Title: And Cure His Heart
Remix of:
Venus in Furs by Fi of
fiandyficRating: Red Cortina - vague allusions to incest and non-con.
Word Count: 2300 words.
Notes: Allusions to Sam/Gene and unrequited Sam/Annie. Allusions to Ruth/Sam and Ruth/Vic/Sam.
And Cure His Heart )
Comments 15
Thanks, Meli.
Thank you :)
Thanks so much. Remixes are meant to add other dimensions to stories, so I achieved what I wanted to in that regard (and not in others, but that's a grumble for another day.)
Thank you!
I tried really hard to do 'And they all lived happily ever after' and I kept debating it with myself --- to do the impossible in regards to trying to remix a story within a story and have it be different, or to do the confrontational and remix a story that encompasses one of my hardcore squicks?
I guess you could say it's rendered me speechless? XD
You've amplified the desperation of the originals by at least 1,000. Obviously from different angles, and it's nice (probably not the right word, in this fic, but you get the idea) to see that it's more than just the Tylers' desperation.
Poor Sammy thinks he's hit bottom, but he hasn't. Not yet.
I usually reread my stuff a lot to edit and I haven't reread this more than once. (So there are probably problems galore!)
It was doubly hard because I had to try and show what was happening (keeping the pairings of the original) whilst writing from the perspective of characters who just don't know what's going on.
Thanks, Janni.
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