FIC: As You Are 1/2

Sep 14, 2009 00:21

Title: As You Are
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Warnings: rentboy!Kirk, virgin!Spock, pre-movie, alien-kink
Beta: no dammit

For this prompt

He entered the station hotel café anonymous in his heavy desert cloak and restlessly searched the room. He found what he was looking for in a corner booth, her eyes riveted upon the data pad she held between her hands. She looked up and raised an eyebrow as he approached, somehow sensing him before he was within five standard meters. Glancing to make sure no one was paying attention, he sat.

'I am-'

She halted his words with a set of claws in his face, 'I need to see some ID. I run a legal business, understand.'

Spock reluctantly held out his ID and met the piercing gaze of the female. She wasn't human, not with the way her eyes blinked sideways, but from a distance, the resemblance was enough to make her appear human. Her eyes rolled down to his ID and she barked harshly, a strange whining noise. 'A Vulcan? Well,' She smacked the ID on the table and slid it over to him before smiling, her teeth clear like glass, 'I didn't know Vulcans were into these kinds of things - don't you mate once every seven years?'

He refrained from showing alarm as she leaned forwards and whistled low in her collar bones, a strange noise that he knew humans would not be able to detect by the naked ear. It was like an animal's hiss, but he knew it was a question. He frowned as she continued this ritual for a time, before finally sitting back, satisfied with what she gleaned.

'I am researching.' He said slowly, 'Human sexuality is-'

'Ah,' She purred, leaning over the table to tap one claw against his chest, 'I know what you want. That particular fantasy is more popular that you think.'

He blinked, dismayed her at implications: Vulcans wanting sexual congress with humans was...? He frowned, 'No, Lady, I do not believe you understand: I am about to join Starfleet and there are several facets of human mating conduct that...'

She turned to her data pad and he watched as she scrolled through a list that he could not read from his vantage point, 'I have... one human currently, male. He is... approximately seven Vulcan years old. That's old enough right? Too young? Or will he do?' She turned the data pad around and held it out for inspection.

It was an image of a young human male, with startling blue eyes and light-colored hair, a physical trait rare on Vulcan. The young human had pleasant features, was smiling in a stereotypical human manner with his teeth parted through his slightly open mouth. His eyes were large and emotively constructed in comparison to Vulcan eyes, which were statistically slender and less revealing. Large eyes were not considered unpleasant by Vulcan ideals but humans had a preference for large eyes, the more emotive and revealing the better. He noted that the human's lips were generous, another human preference. The human was sexually desirable, he decided, for a human.

'He will be adequate.'

She smiled, her teeth gleaming in the lighting. Picking up her communicator, she made a call, speaking quietly in her native tongue. He turned and caught sight of the human, entering doors of the hotel with a frown upon his face. Turning in wide circles, he looked lost amongst the levitating luggage carousels before he caught the female's wave and waved back, smiling as he quickly made his way across the hotel atrium.

'Hey!' The human glanced at them both, curious, 'You called?'

He stiffened as the female stood and ran her claws gently along his shoulder, 'Jim, will you be a nova and look after him? He likes humans.'

He swallowed down his absolute humiliation at having his intent announced so vulgarly. The female's reptilian mind twisted uncomfortably on the edge of his mental shields, and he dared not glance up to view the expression upon the face of young human "procured" for his sexual curiosity. Already, he was debating the wisdom of his venture, and whether or not he could tactfully end this engagement before it caused more anguish.

The female sat down and waved for the human to do the same. The young human sat down, more curious than before. She smiled and touched the human's face, what humans probably considered affectionate but to him, was repulsively invasive as he was neither her young or her mate. 'You may have him for twenty-four hours, for your research.'

Finally, with trepidation, he looked up and into the face of the young human. The young man smiled in the universal human manner of invitation, non-threatening. He had one arm resting on the table, his attention caught between something happening in the background and him, eyes even more blue and expressive than in the picture - a human in every way. Sexually desirable, he decided, for a human.

Spock met her gaze, 'That will be adequate.'


The human threw himself back on the bed, kicking off his shoes and removing his outerwear without permission. The familiarity was slightly disconcerting, but Spock reminded himself that he had asked the young human to pretend that he was human, and not curb his human instincts and habits in front of him. He finished hanging his cloak and slid the door of the old-fashioned closet close, feeling a sense of foreboding that he had not felt since the day before his rite of adulthood.

