Soul Butterfly Daycare: Snack Time

Mar 25, 2014 23:28

Snack Time: Ulquiorra tries to resolve his biting issues with Orihime, but she's too distracted with the snack time cookies. All those chocolate chips...

“Psst, 'Quiorra. Let's trade cookies.” Orihime whispered urgently to the five year old next sitting next to her on the red rug.

“What would be the point?” Ulquiorra asked in a hushed voice. It was snack time and everyone was gathered on the rug to listen to old man Yamamoto read a story. No one was suppose to talk, he did not like to be interrupted. It made him grumpy.

“We have the same exact cookie,” He explained, holding up his own cookie for emphasis. Orihime pouted.

“Nuh-uh! Your cookie has four chocolate chips. Mine only has three.”

Secretly, Ulquiorra suspected that their chocolate cookies were in fact oatmeal and the chocolate chips were raisins; but no one else seemed to notice and so he decided not to say anything.

“Sssh!! Quiet!” Grimmjow complained who was sitting on the other side of Ulquiorra. Orihime wrinkled her nose as she watched him stuff his his mouth with blue crayons. For someone was always after the snack time cookies, Grimmjow was sure addicted to his blue crayons. He must have eaten at least six already.

His chocolate chip cookie was laying discarded in front of him on the carpet.

“Grimmjow, can I have your cookie?” Orihime asked as she licked her lips; but the five year old had no intention of sharing. Sticking his foot out to claim his cookie, he unintentionally crushed it.

“Nopf, thafs mign.” He told her around a mouthful of blue wax. Ulquiorra shuddered in disgust at his stupidity.

“You can have mine, Orihime.” Renji whispered on the other side of Grimmjow. Smiling in agreement, Orihime reached over Ulquiorra and Grimmjow to trade cookies.

Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed when he caught sight of a scar on Orihime's wrist.

“What's this?” He asked suspiciously. Reaching up, he gently grabbed the Woman's wrist and traced his thumb over the scar that was suspiciously shaped like teeth marks.

Tatsuki, who sat next to Orihime, snorted quietly.

“What does it look like? You bit her.”

Ulquiorra felt his ears grow numb at the accusation. He couldn't believe it. Desperately, he looked over at the Woman for confirmation or denial but she was busy trading her newly obtained cookie from Renji to Nel whose cookie was far bigger than her own.

“I don't believe you. When was this?” The raven haired youth demanded.

“That day at recess when Hime hit her head and called you her 'best boyfriend'.” Tatsuki answered and rolled her eyes.

Old man Yamamoto cleared his throat and Tatsuki quickly apologized for being too loud before shooting Ulquiorra a nasty look, but Ulquiorra was no longer paying attention to her.

In truth, after he had woken up in the hospital after surgery and recalled his past existence in Hueco Mundo, his recent human memories of the past five years were temporarily erased. As the weeks went by, he began to recall more and more; but some memories were still missing.

Regardless, Ulquiorra was deeply disturbed by the accusation and thought of him harming the Woman. Even at his lowest as a hollow in Hueco Mundo, he had never laid a finger on her. Biting someone was a primitive way of exerting dominance and ownership. Animals and mentally unstable creatures did things like that.

Was his human counterpart no better? He suddenly felt very ashamed.

“Is this true, Woman?” Ulquiorra asked Orihime urgently, but the Woman was distracted - too busy trading her giant cookie to Rukia for a cookie with nine chocolate chips in it.

Ulquiorra felt his patience thinning. The sand paper sound of old man Yamamoto's voice droned on in the background as he relayed a story about and brother and sister who ate an entire house made up entirely of candy.

“Woman,” Ulquiorra whispered and tugged her hand. That seemed to get her attention.

“Yes?” She asked and squeezed his hand back. Ulquiorra once again brought her scar to eye level.

“Did I inflict this scar?” He demanded seriously. Orihime's eyes wandered to his own cookie that he held loosely in his other hand.

“Yep - hey 'Quiorra, can I trade cookies with you?”

Ulquiorra growled. He was only trying to assort the severity of his past actions and repair the damage done; but the Woman was only interested in his cookie.

“They're all the same!” He hissed.

“Your chocolate chips are bigger than mine.” Orihime pouted. Ulquiorra felt himself relax - resigned and exasperated. Wordlessly he gave the Woman his cookie. He might as well say what was on his mind.

“I won't bite you again.” He promised abruptly. It was as close as he was going to come to apologizing. To his chagrin, the Woman seemed to wilt at his words.

“But I like it when you bit me... you made me feel special.” She confessed and took a large bite of her cookie.

Ulquiorra felt his face flush. Despite her illogical reasoning, her words had made him feel warm.

“There are other ways to make you feel special.” Pulling her wrist up to his mouth, he kissed the scar which prompted the woman to choke on her cookie.

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ulquihime, soul butterfly daycare, bleach, ulquiorra orihime fanfiction

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