Random amusing moments

Feb 16, 2021 00:11

or: why I love my readers ( Read more... )

misc: thinky-thoughts

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Comments 27

helsinkibaby February 16 2021, 09:58:49 UTC
I got a comment a few weeks ago about a West Wing fic that was originally posted in 2002, how they loved it and how they hoped it wasn’t weird that they were commenting on something so old...

... wait for it...

...especially since it was written before they were born.


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 12:24:24 UTC
Ouch, i feel that! Lmao and it was going so well too. I love when i get comments on my old fics out of the blue, though part of me is like "how desperate were you to go crawling back that far in time?" Lol


helsinkibaby February 16 2021, 13:13:30 UTC
Oh, I was delighted to get the comment, don’t get me wrong, it just gave me a shock that people are still discovering it, and reminded me that I am, indeed, old!!

It was in West Wing, which I wrote in a variety of ships for,and this one was a fic that was based off something that happened in an episode but with a very very rare pair (don’t know if you ever watched, but if you did, If I say Margaret and Bruno and a necklace, it will make sense!) so I figure it was the rare pair that was the cause of it. There’s plenty of people rediscovering WW over lockdown as well so that also has something to with it, is my guess!


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 13:54:58 UTC
I know of the show, don't think i ever watched it. And rare pairs are such a curse because if i want to see more of them that usually means I'm going to have to write it lol.

But yeah, people are finding some of my first fics from my buffy days and it's been so long I've forgotten about them lol


goneahead February 16 2021, 16:53:26 UTC
My favorite was the time that somebody said that I write 'original fic cleverly disguised as fanfiction' Maybe I write too many AUs? lolololol


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 17:26:59 UTC
lmao nice. i've read a couple where if they just changed the names of the characters, they'd have an actual original fic and they'd be really good. i'm afraid i'd have the opposite problem at this point with writing original fic that read a little too much like fanfic lol


asphaltcowgrrl February 16 2021, 18:03:05 UTC
I love AUs for that reason. It can give fanfic writers the push they need to write original work. One of my favorite pairs even started out loosely based on a fanfic pairing I liked. Hey, it can happen, right? And AUs are some of my favorite things.


asphaltcowgrrl February 16 2021, 17:59:41 UTC
Sharpiesgal once told me she'd pay to see certain characters of mine hook up and well, that started its own thing.

Someone else finished reading something I'd written and said she was going to have a cigarette now that she was finished. LOL

But I get some of the funniest comments over on Wattpad. I can't think of any of them at the moment, but some have really made me LOL.

So happy you've been getting so much amazing feedback.


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 20:26:12 UTC
i've been writing out fics, or at least the starts of them, since i was in middle school, i'm 41 now lol. after i discovered fanfic it was a downward spiral i've never escaped from, but i still get ideas for original stuff. fanfic is just so much easier because unless you're doing a major AU overhaul on it, the world building and character building is already done, everybody has a general idea of this is what this character looks like and this is how this world's dynamics work, and you don't have to worry about doing all that stuff.


asphaltcowgrrl February 16 2021, 22:34:05 UTC
Same, I started at a pretty young age, too, and I have a few years on you.

For me, it's the opposite. I feel like I have more freedom with original work compared to fandom, even in an AU. I think that a lot of it is that you can't tell me that a character I created out of thin air is acting out of character, right? LOL But I totally understand where you're coming from regarding fanfiction.


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 23:25:09 UTC
yeah, i get that, because i have had people occasionally gripe about how characters are acting and it's like "dude, i literally set these characters up to act this way in chapter 1, i have left a/n and tags stating they are like this, why are you suddenly surprised?" and like you said, at least with OCs, nobody can say shit because they're *my* characters and they'll behave however i want them to lol


kaige68 February 16 2021, 18:39:03 UTC

I'm not gonna lie and say that it's always a joy to run any community, but every time someone says I DID A THING it's exhilarating. Even if it was another mod or member that pushed or prodded or bunnied, it's still a joy to be part of someone's creativity. IT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!

Comments on fic: I to like being called evil or a heartbreaker. I do like it when people get my humor (like a crackfic H50 meta fanfic as written by a stuffed bunny). But I love to hear "more, please", the knowledge that I hooked them and they don't want it to end. If they want more AND I'm evil, all the better. ;)


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 20:19:38 UTC
One of my stories, actually my Jurassic World/Harry Potter crossover i'm getting overwhelmed on comments on at the moment lol, I had a person write an entire scene for it in a comment and it was so sweet and wonderful I asked if I could include it in the next chapter or asked if they would post it and link it to my story. They said they'd never posted anything before because they were too self conscious about it but now, after talking with me back and forth a bit, said they'd try to actually post a fic and I mean, I did that, I helped inspire someone to do their own thing and it was such a wonderful feeling. Had another person that they're feeling motivated to start working on their fics again, and I'm just over here like...thanks? I didn't do anything, but yay! lol ( ... )


haldoor February 16 2021, 23:11:58 UTC
I've had so many great comments over the years, but I have such a bad memory I can't remember most of them! LOL! I wrote in Lost originally, and my most proud moment was writing one called 'Never Was' which got the BEST feedback. I still look at it sometimes to remind me how great that fandom was (it's all but dead now). I linked it in case you want to read the feedback (or the fic, but you don't have to!). Still gives me warm & fuzzies! (and yes, it is from 2008)

Other than that, I still get a buzz every day from the kudo notifications I get from AO3, as I haven't posted much at all in the last few years, but my old stuff there still seems to get plenty of love (if not so many comments now!). ;-)


jujukittychick February 16 2021, 23:32:16 UTC
i never got into lost for whatever reason, just kinda followed along with the vaguely talked about stuff on social media at the time. that's actually a great idea when i'm feeling in a rut, go back and re-read my comments, besides everybody having fan theories of what could happen next that might give me ideas lol, all the encouragement and pleading might be a good kick in the pants. i actually hardly ever check the email my writing accounts are tied to, so it's surprising when i do and i see those notifications, it's like "hey, they really do liek me!" lol


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