Falling into Friendship Ch 5/?

Sep 18, 2009 23:57

Title: Falling into Friendship
Disclaimer: Oh, to be the owner of Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley and Dr. Allison Cameron. I do believe my life would be complete....or atleast a whole lot hotter.

"House is totally going to find out, Al. I hope you know that." Thirteen commented from her current position; which happened to be being completely pinned against the inside of an exam room door.

"mmm, no he won't", Cameron commented noncommitedly, distracted by her attentive kisses at her lovers neck.

"Why, because you're oh so smooth and subtle and - her voice died out as Cameron ressumed her more attentive...methods, and soon captured her lips in a thoroughly determined kiss.

"Quiet," She teased with a smile, releasing her hold on Thirteen and hopping up onto the examination table. Thirteen stood there for a moment before coming to join her, "I have a plan," she continued. "Trust me, I've known House longer than you. I understand on some level how his mind works."

"Aaaand," The brunette urged.

"Aaaand, to put it simply, the more blunt and daring we are, the least he'll expect." Cameron hopped off of the table, looking quite proud of herself as she moved towards the exit. But Thirteen yanked her back down on top of her, giving her a sultry smile, hypnotizing her with those gorgeous eyes of hers, and Cameron melted. "Does that mean I can have my way with you right here, right...now?" She asked slowly, tauntingly. Cameron blushed furiously, wriggling to get out of her grip. "Lets not get ahead of ourselves, Remy", She chocked out with a light chuckle. Thirteen joined in, releasing her.

"Well you're no fun."

"That's not what you said fifteen minutes ago," She retorted saucily on her way out, making Thirteen laugh just a little bit harder.


"Taub,  can I...ask you something?" Thirteen mumbled awkwardly, pulling her colleague aside in the hallway.

"Uh, yea. Sure." He replied quickly, curious.

"How do you....hide something from House when you know he'd want to know about it?"

"You don't. You throw it right out in the open and hope it slams him so hard in the face he doesn't remember it." Taub stated bluntly, before walking away without another word, and leaving her to stand and stare after her in wonder. 'I should trust Allison, next time' she thought absently to herself. 'Allison....' She smiled in a spacey sort of way. It still felt nice, surreal even, to be calling her that. 'If only Taub knew the half of it..." Her smile transformed into a smirk. If Taub wanted it thrown into the open, and if her girlfriend thought it was the best thing to do, then man would she throw it out there. Her goal? To shock even Cameron.


"Where have you been?" Barked House, "we actually have a case now! And it's Cameron's last day in our presence, I would've thought you'd be here, relishing in the mushy love fest right alongside her." At this, Cameron looked up at her briefly from her chair, amused and surprised.

"Sorry, hot exam room sex. You know how it is. I guess some people just...have a quicker recovery time than others..." She sent an intense, theatrical look directly into the eyes of a gaping Cameron, as House looked on, truly puzzled for once.

"Riiiight," He intoned, " well, next time get video proof. Until then, I don't need your excuses. Just pick up that file and tell me why this kid almost passed out from severe ear pain."

Cameron rolled her eyes and tossed Thirteen a file. "I don't know about you, dear," She smirked, "but it looks to me...like an earache!"

Thirteen rolled her eyes at her, put the file down after a quick skim and looked up at House. "It's an earache."

"Aww come on guys, you're no fun. It's more than an earache!"

"Why?" Cameron challenged.

"...because I'm bored."

Now it was Thirteen's turn to speak up, smiling thinly and a bit impatiently, "don't you have a gameboy, or a yo-yo or something to play with?"

"I'd much rather watch you two play with eachother." He shot back filthily.

"sorry," Cameron drawled, "you missed it."

It was at this moment that Taub walked in, looking immensly confused, "missed what?"

"Oh, just hot Cameron and Thirteen lesbian-sex. Same old, same old." Thirteen subtly shook her head at Taub while Cameron widened her eyes at him comically, and suddenly he understood their previous conversation. He froze in shock, and as House shoo'd them all out Thirteen made an effort to walk right past by his ear as they all left, "don't even think about being curious," she threatened. He could only nod and restrain a grin.

"Bye, Dr. Taub," Cameron called out as her and Thirteen went one way and he went the other. If he had turned around, he would have caught them holding hands.

author: tragyk, fic: falling into friendship

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