Monday on an actual Monday!!!

Jan 08, 2024 15:31

Hey everyone! Here we are on our second Monday of 2024 already! I hope it's going well for you so far. I am working from home all of this week while they do electrical work on our office building, so I am VERY happy, and next week I'm off on holiday! I fly to Christchurch next Sunday to spend a couple of days visiting my two kids and grandson ( Read more... )

misc: holiday happenings, admin: reminders, challenge: flash!, exclaim: help!, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, admin: poll

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Comments 23

itsanonyx January 8 2024, 11:50:31 UTC
All the best for your plans. :o) I hope it will be fun. <3

I voted in the poll. :o) I have a question about it. Should it go in that special entry? Or can I hit it here? Or is there a main entry somewhere where I can ask question?


haldoor January 8 2024, 19:44:07 UTC
Thanks! It should be! ;-)

Thanks for voting! You can ask anywhere, so reply to me here with your question or put a new entry in the poll post and ask there, whatever's easiest for you!


itsanonyx January 9 2024, 14:28:40 UTC
Thank you. :o)

If you need help and I'm in for helping: What exactly should be the rules for setting up the long challenges? I looked all tags up for that polls and I'm not really sure. I don't want to sign up for helping without knowing what to do. :o)


haldoor January 9 2024, 21:04:54 UTC
That would be cool if you can help. They're not really that hard, but it kind of depends on which challenge you are doing as to set up for it, but basically at the minimum you're looking at a set-up post at the beginning to explain how the challenge will run and any rules etc, and then probably a couple of check-in posts along the way, and a round-up at the end, and if you're offering rewards maybe a couple more related to them ( ... )


agdhani January 8 2024, 14:17:57 UTC
Have a great trip!
I'm behind...again...hoping I might sneak some in today cause the side affects of the last vaccine have made me achy, feverish, and made it hard to I'm home.
Maybe I'll come close to catching up to where I should be.


haldoor January 8 2024, 19:46:06 UTC

Oh no! but you will catch up; you always do! Ugh to the vax side effects - I had those with the last 2 vaxes I had (and am a little reluctant to get the next one because of it, but I probably should!). I hope you feel better soon, and get those numbers up where you want them!


agdhani January 8 2024, 19:52:29 UTC
I knew someone who had I definitely don't want that. A few days of aches and fever and little sleep is better than the alternative, but its messing up my mojo ;)


haldoor January 8 2024, 19:55:56 UTC
That's understandable! Sending all the good vibes! ;-)


asphaltcowgrrl January 8 2024, 19:38:23 UTC
Enjoy your trip!

*ahem* I'm not touching that flash challenge. 😂

Er, I don't even know what my goal for this month is, so no, not likely at 25% yet!


haldoor January 8 2024, 19:47:20 UTC
Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it!

LOL! *waits for the resulting fic*

I hope you get some words done, no matter how few!


asphaltcowgrrl January 8 2024, 20:44:24 UTC
I know you'll love every second of it!

Man, there was a movie back in the 80's or maybe early 90's with John Ritter in it. I don't remember anything else about the movie except for a scene where he and another guy are wearing glow in the dark condoms and have a battle of sorts. I might be misremembering, but this is what came to mind with that prompt!

Thank you! Wrote a good 500 between two book reviews, so it's a start.


haldoor January 9 2024, 02:20:50 UTC
LOL - that sounds hilarious! I loved John Ritter; so sad when he died so young. I have to admit that that kind of 'crossing swords' did occur to me for a second when I wrote the prompt!

That is definitely a start! ;-)


severina2001 January 9 2024, 18:22:21 UTC
I hope you have an amazing visit next week, and how nice to get to spend some quality time with your son on the way back. Should be fun!

Your first batch of icons was great, looking forward to seeing the rest!


haldoor January 9 2024, 21:07:55 UTC
Thanks, for both things!

It will be nice spending time with LF - I feel like we don't get much time to chat these days! (though to be honest he can be a bit much sometimes, so I may regret saying that! LOL!)

Cheers! I hope to get them posted soon and then I may link both posts to the comm. I had hoped to do them closer together, but life got in the way! ;-)


kaige68 January 12 2024, 21:40:58 UTC
It's already Friday night!!!

I have decided to knit a book worm! Like a stuffed animal, but for every book I read, I'll do 5 to 7 rows. I've picked colors for the different genres, I've found a pattern for a ball and I figure half at each end, a white spacing stripe inbetween each book and I'm going to use different size needles in the pattern that I made you that orange scarf in years ago where it bunched in for the garter stitch rows.

And that is all I hve planned or creativity at the moment!
Happy Saturday to you!


haldoor January 13 2024, 21:02:09 UTC
Don't worry about that - I know how crazy things have been for you.

The bookworm sounds awesome! What a great idea! I am looking forward to seeing how that goes!

I need to get my knitting/crochet mojo back on, but it's so hard when it's hot here! I probably won't hit it till March or April when things start to cool down here, but I'm thinking either the temperature blanket for my daughter in Chch or finally get that jumper (sweater) made for myself that I bought the yarn for in 2019 from a gift voucher you sent me, lol! I have yarn for both (hopefully I have enough for the temp blanket), so I just need to get going!

Love you! 😉


kaige68 January 22 2024, 17:04:13 UTC
I do love the idea of doing a temp blanket for baby's first year. It seems exactly like a thing that a Nana should do.

I did start a simple raglan sweater that is the color of the dogs' hair. And I do feel like a made a lot of knitting progress this weekend.

I hope you find the mojo soon!!!


haldoor January 25 2024, 19:15:34 UTC
It does, doesn't it? I think I may start both that and the jumper for myself, and see how I get on, but it needs to get a bit cooler first!

Oh! I like the sound of that! Yay for knitting progress!

Thanks! I hope so too! I am feeling quite positive about getting started, so maybe it's ticking towards the front of my brain!


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