot). :)


sexy_pumpkin January 19 2008, 13:05:14 UTC
OMG!!! You did it,, I'm so proud of you, & I'm so glad I could be here to help you out, as that's what the LJ is supposed to be about, friends helping each other out, so glad we met in this big old QaF world of ours, I hope you enjoy all the links I sent you, the BJ fic is just amazing, I'm still finding new fic every day, the pics, the graphics, the BJ love, it's still here & going strong, I hope you enjoy your time here on LJ, & don't forget, give us a call, I call hansardgal all the time, love to you, enjoy Into His Arms,,love Sexy P.xx


such_a_steph January 19 2008, 15:45:22 UTC
I'll say your in good hands with Hansardgal, as for SP... that's another story LOL.

My advice: comment often, post about anything and then you'll have lots of fun and gather friends along the way. Don't worry, we were all newbies once, and it's so much more fun to be in on the action than just looking on. No one will laugh... we promise!


shadownyc January 19 2008, 16:20:22 UTC


flashfly January 28 2008, 21:07:21 UTC
You're doing great. Don't be afraid of embarassing yourself. We all had to learn the same way.


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