Ficmix: Perfect Love, Torn Apart

May 24, 2008 20:20

...and now, for something slightly different:

Perfect Love, Torn Apart
a Wyatt/Adora ficmix...

~*~ A few notes ~*~
-Wyatt and Adora Cain just don't get enough love.
-I don't know the proper term for it, but each track has an accompanying drabble.
-The covers were made with different computers and different programs (in case they look wonky)
-Each of the drabbles was written for the tinman100 Prompt Table challenge. If you'd like to know the prompts, let me know.
-There is no particular order to the drabbles. They aren't even necessarily connected.
- YouTube links to follow, at a later date.

Perfect Love
Soldier of Love - Donny Osmond
Each time I fall down, I get on my feet again.
I'm gonna win this battle in the end.
Like a thief in the night, who can't get enough,
I am willing to fight,
'cause I'm a soldier of love.

From the first day he saw her, Wyatt Cain knew that she would be his wife. He just knew.

He was sure she was turning him down simply to see how many more times he would try.

His friends suggested that he might want to back off - scaring the girl wasn’t the way to woo her.

Which lead to an argument as to whether or not he was, in fact, trying to woo her.

He backed off, figuring that maybe she’d miss his badgering and decide she really would give him a chance.

She found him outside the science classroom.

I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You - Marc Anthony & Tina Arena
Through our joy, through our pain
We can move worlds again
Take my hand, dance with me
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do

“But, they want young men with no attachments...” Adora breathed. Wyatt smiled and shook his head, still holding her hands in his.

“I don’t care what they want.” She blinked and directed her eyes up to match his. “I love you. I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life... with you.” Adora tilted her head slightly and forced a smile.

She didn’t want to hold him back - his dream was to be a Tin Man. But, she also knew Wyatt Cain was not one to step back and be told what to do.


(I Could Only) Whisper Your Name - Harry Connick Jr
Everyone got their own opinion
And protects their own dominion
No doubt for them it's true
But I tell them what I really believe
My only worry is protecting you

Word spread through the Tin Men like wildfire - the Queen was no longer in power. The princess had taken control of the Outer Zone and promised peace and prosperity.

The residents of Central City and most of the Zone cheered. The Resistance however, began to panic; there wasn’t enough time.

Notices started arriving to the stations that the Tin Men were welcome to fold in with the Longcoats, the Queen’s new guards. New leadership called for new order.

Wyatt knew that times were not changing for the better. When asked for his intentions, Wyatt resigned.

“I’ll be with my family.”

I Cross My Heart - George Strait
So let's make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be
I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all I've got to give

Their vows were simple.

He promised to love her, to protect her and to make sure she was happy.

She promised him the same.

They didn’t need more. Yes, her parents offered to set them up in the city, with a well-paying job and a nice home.

He could be more than a Tin Man; she was more than a Tin Man’s wife.

But she wanted nothing more than to be a Tin Man’s wife. She knew what it meant; the risks. It was what he wanted, and as long as she was with him, that was all she needed.

Love of My Life - Clay Aiken
Baby put your arms around me.
I guess this is how it feels,
When you finally find something real.
My angel in the night,
You are my love, Love of my life!

Wyatt Cain was nervous. In fact, it was probably the most nervous he’d ever been.

Here he stood, waiting for her to cross the distance from the porch to the water’s edge. The minister was standing next to him and her friends were off to the side. His fellow Tin Men were on the other side.

She’d been worried about her dress. He was worried she would change her mind.

His breath caught as she appeared and he actually had to remind himself to breathe again.

He’d gone and found himself an honest to goodness angel. Only, without the wings.

Oh, Oh Yeah - A-Teens
And take those big blue eyes
Back out of my heart
It don't belong to you
But maybe it could

“Don’t you think you can win me over by flashing those baby blues, Wyatt Cain. I’m not that kind of girl.” She put on a mask of confidence and wouldn’t let him see her slip. If he wanted to win her affections, Wyatt Cain would have to earn it.

“You aren’t mad at me,” Wyatt smirked.

“You are stubborn and self-centered and I have no interest-” Her train of thought left the proverbial tracks as Wyatt pulled her into a kiss. Once he was sure her brain was completely fuzzy, Wyatt pulled away and grinned.

“You love me.”

“You wish.”

Steam - Ty Herndon
But when I feel you next to me
Girl the things you know to do
Just make my heat index go through the roof
There's fire in your fingertips
Flames in your touch

The first two cycles after they were married, Wyatt and Adora were lucky to see outside, let alone leave their bedroom. Neither of them saw the point, really. Everything they needed was right there in front of them.

