Fic: Splash and Burn

Feb 13, 2019 15:21

Title: Splash and Burn
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Commander Perry and Lt Porter (starfleet-hq OCs)
Rating: G
Summary: Sometimes you have to make a splash to be seen...
Warning: *Written for QPID at starfleet-hq
Disclaimer: The original and current characters belong to Gene Roddenberry, CBS, UPN, Paramount, JJ Abrams, all the movie folks, the TV folks, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The doors to the Holodeck slid open and a very angry blonde stomped out, into the corridor. She was soaked clean through, and her hair was clumped and matted against her face. "And another thing!" she started, rounding on the person coming out of the Holodeck behind her, pointing with the clearly-broken bow held tight in her hand. "This is my scheduled time. How dare you just horde in on someone else's program!"

Commander Perry was too angry to notice the smirk on an equally-soaked Lieutenant Porter's face, at her unintentional program reference. She gave a low screech and let out a deep breath before dropping her arm and turning around. Porter made a face and added a few steps to catch up to her - Perry had a tendency to walk faster, the angrier she was - and somehow get ahead of her before they reached the Turbolift.

"Well, maybe if you’d let other people join in, you wouldn't have taken three months to drop that guy!" he replied, stopping at the Turbolift and jamming the call button with his thumb. Perry's mouth formed a shocked 'o' but she said nothing. "I'm just saying," Porter sighed, then shook his head. "Look, I'm sorry I ruined your stupid suicide mission," his volume started to rise as the Turbolift door slid open. "But, unless you're a Warp Core or an eight-year-old, it's really hard to get your attention!"

"Why do you even want my attention?" Perry snapped back, as Porter stepped into the lift and nodded to the two crewman already occupying the space.

"To ask you out on a date! But I've changed my mind!" Porter responded, even louder, before pressing the control panel. The Turbolift door slid shut, leaving a speechless Commander Perry standing there, dripping water all over the floor.

~challenge, .starfleet-hq, fic: star trek

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