On the Care and Keeping of Sorcerers for Sabine [Strange/Clea, PG-13]

Sep 26, 2006 22:43

Title: On the Care and Keeping of Sorcerers
Author: scoured
Recipient: Sabine (sabinelagrande)
Request: Dr. Strange/Clea, precanon
Rating: PG-13

Author's Notes: I am so sorry about how late this is. There is no excuse.

Huge thanks to Aaron, for betaing and brainstorming.

On the Care and Keeping of Sorcerers )

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Comments 9

lilacsigil September 27 2006, 08:40:27 UTC
This was a wonderful mix of duty and destiny, and of sorcery and soup. I loved Clea's determination to wring everything she could out of her mortal existence contrasted with Strange's loyalty and disregard for the physical. I particularly liked the sections at Court and on the ship, with Clea's gentle care.


scoured September 27 2006, 13:24:47 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad those contrasts worked for you.


ion_bond September 27 2006, 11:54:01 UTC
Bravo. You've fleshed out Clea and given her, circumstances aside, very human motivations. I enjoyed her reaction to Elizabeth and her tender determination to be of help.


scoured September 27 2006, 13:30:02 UTC
Thank you! I didn't know much of anything about Clea in regular canon prior to starting this, so I really enjoyed learning bits about her and trying to work out who she really is in 1602. I'm so glad her character worked for you.


sabinelagrande September 27 2006, 23:54:17 UTC
Oh, I love this so much. I love all the little touches of Strange canon, I adore what you've done with Clea's characterization. Absolutely gorgeous, and well worth the wait. :)


scoured September 28 2006, 00:38:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!


st_aurafina September 29 2006, 00:03:13 UTC
I loved this - I loved Clea's examination of everything to properly understand the human perspective, and her comparisons between her two existences. It was such a sad story too, watching Stephen working himself to death. The meeting with the other woman in Stephen's life was fascinating.

This was a great fic!


scoured September 29 2006, 12:53:32 UTC
Thank you very much! Before I started, I wanted to write a more fluffy, established married couple sort of story, but I ended up writing a much more bittersweet sort of thing. I'm really glad it worked for you!


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