Title: French Kiss
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): England/France
Warnings: Though rather firmly grounded in characterizations, not firmly grounded at all in history. Some suggestive content - read the title, and after all, there’s France in it.
Summary: The English call it a French kiss. The French call it an
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Comments 12
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Yes, some tags were harmed in the making of this post.
If I may, could I draw some of the scenes here? Some images are very evoking. And quite frankly, I just want to make a France smirking at England's inferior kissing skills X9
I now have this stupid grin in my face. 8D;
Thank you for making my day/night~! *hearts*
PS: "and I’m sure Italy will figure out a warlike use for pasta-" XD The image of Italy using pasta for fighting shall never leave my mind. NEVER. xDDD *loves*
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