Fic: Runner

Sep 28, 2014 16:54

Title: Runner
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora and a random Longcoat (mention of Wyatt and implied-Zero)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: An attack leaves Adora running for her life.
Warning: pre-series; mention of attempted rape and death by rock *Written for September Table of Doom at writerverse Prompts: Then she buttoned her jacket up over her ripped chemise. (Anno Dracula - Kim Newman), "Listen to your heart, not your head." (Days of our Lives: Forsaken Dreams - Tara Lee), "I have a thing about being near the water." (Jaws - Peter Benchley), and "No compass? you'll end up in China." (Zia - Scott O'Dell)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The forest was silent, save the light rustling of the leaves. Adora moved quickly, certain that every step was echoing through the air, letting the Longcoats know exactly where she was. She didn't even know how long she had been running, or if she was even heading away from the road.

It was only a matter of time before the squad of Longcoats found their missing officer, lying just off the path, with his trousers undone. They would most likely assume he had simply stepped off the trail to relieve himself, and had been attacked while indisposed.

There would be no reason for anyone to think he had been the attacker.

Adora could barely feel her legs as she continued running, and finally had to stop. Collapsing in a heap, she gasped for air while still fighting the tears that wanted to fall. How had she let the Longcoat catch her? How had she let him overpower her?

She froze as an odd sound caught her ear. Turning, Adora scanned the trees, thankful she was on the ground. After a moment, she turned back and realized the sound was coming from a small stream. She crawled toward the water, every muscle in her legs screaming, and stuck her hands into the crystal clear water.

The feeling of cold against her bruised knuckles was both a relief and worse than the pain in her legs. Her hands shaking, more from the attack than anything, Adora tried to wash the man's blood off her hands. She scrubbed as best she could, and glanced down, realizing that there was blood on her chest, too. Adora yanked her outer coat off and then pulled the torn shirt over her head.

She plunged the shirt into the water, begging whomever might be listening in the skies above to make the stains disappear. As she watched the red trail forming in the water, Adora closed her eyes, trying not to see the man's face. Closing her eyes didn't help, though, because that just made his face clearer.

He'd thrown her to the ground and pinned her, and while he was fighting his belt, Adora had tried to pull herself away. His knee pressed into hers as he pulled her back, but Adora had managed to close her fingers around a good-sized - and shaped - rock. As he climbed over her and yanked the collar of her shirt, Adora gritted her teeth and swung, blindly.

Though it only took a moment for the man to fall sideways, it took Adora almost a minute to realize he'd stopped attacking her. She dropped the rock, covered in a thick red slime, and shoved his dead weight off of her enough that she could pull herself free. Sucking in deep breaths, Adora stared at the man for a moment, completely blank. Run! the voice in her head urged, and Adora turned and disappeared into the woods.

Adora pulled the shirt from the stream and twisted as much of the water out as she could. It was still damp, but the blood wasn't nearly as obvious. Setting the shirt across her lap, Adora leaned forward and cupped some of the water into her hands, then splashed it on her face. Another cup went to her chest and shoulder, to get any more of the man's blood off her. She wanted to throw up, but knew that there was no time. She needed to get back to safety, as fast as possible.

Giving her shirt another good squeeze, Adora pulled it over her head and reached for her coat. Standing as she pulled it on, Adora looked around, trying to place any landmark. Nothing was familiar. She knew which way she'd come from, and continuing in the opposite direction was clearly her best bet, whether she had a path to follow or not.

Adora finished closing the buttons of her coat and looked at her hands. Even though most of the blood was gone, she could still see it. The sun caught her wedding band and the quick flash caused Adora to blink. Even though he wasn't with her, Adora could hear her husband's voice as plain as if he was standing next to her.

Follow the water.

Adora nodded to nothing and took large handfuls of her skirt before stepping back a few times, giving her room to get a running start. As she vaulted over the stream, Adora sucked in a deep breath and started running again, hoping that crossing to the other bank would buy her just a little more time.

With an officer dead, the Longcoats would start hunting for Resistance members. Adora needed to get back to the camp; she needed to warn them. They needed to be ready to defend themselves.

They needed to relocate.

~challenge, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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