Fic: The History Books'll Clean it Up

Feb 14, 2009 22:26

Title: The History Books'll Clean it Up
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG (mention of Glitch, Raw, Az, the witch, Ahamo, the Queen and the whole of the O.Z.)
Rating: PG
Summary: "'Zombies came and ate them all.' I think all your stories should end this way." -queenof1000days
Warning: post-series *Written for Round 11 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #32: "That wasn't a question." implied!Zombies/bad!CRACK, plain and simple. All blame goes to queenof1000days
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine. Title comes from Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards, by way of 1776.

"Well, that wasn't a question I ever expected to ask," DG said as she leaned against the door. "Let alone even hear outside of the movies." Across the room, Wyatt Cain was clearing chairs away from a table.

"A little help here, Kid," he asked, nodding to the table. DG threw a quick glance over her shoulder, wondering if she dared step away from the door. Pushing away, the Princess of the Outer Zone decided that she wouldn't be able to hold the door anyway, and pushed away from the heavy, wooden surface.

Moving next to Cain, she planted both hands on the edge of the large oak table and they both pushed as hard as they could, the sound of wood scratching against wood echoing off the walls of the empty tavern.

"Do you think Raw and Glitch got away?" she asked quietly, not really wanting an answer. More than likely, she knew they hadn't. The four of them never should have split up.

"Don't think about it, Kiddo," Cain huffed, giving the table one last shove against the door. He moved to the window and carefully peeked out, trying to see if there was any activity on the street. DG, on the other hand, moved straight to the bar and started reading the labels.

Lucky for her, most of the alcohol was labeled the same between the sides, so it didn't take her long to find the whiskey. She'd rather have had tequila, but the Zone's version of Jack Daniels would have to do.

After taking a swig, straight from the bottle, DG leaned against the bar and let her head hang. "We're screwed, aren't we," she said, not really expecting an answer.

Cain glanced away from the window and watched her for a moment. He felt bad for her; every second of her life had gone to hell the minute the suns reappeared. Azkadellia remembered the witch's backup plan, had she not found the emerald, a few minutes too late.

Down in the center of the Sin District, an empty building exploded, sending Vapors in every direction and settling over the city like a black cloud. It reminded DG of the air during the fires a few summers back, when the skies were black as midnight in the middle of the afternoon.

Within a week, the air had started to clear, but the Vapors had been tainted by the witch. Some simply died, while others weren't affected at all. But a majority of the population of Central City began acting oddly. By the time the military forces realized what was happening, there was nothing to be done.

Satisfied nothing was going to get through the door, Cain moved over to the bar and pulled the bottle away from DG. "This is not your fault," he said sharply, holding her shoulders. He leaned down slightly to catch her eyes. "You heard what your sister said. The witch was never gonna find the emerald. This woulda happened, whether you were here or not."

"But, Glitch... Raw... my parents, my sister-" DG started to hyperventilate. Cain pulled her into a hug as she started to shake.

"Kiddo, your sister would still be alive, because of the witch. Your mother, too. And your father would still be in the Realm. I doubt the cloud would have ever reached that far. Glitch'd still be tied up, probably. I'd have missed everything," he laughed slightly, "'cause I'd still be in the suit. And Raw-"

"Please don't say it," DG begged, shaking her head against his chest. They both knew Raw wouldn’t have lived to the end of the day they found him. He would have been the lucky one.

DG pulled away and reached for the bottle again. Cain also moved and headed back to check the window again. DG moved over to join him, bottle still in hand and passed it over as she took a look outside. As Cain stared at the bottle - he wanted a drink, but knew he needed to stay sharp if he was going to keep her alive - the former-Tin Man realized that there was no way out of this mess.

DG hopped up onto the table with a thump and started laughing. "What?" Cain asked, raising an eyebrow. DG rubbed her forehead and held out a hand for the bottle.

"Just thinking," she started as he moved next to her and leaned against the edge of the table, "about how this story'll end in the history books..." Cain gave her a disbelieving look as she let out a scared laugh.

"'...and zombies came and ate them all.'"

Shuffle is really beginning to entertain me lately...

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: tin man

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