Fic: Boxing Day

Dec 27, 2019 13:22

Title: Boxing Day
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Chakotay and Naomi Wildman
Rating: G
Summary: He's up to something and she's curious
Warning: somewhere during Season 4-5ish *Written for adventdrabbles 2019 at DreamWidth. Prompt: Boxing Day
Disclaimer: The original and current characters belong to Gene Roddenberry, CBS, UPN, Paramount, JJ Abrams, all the movie folks, the TV folks, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Chakotay stepped off the turbolift and turned toward the Holodeck. He was halfway there when, from behind, a familiar voice asked: "Where are you going?"

He smiled and turned, glancing down. "I'm going to the Holodeck," he told Naomi Wildman, who was staring up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you going there?"

Chakotay cocked his head. "To get some exercise."

Naomi didn't flinch. "What are you going to do?" He was dressed funny, after all.

"I have a boxing program," he answered. "It helps clear my mind."

Naomi's face scrunched. "Isn't that what your spirit guide is for?"

[Steve's niggling on something more... but I wanted to get this out first.]

~challenge, .adventdrabbles, ~drabble, fic: star trek

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