Title: Hey! Say! Band Pairing: Yaotome Hikaru X Inoo Kei | Yabu Kota X Inoo Kei (more OTP to be revealed) Rating: PG-13 ~ NC-17 Genre: Romance, School Life, Slight Angst, Comedy Author: ao_hoshi & ME
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i have a feeling that probably will end up being true that tadaiki otp will be on the next chapters. the plot is nice ,i hope daiki join the band as well ^^ i also wonder who will be keito lover (if he had or will have one ) ,, maybe yuto ? I'll be waiting for next chapters ~~
Everyone will appear ^^ But as to who is with who, please continue reading this series~ I can assure you that mainstream OTP will appear here (if what I consider mainstream it the same as yours) :)
Comments 2
that tadaiki otp will be on the next chapters.
the plot is nice ,i hope daiki join the band as well ^^
i also wonder who will be keito lover (if he had or will have one ) ,, maybe yuto ?
I'll be waiting for next chapters ~~
Everyone will appear ^^ But as to who is with who, please continue reading this series~ I can assure you that mainstream OTP will appear here (if what I consider mainstream it the same as yours) :)
Thank you for reading ^^
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