They did go outside, finally, when the temperature had become so unbearably warm inside the cabin that they had to go outside simply to feel a cool breeze. After a game of you-can’t-find-me in the long-grass, they ended up in the pond...

They spent the rest of the night on the porch, as it was still too uncomfortably hot to go inside.

The Only Promise That Remains - Reba McEntire & Justin Timberlake
So when you feel the darkness comin', risin' inside
I'll make a light to guide you back home
And after all the sky is fallin' down
And after all the water's washed away
My love's the only promise that remains

“Are you sure you want to do this? You told me what happened to those men in Central City Square,” Adora asked with a shaky voice.

Wyatt looked up to her but said nothing. She sighed, knowing that he hadn’t considered this decision lightly. Wyatt moved to her and pulled her into a hug.

“He asked me,” Wyatt said calmly. “I-” They had agreed to always make decisions together, but he was honestly stuck.

He knew the Mystic Man would never force him to do something he didn’t want to.

She knew he couldn’t turn down a plea for help.

I'd Never Get Over You - Joey McIntyre
Hey let me hear you say you'll never leave me
'cause I'd never get over you
Hey girl, do you mean it when you say you love me?
It feels like you might have said it to soon
Yeah girl, I know you're thinking I'm a little crazy

Wyatt wasn’t sure why, but some part of him was trying to convince the rest of himself that it was all a lie. Why wouldn’t someone as amazing as Adora choose him? He must be the subject of the Zone’s biggest joke. His stomach was churning, his breathing labored and he couldn’t focus.

He’d heard the guys talking. More specifically, he heard him talking. And the others were laughing.

Suddenly, her hand was covering his. “Are you all right?” she asked. Her other hand moved to his cheek as she looked into his eyes. “Wyatt?”

“Please, don’t listen to Zero.”

Come a Little Closer - Lila McCann
If you can't feel the electricity
Flyin' between you and me
Then maybe you should
Come little closer
One foot in front of the other

Adora was sitting at lunch with her friends when she saw him.

Blonde hair, icy blue eyes, square jaw. She actually forgot how to breathe for a second.

Her brain screamed for him to look her way. He took another step toward where she was and she blinked.

‘If he looks at you, he’ll see you staring, stupid.’

But she couldn’t look away.

‘Don’t stare,’ she willed herself as her brain continued to direct him her way. One of her friends tapped her arm and she turned quickly, having no clue what she’d just been asked.

“Is this seat taken?”

Slow Dance - Michael Peterson
We both had to laugh at the song fate had chosen for
You and me
'cause every word fit so perfectly
And every feeling we felt is still true
Life is a slow dance with you

Adora was cleaning up the plates from dinner when it happened. Wyatt and Jeb were in the other part of the room - Jeb had a new book from Central City - and suddenly, Wyatt had her hand and was pulling the plates away.

She leaned back slightly with a suspicious glance as he pulled her close and began dancing her around the table.

“You have no rhythm, Tin Man,” she said with a laugh. He scoffed at her. “But I give you credit for trying.”

Wyatt winked and leaned in for a kiss as Jeb flipped pages, looking at the pictures.

Last Day of My Life - Phil Vassar
And turn down the lights
And I'm gonna wrap my arms around you
And rock you all through the night
And I'm gonna love you
Like it's the last day of my life

Zero was coming for him; it was inevitable.

The Resistance had been so careful, but Lonot’s defection threw everyone.

They always knew the risks of going against Azkadellia, but they did it anyway. They had to believe there was something better than this.

But there wasn’t. It was going to get worse.

All he wanted was to go home to Adora and Jeb. He would spend what time he had left with them; make the most of it.

If he was lucky, he’d be shot resisting. He didn’t want to hang in Central City Square.

How could he tell Adora?

Tonight I Wanna Be Your Man - Andy Griggs
I swear I caught you looking
Like you don't know me at all
Let me show you who I am
All week I've been your husband
Tonight I wanna be your man

Wyatt was sitting at the table when Adora moved into the kitchen and opened a cupboard. He shifted as she reached for the upper cabinet door and it promptly drooped.

He stopped as he watched her plant her hands on her hips, curse the door and pull open a drawer. He smiled as she pulled out a small screwdriver and proceeded to repair the hinge while mumbling to herself.

Once she finished, Adora spun around to continue her daily chores and jumped at the sight of her husband. “When did you get back?” Wyatt smiled and shook his head.


You Will Be Mine - Faith Hill
You will be mine
I will have loved you
Wrong or right
I will have your heart
You will be mine

Her friends didn’t like him. They said that Wyatt Cain wasn’t worth her trouble. She could do better.

