Fic: Silent Night

Feb 08, 2009 14:39

Title: Silent Night
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Stephen and Natalie (mention of Frank, Kate and a few OCs)
Rating: G
Summary: Stephen and Natalie are trapped inside NIH. With beer, thankfully.
Warning: post-series, promptly following A White Christmas. *Written for Prompt Challenge 01 at stephen_natalie. Prompt 02-03: Night For laeliamouse, who is ridiculously ( Read more... )

~challenge, fic: medical investigation, .stephen_natalie

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Comments 5

laeliamouse February 8 2009, 20:24:46 UTC
=D Battle Chess! Those too.... make me smile.


erinm_4600 February 8 2009, 20:38:58 UTC


laeliamouse February 8 2009, 20:55:59 UTC
I love it, by the way.


erinm_4600 February 8 2009, 20:57:23 UTC
I am fighting Steve for his attention lately...

NOBODY wants to play :(


ext_182955 September 3 2009, 18:00:56 UTC
I miss Battle Chess, it was on a computer lab during high school days. And the Queen had a wicked killing move.

And I still can't play chess.


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