an update on the boys....

Aug 02, 2008 08:16

Since I gave away the big plot twist with Aybol, I'll let you guys in on the insight that is my madness: (because I *am* that sad that I planned this all out...)

Kory Hale - Hickory / Tin Man / Jack Haley (1939) [Tom Welling aka Clark Kent aka Superman]
Hunk Aybol - Hunk / Scarecrow / Ray Bolger (1939) [Taye Diggs aka THUD!]
Leo Tigg - Fiyero Tiggular / Scarecrow / Norbert Leo Butz not to mention Taye Diggs (Wicked) [Norbert Leo Butz aka because no one else could play Leo. Duh!]
Fitz Munch - Boq / Tin Man / Christopher Fitzgerald (Wicked) - from Munchkinland [Ricky Ullman aka Phil Diffy ;)]
Zek Ertl - Zeke / Lion / Bert Lahr (1939) [Nick Carter aka a Backstreet Boy -because Zek would think he was a teen hearthrob...]

As for Dena.... well, I haven't planned out much past the fact that she looks something like Erica Durance or Idina Menzel.... :)

Dena ____ - Elphaba / WW of the West / Idina Menzel (Wicked) [Erica Durance aka Lois Lane -because they are so FREAKIN' cute together]

So... there you are. *nods*

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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