She, of course, agreed with them. But, when she was home alone, away from them, all she could think about was those blue eyes; that jaw.

Why was she letting them make her decisions? She liked him. Everyone knew he liked her.

Perhaps it was time to let the chaser become the chasee.

She knew where he’d be. Would she have the nerve to throw him up against the wall and kiss him? Or should she play innocent?

He had no chance.

Proud of the House We Built - Brooks & Dunn
Lookin' back, I wouldn't have it any other way
I'm proud of the house we built
It's stronger than sticks, stones and steel
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
A lot of things will come and go, but love never will

“Do you ever wonder...” Adora sighed and shook the thought away. She was leaning against Wyatt and smiled as his arms tightened around her.

“Wonder what?” he asked quietly, pressing a kiss into her hair.

Adora sighed and decided he wouldn’t ignore her query. With a sigh, she continued: “If we had taken my parents’ offer and moved to Central City...” Wyatt breathed in and threw a glance to the crib in the corner where Jeb lay sleeping.

While the money would have been better - not to mention indoor plumbing - Wyatt shook his head.

“Wouldn’t trade this for anything, Dor.”

I'll Take That as a Yes (The Hot Tub Song) - Phil Vassar
I'll take that as a yes
It's written all over your face
There's no mistake, no guess, no doubt
No beatin' around the bush
Baby, it's understood

There was a reason they never planned a romantic evening - it never worked out well. But Wyatt wouldn’t let tradition win this time. He’d bought fancy dessert before returning from Central City; he’d made sure they knew at the station not to call him unless there was a death at the palace; and he’d considered every possibility.

He added another log to the fireplace and laid a blanket on the floor. It would be just like their first months together.

The kiss took Adora’s breath away and, as they naturally moved toward the floor, Adora laughed.

Upstairs, newborn Jeb cried.

Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow - Trace Adkins
So let's make love like we never will again
'cause if the sun never rises, I wanna go down in flames
I want the last thing I hear to be you whisperin' my name
If every moment together is time that we borrow
Then hold me tight and love me like there's no tomorrow

“Wyatt...” He didn’t need to look at Adora to know what she could see out the window. He could hear the horses. She bolted for him and they met in the middle of the room. “What-” she asked, pointing wildly to the door. He caught both her arms and pulled her as close as he could, hugging her tightly.

“I love you,” he whispered into her ear.

“No,” she breathed, tears already beginning to fall and she shook her head, refusing to believe what was about to happen.

“I love you,” he said again, not loosening his grip on her.

Torn Apart
Where You Are - Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey
Then I will be free
So take me where you are
Now baby there were times when selfishly
I'm wishing that you are here with me
So I can wipe the tears away from your eyes

She is glad that Jeb is off planning some daring and dangerous operation. If he was here, he would surely share his father’s fate.

She rushed home as the news spread up the road that the Longcoats were headed their direction. Someone said they’d seen a suit. They were looking for a young man.

After all the annuals, they’d finally been found. At least Jeb wasn’t there.

She had resolved to kill Zero herself if given the chance.

Either way, she knew only one of them would be walking away at the end of the day.

‘Wyatt, give me strength...’

Broken - Lindsey Haun
When you're broken in a million little pieces
And you're trying but you can't hold on anymore
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believing in yourself
When you're broken

It’s the small things that snap Adora Cain back to that day; mending a button on Jeb’s shirt, fixing a cup of tea, hanging the wash outside to dry.

It’s when her task is second-nature that her brain slips and she thinks to ask Wyatt what he wants for dinner, or if he’s given her all his dirty socks, because she’s not doing the laundry again for a week and he’ll have to just suffer.

Her eyes shoot to the window, because she swears the horses are just outside.

After so long, she sits down on the floor and cries.

Someone's Watching Over Me - Hilary Duff
Even if it all goes wrong
When I’m standing in the dark, I’ll still believe
Someone’s watching over me
It doesn’t matter what people say
And it doesn’t matter how long it takes

It had rained for days. Jeb was sick and Adora was miserable. They’d been holed up in this little shack for weeks and she was at her wit’s end.

“You’re going to let a little rain and hardship bring you down?” She rolled her eyes and turned to glare at her husband. She knew he wasn’t really there, but it seemed her conscience had decided to take his form.

“It’s getting harder to-”

“That does not sound like the woman I married.”

“You have room to talk?”

“You don’t need me to hold your hand. You’re stronger than that, ‘dora.”

Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go

The night after they found her grave, he moved off to patrol the campsite. When he reached a clearing and could see stars, he dropped to his knees and didn’t try to hold back the tears.

“Damn Zero,” he whispers. ‘He had to go and give me hope.’

