Sup?! I'm back in MA and will be staying at my parent's house for awhile so ya'll wanna chill with me leave me an im: xocpsnjmlox on aim and yahoo or leave me a comment or message on myspace. B-day party the 26th leave one if ya'll wanna go to it!
I love my boy cameron very much but I don't love my looks. I wanna loose wieght b4 I see him but I'm gaining wieght like a pregnant woman! >.< my pant's don't fit nomore and my ass is getting fatter
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went to k-mart tonite with my aunts headed home and for the first time was shocked not to hear a beeping on the machine to tell me that i have a message from cameron. SO i look on the caller id and found out that Heather called and no sign of cameron. In a worry I called cameron and found out he's out at the movies seeing pirates of the carribean
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As for all of those of u who don't give a fuck I'm leaving LJ and honestly I rather not hear a word from anyone 'cuz it's all bullshit lies anyways ya'll can go off and fuck yourselves and honestly I wouldn't care.