Title: Battle Plan
Author: Erin (
Rating: G
Characters/Ship: Team Tin Man, Az and Jeb
Summary: This is why military minds shouldn't be allowed to play together...
Warnings: post-series *Written for the
Last Words Challenge 04 challenge at
tm_challenge. For Steve and PJ, who never fail to entertain me on my long drive. 500 even, according to Word.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.
Battle Plan |
...But Who's the Daddy? "...and I'm telling you that you want to flank from the left," Cain said, pointing to the plans spread out on the table.
"Look," Glitch said, moving around the end of the table and pushing Cain aside and pointing to another spot on the page. "Post one here. Post two here-" Raw glanced up from across the table and looked sideways to Jeb, then turned back to Az.
"Are you kidding?" Az asked. "That's just asking for an ambush. Set up here," she suggested, reaching across the table and pointing to another spot on the page. "That way," she continued as she pulled back, making a circular motion with her hand. "-you can patrol the field without worrying about bobby traps."
"I still say you want to set up here," Glitch said, pointing again to his preferred spot on the page.
"Frontal assault is the best option." The three of them looked to Jeb, who was standing at the end of the table, staring at the drawings. The younger Cain looked up to his father and nodded. "But," he continued, looking to Az. "-out in the open is not the tactical advantage."
Glitch pointed to the page again and Jeb raised a hand. "Range is too close to the staging area." Glitch frowned. Jeb stepped around the table and moved over to the bookshelf then moved to the center of the room and set a grey figure down on the floor. "The line fails," he said, standing up straight and pointing behind him. "-and the oncoming barrage offers no mercy."
All four of them looked back to the pages spread out on the table with frowns, realizing he was right.
Over by the opposite wall, DG rolled her eyes and reached for the screwdriver. Leave it to her to manage associations with the four most military-minded people in the history of the Zone. They'd been going at it for a good hour by that point and, while it was slightly entertaining to listen to, the younger princess knew that - as usual - if she needed something done, she'd have to do it herself.
Tightening the last bolt, DG raised her hand in the air and felt Raw's warm hand take hers. She looked up to her dear friend and smiled as he reached for her other hand and helped pull her up. He took a look at her progress and grinned.
"Hey! Crazy people!" she called to the rest of them and picked up the stuffed elephant. They all turned to her and watched as she moved to the opposite corner. "Pregnant lady says the crib goes here. When the animals attack," she said, nodding across the room. "-they have to work for it."
Glitch raised an eyebrow and glanced from the shelf of stuffed animals in the corner and back to DG. Running the calculations and the angles, the smartest man in the Zone shook his head and waved between them.
"Nonsense, they couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."