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Comments 27

divka April 7 2010, 17:48:17 UTC
I agree with you about the "true love" idea--I probably would have gagged if you told me that's where this episode was going, but it just seemed to work. And my least favorite thing about Lost is usually the romantic plot lines, so that's saying something.


1300_hours April 7 2010, 17:59:23 UTC
Yeah, trufax. Normally I find their romantic plot lines either extremely sappy or melodramatic. But for some reason I totally accept this.


kat_scratches April 7 2010, 17:51:25 UTC
LOST WAS AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!111!! *flails* And did I mention how awesome it was? And LOL at the Desmond/Eloise gif. *snerk* Des episodes are always epic, srsly.


1300_hours April 7 2010, 18:00:14 UTC
They truly are. I think he's actually a lot more central to the plot than a lot of characters who get more screen time than him. Like... Kate. lol.


kat_scratches April 7 2010, 18:25:04 UTC
Ugh, Kate... I have never liked her. I hope she ends up w/ Jack b/c I don't like him either! :P


1300_hours April 7 2010, 20:23:14 UTC
LOL I concur on both counts. Although, I feel like those two both kinda deserve to die alone. :/


creativeaminot April 7 2010, 18:27:19 UTC
Desmond, yay! He can travel through time and space, and is therefore a Timelord. Yup. That's it. I just want to know how Widmore knows of the other universe/sideways-verse.

Oh man, I kept worrying that Eloise would somehow kill Daniel again. i.e. the party tent collapsing on him or Eloise going insane when she found Daniel with Desmond.


1300_hours April 7 2010, 20:34:00 UTC
Yeah, Widmore really seems to know way too much at this point. I found myself being on his team after this episode actually.

OMG THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN OVERKILL. Seriously. I would have killed everyone involved with this show.


vestigialwords April 7 2010, 19:11:18 UTC
OH GOD, I nearly had a heart attack watching this episode. Both my roommate and I are epic Desmond fans so whenever he'd say BROTHA we'd both just end up screaming excitedly at the TV.

Oh man, don't even get me started on the "cockteasing us with the back of his head" bit. I was so afraid they were going to cop out on that one. Like, that's ~supposed to be him, but they couldn't get Jeremy Davies for it that week. I nearly cried I was so happy when he showed up. Emily (my roomie) kept yelling "DESMOND HUME IS MY CONSTANT!" at the TV whenever Faraday opened his little leather journal.

LOL JACK. I love how he works at what is apparently the ONLY hospital in Los Angeles.


1300_hours April 7 2010, 23:56:08 UTC
OMG ME TOO BB! It was so awesome him being there.

I totally thought they were going to do that! I kept looking at the clock and being like "you're running out of time to introduce Faraday people!" I'm glad they finally did it thought.

Ah, I know. It's super convenient. Although I'm going to assume there's actually two hospitals, and this one is patrolled by Jack while the other is run by Juliet. And everyone just keeps going to the wrong one.


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1300_hours April 8 2010, 00:00:18 UTC
NO NO BB I GET IT. I LIKE THIS THEORY VERY MUCH. It allows me to love her and not have Dan's death be in vain!

I was afraid Desmond was going to be married to some rando. Didn't we see his wedding ring in the premiere? Woops writers.

LOL OH JACK. What do you expect though? If he's in surgery, how can he possibly get all up in other people's business?


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