'Would you like a... drink?' He said awkwardly as he replaced the word "refreshment" - too Vulcan.

The human rolled himself onto his stomach and smiled at him, 'Sure, what have you got?'

'Mint and... Camomile tea.' He finished, realizing his mistake. Humans considered them unacceptable drinks to offer a prospective mate, even a trial mate. 'I'm sorry I don't drink... alcohol, or coffee…'

'That's okay. I'll have ah... mint tea.'

He nodded and quickly processed the order from the liquids dispenser.

'Do Vulcans like mint tea?' The human was seated now, arms around his legs. His expression was a mix of curiosity and... invitation.

'Earth teas are more... flavored than Vulcan tea.' It's the only description he could think of that summed up his experience of human beverages; mother was a particular devotee to French earl grey, a tea that he found exquisite to smell. Picking up the warm cup, he handed it to the human.

'Thanks.' There was a smile, and a tentative sip before another smile, more direct this time with eye contact. 'I like tea, but if you think this is flavored, you've got to get out more. You drink anything other than tea?'

'Yes,' He murmured, 'I've had... carbonated beverages.'

The human laughed briefly, his expression indicating that he found this exchange pleasant, even though they were merely exchanging opinions on human beverages. 'Oh, soft drinks - did bubbles go up your nose?' He didn't seem to want a reply, laughing again before clearing his throat, 'Um, they're usually real sweet, you like sweet things? I heard that Vulcans don't like sweet things.'

'That's true.' He replied, 'Our senses... are more sensitive, though our sense of taste is rather weak towards sweet foods and beverages. Generally we need less oral stimulation.'

The human laughed loudly, doubling over and almost spilling the tea. He raised an eyebrow at the behavior and wondered if he had made a linguistic faux pas. The human coughed slightly before smiling once more, in way that Spock knew humans found attractive.

'I've never met a Vulcan before.' The human made a face of disdain, 'Well technically I have, during my visit to the Embassy for a field trip when I was like eight, to learn about First Contact, but it's not like any of the guards talked to us besides telling us not to touch stuff and where the toilet was, so... no,' His eyes flicked back to Spock's, 'I've never met a Vulcan before. You know any humans?'

'Yes.' He stated, hesitant to reveal his hybrid background. Was this the part of the courtship where they were required to exchange personal information?

'Did you have to study First Contact in school? We had to study it, again, and again, and again.'

He had grown up studying the brutality of the pre-Reformation, the upheaval during the Time of Awakening, the enlightenment period that followed, and the peace of the post-Reformation. He studied the Human-Vulcan alliance and Vulcan hostilities with Andorra, human intervention (some would say “interference”) in bringing an end to the militaristic Vulcan High Command, the troubled events leading to the Council of Babel and the formation of the United Federation of Planets. Unfortunately for Vulcan, First Contact had not been with humans, the most productive race that the Vulcans had ever made contact with, their contribution in conceiving, enacting and maintaining the Federation undeniable. No, First Contact had been with the ancient civilization that gradually evolved into the Orion Syndicate, and it had been... traumatic.

'I know of Zefram Cochrane.'

The human gave him a long look, 'But you didn't study him.'

He nodded. The human took another sip before leaning down and placing the cup on the floor.

'Come here,' The human said, patting the space beside him. 'Don't be afraid, I won't bite -' There was an amused look in his direction, 'Well, not unless you want me to.'

He approached cautiously and sat down as directed. The human smiled broadly. Mother had never bitten father - ever, to his knowledge... but maybe she had been attending to his Vulcan sensibilities. His stomach fluttered in response to the unknown. 'Isn't biting a Klingon trait?'

'Humans are versatile.' The human stated, and shifted closer, dangerously close. 'What do you want?'

He swallowed, and felt the automatic denials rise up: he didn't want anything, he just wanted to know. About humans, about human sex, all the stories, strange and even unpleasant that he had been told, if they were true or false, and if he was truly Vulcan as he thought or if he did have... human urges. This was his chance to find out, without anyone else knowing. Ever.

'I would appreciate... the most human sexual experience.'

The human narrowed his eyes, 'You know that is too broad and would need clarification that we don't have time for in twenty-four hours.'

He knew. Humans were versatile.

The human smiled, 'But if you'll let me, I can show you what humans like, and the basics of human sexual acts, and how we enjoy them.'

He met the human's odd blue gaze, slightly startled that this human was taking him seriously. But of course, he thought, that's why he approached this... group. It was what they were about: unique sexual experiences.