It was worse than being put into the suit.

It was his rage and need for revenge that kept him alive all these years; and then to think they were alive...

Killing Zero wouldn’t be enough, not now. Not that he’d intended to live much longer than Zero in the first place.

Endless Night - Jason Raize
Father, I feel so alone
You promised you'd be there
Whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name
You're not anywhere

They’ve heard the whispers. The Sorceress Azkadellia is giving her Longcoats more leash. Some of the Resistance members have left for the far South. They don’t see a point in the fighting. Others are returning to Central City simply because they can no longer survive out here.

Jeb wants her to go to the city. He’s worried about her. He knows she’s strong, but she’s suffered enough. He knows that the blame is misplaced, but it’s easier to put it all on his father.

He just wants to know that he’s doing the right thing.

He wants his father.

(It's Hard) Letting You Go - Bon Jovi
I just miss you - It's the nights that I go insane
Unless you're coming back,
For me, that's one thing I know that won't change
It's hard, so hard - It's tearing out my heart
It's hard letting you go

He remembers to breathe as his brain registers that the suit is empty. His eyes close and he thanks every star in the sky that neither of them shared his fate. Perhaps they are off in the next village, getting supplies. Or Zero showed up and they are on the run again. He can stand to be apart a few more days as long as they’re on the run.

He sees the marker before he can see the words. His world stops turning, his lungs stop working and he swears his heart is about to burst.

He can’t do this again.

All That Remains - Fozzy
Memories whisper at the edge of perception
Silent reminders of a life incomplete
And all that remains
Are the scars to remind me
And all the lives I've thrown away

He doesn’t know how long he’s been in this damn suit. He can’t bear to look out that little window any more. Not that it matters, as he’s seen the images enough that he’s sure he’ll continue to see it long after the loop stops and he’s dead.

He wonders if he’ll ever die. He realizes that he was wrong: he’d rather hang from the gallows in Central City Square. Why didn’t they just shoot him?

If he ever gets out of this thing, he’ll hunt Zero down and finish the job he should have all those cycles ago.


When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

She can’t breathe at night. The room closes in and she panics. She has to stay strong for Jeb; he doesn’t understand why the men came and took his father away. He’s stopped asking, she realizes.

She isn’t sure if that’s a good thing. As she ponders that, she realizes they don’t even talk about him.

She has to go outside to get oxygen.

She doesn’t know what to do without him. Sure, she could function with him gone for days at a time, but he would always come home.

But he would never come home. Not now.

“...miss you...”

It Gets Better - Jo Dee Messina
I’ve walked many a mile down this road on my own
I’ve been through hell on my knees
Come face to face with the Devil
And I know it's hard to believe
But it gets better

For a while, they stayed in Central City. Right under Zero’s nose. Adora had even delivered his laundry to Missus Zero the second.

Eventually, she and Jeb moved back to the country. It was easier for them that way, especially because the Resistance had but cut in half with the last pass of the Longcoats.

Adora had become a camp mother to the families taking refuge with them.

She refused to tell them her story, but told them to stay strong. Most of the women lost their husbands to a bullet. Two to the suit.

Those women, Adora confided in.

Just About Now - Faith Hill
I wonder if I'm gonna make it at all
This is not about trying to go back in time
This is not about where I'll be a year down the line
It's just moment to moment
Surviving somehow

She brought along some of his clothes. On the nights she can’t sleep - which are more often these days - she puts on his shirt and sinks into a corner. She won’t let Jeb see her cry, but it’s getting harder. Maybe, one day, she’ll be able to get through the day without being reminded of him.

But, for now, she suffers the night.

Jeb will be awake soon, and she can’t look like she’s been crying all night. She needs to be strong for him. Closing her eyes, Adora breathes in the smell of her husband before it’s gone forever.

Underneath the Same Moon - Blake Shelton
And I cry, dying without you
I know you're somewhere
Looking up there, too
Right now that's all
Two distant hearts can do

Cain did a quick walk through the campsite to check on the group before moving off through the trees. He still didn’t trust the man-dog, but DG and Raw were back with them and that made him feel infinitely better.

As he reached the treeline, Cain looked up, saw stars and his mind wandered to Adora and Jeb.

He’d been so concerned with getting DG away from Azkadellia that he’d forgotten Zero’s admission.

‘They’re out there. They’re alive.’ Cain felt his insides warm and he couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll find you,” he said into the dark. “I’ll find you.”

A Boy Becomes a Man - Emerson Drive
The day was warm, my heart went cold
Mama said, your daddy's gone
Son, you're gonna have to grow up fast
The two of us is all we have
I need you to be strong

Jeb doesn’t understand.

