Fic: Spinning Bottles

Dec 09, 2014 23:23

Title: Spinning Bottles
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Giselle, and Catherine
Rating: G
Summary: Grissom laying down the rules..
Warning: Long story short, Grissom and Giselle met in a now-closed RP. When it came time for them to leave, Grissom brought Giselle home with him. *written for a 20-day OTP Kiss challenge. *for bizarra, whose Giselle made Grissom fall in love ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Enchanted belongs to Disney.

"What do you mean?" Giselle asked, giving a confused look to Catherine. Catherine looked from Giselle to Grissom - who had raised an eyebrow - then smiled at the younger woman.

"It's... well," she started before making a face, while Grissom smirked and turned toward the sink. Catherine had been passing her plate across the counter and tapped the wine bottle, which fell on its side, pointing toward Grissom. "It's a game that teenagers play," Catherine finally explained. "You sit in a circle and spin the bottle," she continued, pausing for a moment at the throat clearing Grissom let out. "And when it stops," she added a bit more sternly, giving him a look before smiling at Giselle again, "the person the bottle is pointing to gets a kiss."

"From everyone?"

Catherine shook her head. "Just the spinner."

Giselle made a face and looked at the bottle. "That seems like a silly game," she replied. Of course, most of the things in this world were silly, in her mind.

"It is silly," Grissom nodded, reaching for her plate. "And I don't want you playing it with anyone," he warned. Giselle's face scrunched.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I said so."

~challenge, series: grissom&giselle, fic: enchanted, ~drabble, fic: csi

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