'That would be...'



The human leaned towards him and wetted his lips. Spock closed his eyes and fought down his instinctual response to draw back when he felt the light pressure on his lips, and tasted the aroma of mint tea, light and pleasant, seeping through his lips. There was a light tap against his lips with a foreign tongue and then hands, resting on the side of his face, stroking, touching, trailing, feeling -

He jerked back and seized the human by his wrists, pushing him back. Spock took a shaken breath, 'You must not touch my ears.'

The human's startled expression shifted to discomfort, 'Too much?'

He nodded weakly. Over-stimulation. And inappropriate.

He released the human's wrists. 'I'm sorry.'

His companion rubbed his wrists and gave him a long wary look, 'That's okay.'

'No, I am sorry - truly, I apologize, but you did, you... startled me,' He explained, aware that he had most likely hurt the human in his surprise. He watched carefully, trying to see if there was any lingering discomfort. He shifted uncomfortably and looked away; father had often warned him that his strength could alarm humans, could alarm mother.

'It's fine, it's fine.' The human glanced down, an amused touch to his small smile. Shaking his hands and flexing the fingers, blue eyes met his. 'Maybe you could try leaning forwards this time...? To make it easier?'

Yes, the kissing, his study.

Slowly, he leaned forwards and closed his eyes. Their lips met. They remained like that for a minute, before the human pulled back slightly, a breath rushing between his lips and then re-initiated contact, soft full lips grasping at his, like they were trying to… capture him.

Human kissing is a complex behavior that requires significant muscular coordination; a total of thirty-four facial muscles and 112 postural muscles are used during a kiss. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, which is used to pucker the lips...

He pulled back. The smell of mint was almost overpowering.

'That was... nice. Thank you.'

The human smiled at the compliment and held up his palms. 'May I...?' He asked, reaching slowly to touch his shoulders. Spock nodded.

The human tilted his head and surged up, pushing their faces together, his hands firm on his shoulders. Spock opened his mouth slightly in anticipation and felt a tongue hitting his, sliding over it in a wet minty caress. The human pulled back slightly and blinked at him, their faces so close that he could hear air sliding wetly along the human's laryngopharynx. 'That's tongue, or French kissing. Humans do it all the time.'

He stilled as he felt a hand slide along his shoulder to the nape of his neck, and then stroke the back of his neck in soft uneven circles. The human's blue eyes never left his face, carefully gauging his reactions. He felt his body respond to the stimuli with an intense rush of... pleasure and discontent and... strangeness. He had no other word yet to describe it.

'Now,' The human murmured, 'You kiss me, okay?'

Nodding slightly, he pressed their lips together, copying the motions, his lips moving as if it wanted to increase contact, wanted to capture, desired capture...

Lips are a major erogenous zone for humans... the skin of human lips has three to five cellular layers, compared to the rest of their body, which has typically up to sixteen layers... otherwise referred to as stratified squamous epithelium, lips separate the skin of the face from the mucous membrane inside the mouth... which is represented by a significant area in the sensory cortex of a human brain...

He paused before moving his lips gently apart and slowly rolling his tongue, seeking entrance. The human's lips softened and opened with a sigh, allowing maximum contact. As they continued to kiss, he began to feel a strange pressure in his mind, a haze, and realized with a start that it was coming from the human - the feelings of peace and gentle euphoria were coming from the young human. He closed his eyes and lightly probed, amazed that humans gained such psychological (and likely physiological, biochemical) benefits from such a simple act of tactile contact.

He pulled back finally to breathe and was surprised at the wetness left on his mouth. The human laughed softly, turning away and wiping his mouth with a sleeve before running a hasty thumb under Spock's lower lip. He felt his lips part at the contact. He had never created saliva... without food as stimulation. Fascinating...

'Um, sorry.' The human grinned, 'I think we both slobbered a bit.'

'Is this acceptable?'

'What is?'

'The over-production of saliva.'

The human tilted his head and grinned widely, 'Well it's not something humans like but sure, it's alright. Some people don't like it, because it shows inexperience, but that's not really true - anyone can slobber, no matter how many times they've kissed. And it can be a good thing when two, um, prospective mates are kissing, and they happen to-' He gestured vaguely, '-slobber; it's an evidence of...' The human paused, eyes searching the room, 'Enthusiasm.'

'That you desire sexual congress?'

The human laughed and gave him a short kiss without warning, 'Sure, exactly, you got it.'

