Fic: Going Hollywood

May 02, 2016 12:48

Title: Going Hollywood
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Hilary, Jeff, and Celia (mention of Billy Wilder)
Rating: G
Summary: There's always a catch in Hollywood...
Warning: post-series, Spring 1956 *written for a Back to the Future at a-war-of-roses.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to their respective actors and Rupert Holmes. AMC dumped the crew, ( Read more... )

~challenge, .a-war-of-roses, fic: remember wenn

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Comments 6

bizarra May 2 2016, 17:58:34 UTC


erinm_4600 May 2 2016, 17:59:58 UTC
I really wish there was a font for Melinda's different pitches. Because, really.. it works better knowing HOW she says it.


bizarra May 2 2016, 18:03:34 UTC
Oh , I know how she said it...

But this did remind me that I tended to figure that Jeff and Hilary ended up as the matriarch and patriarch of the tv version of The Hands of Time. ;)


erinm_4600 May 2 2016, 18:04:37 UTC
Yes, that needs to be done.


impala_chick May 2 2016, 19:50:47 UTC
Okay I've never seen this show, but I like how you handled the transition from radio to television and the attitude of the stars that are trying to make their way forward - really good interpretation of the prompt!


erinm_4600 May 2 2016, 19:58:27 UTC
Why thanks -- I listen to WAAAAY too much old time radio, and the history of the transition is something I'm ~aware~ of, but only to a small degree. (mostly in relation to the transition of Gunsmoke) :D


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