Image Hosting

Jan 09, 2021 17:11

I hope it's okay to post this here. Does anyone have a reliable and free image hosting site? I currently use Imgur but realised that if it goes the way of Photobucket, I don't have a reliable back up. I have signed up to Flickr but can't seem to figure out how to grab the images to use in my fics, etc ( Read more... )

exclaim: help!

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Comments 16

asphaltcowgrrl January 9 2021, 17:42:53 UTC
You're not a dumbass at all.

Are you trying to put the images in your stories on LJ or somewhere else? With Flikr, you need to use the embed code (not sure how the others worked) and paste it into the HTML tab. Feel free to PM me if this isn't what you meant and if I can, I'll help you figure it out.

Okay, and now that I'm sitting here goofing off, I see that if you use the media tool on LJ, you can add pics/video from Dropbox. Which would be an excellent free option, honestly.

Hope this helped somewhat. :)

(didn't mean to post the gif oops)


skargasm January 9 2021, 17:55:26 UTC
Yeah I want to use it on Livejournal, Dreamwidth and also on AO3. So I just use the long code they give me on Embed? Thank you, I will have a go when I've finished this latest chapter!!

And I have a dropbox but have never used it!


asphaltcowgrrl January 9 2021, 18:18:24 UTC
Okay then yes, paste the embed code in the HTML tab and you should be good o LJ and DW.

I'm not sure how this works with AO3 since I've never posted pics there, but I would think it should work the same way.

Scratch that - I think I figured it out. On AO3, click on the HTML and paste the embed code from Flikr. When you click back over to rich text, the photo will appear. YAY!

I love Dropbox - it's where I keep my writing since I can access it from anywhere. It's also great for backing up photos from your phone. LOL


skargasm January 10 2021, 03:32:05 UTC
I failed abysmally - my brain was just not up to it today. Will have another go tomorrow - thank you


simplyn2deep January 9 2021, 19:36:11 UTC
I've been using Galleries on LJ for hosting/embedding my images.

Ever since the buy out several years ago, I don't know if newer accounts have that feature


haldoor January 10 2021, 00:15:10 UTC
Dropbox is a good option, I agree.

For LJ and DW though, I just upload to my LJ scrapbook and copy the embed url to DW - can sometimes be a bit erratic, but generally I think it works OK. I feel like I've done this with AO3 too, but don't quote me on that as it was a while ago.


skargasm January 10 2021, 10:48:12 UTC
I did try that but people were saying the image wasn't showing up when they went to look at it. Not sure if I was doing something wrong - it would show on Livejournal but not on AO3 or Dreamwidth! Who the heck knows why!


haldoor January 10 2021, 20:16:22 UTC
You could be right - I know I've had some issues with it, and wasn't always able to make it show up, so if you find a better way, then that's a good thing! ;-)


angelus2hot January 11 2021, 15:00:57 UTC
Pardon me for butting in but you weren't doing anything wrong.

The images aren't showing up on AO3 or Dreamwidth because of Livejournal. Sometimes as long as the people looking at the images are logged into their Livejournal account then they can see them. But I've found this to be a hit and miss.


angelus2hot January 10 2021, 00:49:19 UTC
Have you tried nickpic I use it for fic banners.


skargasm January 10 2021, 03:32:50 UTC
Will have a look tomorrow - thank you x


skargasm January 10 2021, 10:47:23 UTC
Nickpic works perfectly, thank you x


angelus2hot January 11 2021, 15:02:14 UTC
You're welcome :D


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