Spock felt a feeling of shock reverberate through his body from the contact. Swallowing, he wondered what now. The human leaned forwards, smile never leaving his lips, and ran a soft uncertain hand between his legs. Spock tensed but did not move. There was a raised eyebrow, 'Do I want to know?'

Know what?

The human gave him a long inquisitive look and then withdrew his hand, 'Never mind. Um, okay ah,' The human looked around and slid backwards till he was lying in the middle of the bed, 'This is comfy, come on.' He patted the space next to him.

Uncertain of his objective, Spock turned and crawled towards him, lying on his side and mirroring the human's pose. There was a warm smile to show pleasure at his response. With some wariness, the human placed his hands on his chest and stretched his neck out, lips wet. 'Most humans will like to kiss lying down, because they will, um, like to rub against each other. It feels good.'

Somewhat uncertain, the human closed his eyes and brought their lips together, kissing softly. He responded in like fashion. With a small sound of encouragement, he felt the bed shift as the human drew closer, a knee sliding along his outer leg as the kiss deepened, and once again he tasted mint and felt the joint caress of their tongues, sliding against each other, slow and soft, faster, quick and wet. The human pulled back, lips red.

'Don't freak out,' He whispered, 'But this is the part where if we were prospective mates, we ah, touch each other, under our clothing, so um, if you don't-' A cool hand rested at the base of his tunic, '-mind, I'm going to go first.'

Spock closed his eyes and rested his head down on the bed, his earlier feelings of being overwhelmed by the unknown almost... absurd. So far, the human had not attacked him, wrapped all his limbs around him to curb movement and then attempt to asphyxiate him by forcing him to swallow his own tongue. There had no raucous mating cries, no illogical complex exchanges of irrelevant items (he had heard that success of a union, proposal of courtship, depended on the order and manner these items were given to the desired mate). And most importantly there had been no invitations to eat copious amounts of animal by-product and drink alcohol in ritualistic glasses - his eyes snapped open as he felt kisses pressed to his stomach, and fingers shift nervously in light brushstroke patterns, tracing the sharp definition of his spinal cord.

He swallowed and felt an instinctual full body tremor as he processed the new stimulation. The human looked up and smiling, drew himself back up so they were face to face once more. 'Now you can try that with me, it's... think of it as an exploration. Your goal is to stimulate me, with your hands,' He felt a light touch on the back of his hand, 'Your lips...' The human kissed him softly at the edge of his jaw, 'And pretty much anything, your whole body can become involved. I will either enjoy it, or not enjoy it, and you will be able to moderate your touches according to my preferences.' He allowed his hand to be drawn up and placed against the human's stomach, 'This place, I like to be touched but not stroked - I um, get ticklish.'

Ticklish. That was human, wasn't it? Mother was ticklish along the arches of her feet, and directly under her chin, a stretch of skin ending at her vocal cords. The human shifted till he was upright and pulled his tunic over his head, discarding it on the floor carelessly. Suddenly, he turned and gave Spock a speculative look.

'If you want a truly human experience, I will have to pretend that you're a human... do you want to do that? I mean, will that be okay for you? Cos um, no offense, but all this stuff,' He shrugged and glanced away, 'I wouldn't say this, ever, to a human, I mean, yes we provide some kind of encouragement or instruction, but not like that... so, do you, want me to um, do it a little differently? More human?'

Spock sat and considered the human's statement. It was a logical suggestion; he would never have a human experience if his companion were to consistently treat him as an outsider, non-human. 'Okay,' He replied, adopting human colloquialisms, 'Sure.'

The human smiled brightly and tipped forwards, giving him another unexpected kiss, 'Good. Now, you're going to have to call me Jim, and I'm going to have to know your name.'

'Spock.' He responded, truthfully. It was only right since the human had revealed his real name, and there was no logic in keeping such information hidden when they were about to explicitly break every Vulcan standard of privacy and propriety.

Jim gave him a searching look, 'Spock, Spock,' He murmured without purpose, and gestured for him to come closer.

He shifted forwards till their knees were touching. The human kissed him, harder than previous kisses, his tongue insistent and demanding. Responding, Spock felt his hesitation leave as the sensations became more familiar and began to kiss back with growing boldness. His hands found smooth shoulders and slid upwards to caress the nape of Jim's neck, just as he had been touched.

