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Comments 5

divka July 21 2010, 16:10:33 UTC
JGL = unf.

I am also in the camp that the top falls. I've read two additional little points that back this up including: 1) there were two child actors cast for each of the kids--a younger and an older set. I assume the older set is what we finally see at the end. and 2) Cobb isn't wearing a wedding ring in the final scene, but he does wear one in his dream reality.

I've only seen the film once, so I don't know about #2 for sure. I wasn't paying that close of attention to those little details.


oddrid July 21 2010, 18:06:27 UTC
Cillian Murphy is, in my opinion, the most beautiful fucking creature on the planet. I can't even get over it ever.

... )


accioaiko July 21 2010, 19:31:32 UTC
That movie was soooo amazing! I feel like I need to see it again before I can properly discuss it because I'm pretty sure I spent a lot of time going "WOW COOL!" and missed a lot of little details.

YES the fight scene with JGL in the spinning hallway was one of my favorite moments of the film.

But I totally agree, the whole cast really made this movie. Everyone was so so good in it. ♥


tunaeverynight July 22 2010, 01:05:17 UTC
Cillian Murphy IS always freaky looking. Probably why he (almost) always plays freaky characters. Poor guy. I actually think he's really pretty, but he can do scary so well. He has a very defined face.

But see, even if the totem did fall twice in the beginning, he could still be dreaming the whole time, because if it's all a dream, then the rules of the totem aren't real anyway. None of the rules have to apply if he's asleep the whole time. Which I guess makes things a little messier, but I don't think the totem falling negates everything being in his head.


sunfall July 22 2010, 04:26:38 UTC
I love the Inception fangirling happening all over my flist so, so much. I want to believe it fell over, but I loved it regardless of the ambiguity -- or maybe more because of it!


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