His father is a Tin Man. He protects people and does what’s right. These men are outside, treating him like a criminal.

His father is no criminal.

His father is brave.

He is brave.

His father protects him and his mother.

He’ll protect his father.

He was told to stay inside, but they came in. He has to protect his mother.

If he disobeys his father, he’ll be in trouble.

His father taught him well. He won’t let them hurt his family.

He knows he’s too small, but he can hear his mother scream.

Jeb will fight.

I'm Still Dancin' With You - Wade Hayes
When the song was over, I held on a little longer
Deep inside I knew that it was wrong
I could hold her in my arms for the rest of the night
But I'd just be leading her on
'cause I'm still dancin' with you

He’s never been one for fancy parties, but he knows his presence makes DG happy.

He’s surprised when she waits until the ball is half over before even moving over to talk to him.

He knows he won’t lose any of his cool exterior if he asks her to dance. Besides, judging by the looks she is shooting her sister - who isn’t getting the point - she could use some rescuing once again.

She sighs in relief as he pulls her away from the young man and rests her forehead against his chest for a moment.

Just like Adora used to.

Scream - Mindy McCready
So tired of walkin' around draggin' this ghost
Can't escape the constant ache that wears on my bones
It's too strong to rub it out
It's stuck like a stain
A permanent reminder drivin' me insane

She wants to slap him for taunting Zero when the Longcoat obviously had the upper hand.

She wants to throw a plate at him for having that smug look on his face while they were beating him.

She wants to punch him for not telling her they were coming for him.

She wants to knock him flat on his ass for leaving her and Jeb alone.

She wants to yell at him for actually making her cry.

She wants to hate him for not saying goodbye.

She wants to hear him say her name again.

She wants it so badly.

Skin - Alexz Johnson
What used to be yours, isn't yours at all
Falling apart and all that I'm asking
Is it a crime, am I overreacting?
Oh, he's under my skin
Just give me something to get rid of him

She holds the glass and looks out the window as a memory comes flooding into her mind. Her breath stops and he blinks away the vision. She needs to stop seeing his face. It’s been nearly two annuals and he’s gone.

So why can she still smell him? She can hear his voice... she can feel his hands on her neck.

Damn them all for not defending him. None of them came to his aid.

She doesn’t remember the glass breaking. She doesn’t remember wrapping a towel around her hand.

She must stay strong. She can’t tell Jeb she’s slipping.

Better to Have Loved - Idina Menzel
Better to have loved than never loved at all
Better to have dreamed than never taken the fall
Better to have loved you and let you in than never to have touched your skin
Better to have hurt and screamed and cried
Fall into the earth for a trip to the sky

His hands are around her neck. She knows this is it.

Her eyelids are heavy and as the light slowly goes out in her eyes, she’s never seen more clearly.

She is going down a fighter. Just like he did.

She had a good life. She has a beautiful son.

She hopes he’ll forgive her for not saying goodbye.

While her life has been hard, she knows that she wouldn’t trade the last eight annuals for anything.

She’ll see him soon. They’ll be together and together, they will wait for Jeb.

She welcomes it. She accepts it.

She is gone.

Haunted - Kelly Clarkson
They took you, they broke you, they tore out your heart
I miss you, you hurt me
You left with a smile
Mistaken, your sadness
Was hiding inside

Jeb noticed she’d stopped sleeping. One of his father’s friends said that she was probably having nightmares about that day. He wanted to help her, but didn’t know what to say.

He was the man of the house now - his father had told that just before he left each time for Central City - and his job was to protect her.

So he did little things, like clearing the table, cleaning up after himself and offering to do chores before she asked.

He would never know that when she closed her eyes, she still saw the smile on Wyatt Cain’s face.

If I Wanted to Forget - Wade Hayes
I could simply get you off my mind
If I wanted to
But then I'd leave behind
All the moments that were
Yours and mine

Cain knows that Glitch means well - though he’s fairly certain that Ambrose is the one pulling the strings here - but he just doesn’t have the heart to tell his friend - again - that he isn’t interested.

“You can’t stay cooped up here, Cain! You need to get out. Live life. Enjoy it. We’re alive, the Zone is safe and-”

It’s Raw who stops Glitch-Ambrose’s rant, and Cain shoot a thankful glance to the Viewer. Raw pulls on Glitch’s arm, saying something about DG needing to see him. Cain smiles slightly, knowing that Raw will play dumb when they finally find her.

EDIT: *facepalm* I just realized that there is a problem with the font color there on the back... So much for being awesome... *eyeroll*

~fanmix, ~challenge, .tinman100, non-fic: tin man, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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