The human was releasing a curious smell now, something sharp, to the point of being unpleasant, and yet there was a softer tone behind it, something... indescribable. He'd been long led to believe that humans smelt repugnant, excepting mother being different due to her Vulcan habits, and yet he disagreed; in contrast to other species he had come across at commercial docking stations between here and Vulcan, the smell of humans was certainly sharp and very potent but definitely not offensive enough to be considered "repugnant".

'Yes,' The human murmured against his lips, 'Just like that.'

He pressed forwards and felt the human moving, adjusting so that he could lie atop him in full bodily contact. He clutched the bedspread for balance as he slowly followed the physical cues.  The kisses became softer, unfocused, as his senses became preoccupied by the feel of short hairs bristling against the tips of his fingers.

Jim looked at him, his eyes half-lidded and inquisitive. 'Do you like my hair?'

He drew his fingers through the side of the scalp and felt along the strands. It was rougher, coarser than his own hair. 'The coloring is... quite unique.'

Jim smiled, 'I've never seen a blond Vulcan.'

'They're rare, but they do exist. Light hair and blue eyes are a recessive trait - in this, Vulcans phenotypes are similar.'

The clear blueness of the human's eyes reminded him of the color found in the centre of the Shiabri nebula, and his hair was not unlike the wild zigzagging streaks outlining the Pon'shik nebula. Strangely...  attractive.  Hmm, the human murmured wordlessly, blue eyes flicking up and down his face, the small smile upon his lips suggesting that he was pleased with something.

'I was hoping you could clear something up for me.'

'Sure, shoot.'

Spock frowned, tucking away that particular phrase for later examination. 'Is it true that humans mate all year around, and with a very large number of prospective mates?' He refrained from asking more question but he was seriously concerned with how child-rearing was organized in such an environment (it had been suggested that human child-rearing could possibly have parallels with the Denobulans) and if the stories of the extensive trials endured by humans interested in mating with one another were as unpleasant as the examples recorded in a particular case study he had been fortunate to obtain a copy of through his father's contacts.

The human stared at him, silent. Spock leaned on an elbow and wondered if he had perhaps offended him; Vulcan mating rituals were never spoken of and while he'd always been told that humans frequently exhibited their sexual courtships and rituals for all to see, perhaps his agemates had been wrong, and there were certain notions of privacy that Vulcans xeno-sociologists had yet to touch upon.

'Sort of. But ah...' Jim shook his head, 'It's not - it's kind of hard to explain, it's not something I can just, tell you, it's um,’ Jim gave him an embarrassed smile, ‘Sorry.'

There was a brief sensation of disappointment, but logically, he should not have expected any different; Terran studies were a popular branch of xeno-sociological research for a logical reason - humans were versatile, adaptive, mimickers, surprisingly complex. Even with mother being human, there were many things he didn’t understand and had been taught to ignore as… irrelevant.

There was a tentative kiss upon his cheek, and then over his eyes lids, his eyebrows, along his nose, making him shut his eyes in response. He felt hands exploring his back, often idly exploring his spinal ridges with singular fingertips. Sliding his hand down past Jim's collar, he flattened his palms across the human's breast and felt the pulsation of his heart. He'd never felt it so closely before. How... curious. Suddenly, there was a kiss against his neck, followed by a little gasp for breath as Jim tilted his head to the right and surged up to suck at his collar. The human grinned up at him.

'Take off your clothes.'

Pushing himself upright, he stood on his knees and drew his tunic over his head, casting it to the floor in the human manner though it was distasteful to him. Jim also sat up, his hands undoing the clasp of his pants and shoving them roughly down his legs, kicking them off wildly and then (illogically) laughing when they swung around to hit the nearby wall lamp.

'Whoops,' The human grinned, hand by his mouth, 'Um, sorry, won’t do that again.'

Self-conscious, Spock lowered his eyes as he undid the clasp for his pants. He stood and pushed them past his hips, knees and then ankles, before stepping out of them and sweeping his pants neatly off the bed with a foot. Lowering himself back on the bed in a reclining position, he shivered when his human companion followed him, lying so close that they were skin to skin and he could clearly feel the coolness of Jim’s flesh. A hand stroke his back and there was a lingering kiss to his shoulder.

'Touch me,' Jim murmured in his ear, a hand trailing across his forearm and pulling his hand forcibly closer, 'Touch me, and kiss me back, and just don't stop, don’t stop, okay?'

next part

stxi kink meme, pairing: kirk/spock, fanfiction

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